Example sentences of "for their future " in BNC.

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1 Amid some confusion over ‘ quality thresholds ’ , all existing ITV companies will have to bid for their futures and this will affect ITN .
2 This measure , whose public cost was negligible , was passed despite the opposition of thousands of untrained midwives who feared , reasonably enough , for their futures .
3 ‘ They 're playing for their futures at this club , ’ he said .
4 Staff in the regions affected say they 're worried for their futures .
5 WHILE the people of Hong Kong , stripped of any useful British nationality by successive immigration laws , fear for their future after the massacre at Peking in June , many Macao citizens , just 40 miles away across the Pearl River delta , rest secure in the knowledge that Portugal will offer them a guaranteed home of last resort after it returns their territory to China in 1999 .
6 Surely the peoples of the Soviet Union are entitled to know what any changes in Central Europe would mean for their future and security .
7 ‘ Surely the peoples of the Soviet Union are entitled to know what any changes in central Europe would mean for their future and their security .
8 Above all , it will reduce tit-for-tat politics and introduce much greater stability into government , allowing individuals and businesses alike to plan for their future with confidence .
9 Gerrard , two , and his sister Mattie , four , will each get £12,500 , to be invested for their future .
10 The implications of this for their future as well as their present financial circumstances are obvious .
11 Students had high expectations for their future with the renewed emphasis on ‘ expertise ’ rather than ‘ redness ’ .
12 We do , as stated earlier , have an overriding obligation to prepare our graduates for their future through provision of not only conceptual understanding but also practical experience across all sectors of the profession .
13 Gaining the trust of such youngsters is one of the most important elements of the work , listening to them , exploring the circumstances leading to running away , giving them time to disclose painful incidents from their past , involving them openly in all aspects of planning and negotiating a mutually agreeable solution for their future with parents or guardians ( De'Ath and Newman , 1987 ; Adams and Adams , 1987 ; De'Ath , 1987 ) .
14 Many of the children in care were young , and unless positive steps to plan for their future were taken , they would continue like the older children in their sample to wait for lengthy periods in care .
15 I hope that gradually we will stop seeing them begging on the streets without any prospects for their future .
16 Adenauer was also pleased that soon afterwards , in October 1955 , the people of the coal-rich Saar , which had been separated from Germany in 1946 ( at French insistence ) , rejected French plans for their future .
17 When they were born , my only thought for their future was for them to be happy and healthy .
18 I would like to propose a toast to Annabelle and Steven , wishing them much joy and happiness for their future together .
19 Plans for their future brought them into political contact with enemies of the ninth electorate which led first to the secret murder of Königsmarck in 1694 , with the connivance of Ernst August , and later to Sophia Dorothea 's confinement in her father 's keeping at the palace of Ahlden , following her divorce from Georg Ludwig in 1694 , which carried the rider that she could not remarry .
20 I watch chalky earth plains give way to natural forest and fear for their future .
21 In the evening he takes classes for the village children and perhaps acts as a model for their future .
22 There is an overwhelming body of evidence that British employers are more aware of the importance of training for their future than has ever been the case in the past .
23 Edinburgh received funding in 1989 as part of the Enterprise in Higher Education Initiative to assist students to prepare themselves for their future .
24 Maybe Maria Luisa was such a deep part of his life now that there was no hope for their future .
25 The family on benefit who fear for their future .
26 It will list details of all children with disabilities or special needs , and will help health and education officials plan for their future more effectively .
27 Farmworkers fear for their future if the Board now under government review is scrapped .
28 So if we 've er if we 've explored the needs satisfactorily there may be more than one need there may be a need for life insurance , pension planning , some form of PHI , maybe they want to save for their future or
29 and just the , the part here , I mean this , this I do n't know if it 's right or if it 's wrong but when you said I wan na put twenty quid towards my children 's future perhaps the way I would see is I , I would think twenty quid 'll go nowhere for their future , it 's gon na be a lot more expensive so as you 're openly offering me to take the money off you for that I would have perhaps gone down to try and commit you towards that need there and then to see how important it is and then , because when I er eventually bring back erm the sort of agenda and say look it 's gon na cost you a hundred and twenty quid a month erm you 're sort of sold on the idea .
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