Example sentences of "for 10 years " in BNC.

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1 The gods had drawn them together , and together for 10 years or so they would make music , exploring the world and themselves , unharried by outside pressures , responding only to the more meaningful pressures of life and love .
2 There are also professionally-applied textured coatings which are sprayed on , and should last for 10 years or more .
3 World champion for 10 years between 1975 and 1985 , he has , since losing the title , been doggedly pursuing the man who took it from him , Garry Kasparov .
4 She did n't think to question the treatment her doctors advocated - as a research biochemist who had worked in the pharmaceutical industry for 10 years , the benefits of modern medicine had been instilled in her .
5 The 10-feet high palings , with their broad central gates and twin gas lamps , may not be as imposing as the metal fence around Buckingham Palace , but they do , in their modest way , suggest a sense of grandeur appropriate to a leader who has held office for 10 years .
6 ‘ The British people will say to themselves : ‘ Well here 's a government that 's got a majority of 100 , they 've been in office for 10 years , they 've had all these opportunities , and at the end of 10 years all they can think of to do is to make individual attacks on the Leader of the Opposition . ’
7 The two had lived together on and off in London for 10 years .
8 It is not just their passionate hatred of the Vietnamese that has kept the Khmer Rouge together in the malarial jungles for 10 years .
9 James Palmer , who bungled an attempt to push his neighbour over a cliff in Exmouth , Devon , was jailed yesterday by Bristol Crown Court for 10 years .
10 What he will not have overlooked is that Churchill — for 10 years ( between 1929 and 1939 ) , the only comparable ‘ outsider ’ within the Tory Party — did not vault straight into the prime ministership .
11 We 've been bugged for 10 years by a reputation for extremism and division , which we 're just getting rid of .
12 Its first new-car launch for 10 years , and the first new shape to be badged solely as a Bentley since the Continental R-type of 1952 , was launched with a fanfare that almost out-Victored Victor Gauntlett .
13 I lived with a man for 10 years .
14 AFORMER council youth leader known as the general was jailed for 10 years yesterday after organising three acid house parties at which hard drugs were openly available .
15 Robert Hand , a Leicester-based civil servant and Yorkshire member for 10 years , intends to move the vote unless ‘ positive steps are taken to put things right ’ at a meeting of the full committee on November 28 .
16 Mr Field , MP for Birkenhead for 10 years , will see Mr Kinnock next week before deciding his next move .
17 Mr Hart , 45 , has been a screenwriter for 10 years , but Hook is his first major film .
18 An investor who placed £30 a month into the savings scheme for 10 years to March 31 would have amassed £8,495 after expenses .
19 Three years ago , having worked as a psychologist for 10 years and become disillusioned with traditional psychotherapy , Sobchak opened Russia 's first Ladies ' School of Charm as an experiment .
20 Sometime this year , when they find the five-bedroom house and 100 acres or so they want , they will take themselves and the building business they have run for 10 years down there permanently .
21 As long as at least 6,000 valid ostraka were handed in , the man who gained most votes was forced to leave Attica for 10 years , though not in dishonour ( he was still allowed , for example , to draw income from his properties , and he returned a free citizen when his time was up ) .
22 City : Keating jailed for 10 years over ‘ junk ’ deception
23 Four months ago at Maastricht , Mr Major was the new boy , the cadet among titans who had led their countries for 10 years or more : Kohl , Mitterrand and Andreotti , men who shared a vision of a tightly-integrated monetary and political union and who rode roughshod over Britain .
24 JOHAN TUMBA , the Swedish professional found guilty of cheating and banned for 10 years in January , had the sentence reduced to three years on appeal yesterday .
25 This mechanism paved the way for two ‘ Financial Advisers ’ to be appointed ( ‘ pro tem ’ ) , but who were in fact to run the Club 's affairs — along with Barclays Bank as Treasurer — for 10 years .
26 In 1961 , Arnold Claisse became President , a post he held most successfully for 10 years , during which the niggles about the bondholding autocracy increased and first surfaced formally at the 1970 Annual General Meeting .
27 But in the Soviet Union , physicists have been making steady progress for 10 years in speeding up QCD calculations .
28 For 10 years few people knew anything about it .
29 The Family Bond is a tax-exempt , unit-linked , endowment policy , with contributions payable for 10 years only .
30 For 10 years she has managed her garden , in the suburbs of Leicester , in ways that encourage wildlife .
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