Example sentences of "for the ministry " in BNC.

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1 More problematic will be Labour 's plan for the Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food .
2 A spokeswoman for the ministry said that it had seen a draft of the report earlier in the year and had felt that it had made ‘ inappropriate use ’ of the generalised derived limits .
3 A spokesman for the ministry confirmed that an outbreak of food poisoning in Bedworth in July had been traced back to the monastery .
4 A spokesman for the ministry said it would continue consultation with Mother Catherine , and would be studying the papers submitted by the lawyers .
5 A man who spent four heady years as an undergraduate was often advised to go to another place to train for the ministry .
6 The alleged cancer risk found in the American studies was re-examined and rejected by the Committee on Toxicity , a panel of scientists who work jointly for the Ministry of Agriculture and the Department of Health .
7 Dr Nathaniel Micklem , who himself had been deeply involved with the Christian opposition in Germany , accepted him for training at Mansfield College , Oxford , for the ministry .
8 Dr Nathaniel Micklem , who himself had been deeply involved with the Christian opposition in Germany , accepted him for training at Mansfield College , Oxford , for the ministry .
9 He entered Lancashire Independent College , Manchester , in 1844 to study for the ministry , and hard work made up for ‘ the lack of university training and degree , not then so accessible ’ .
10 Wesleyans had smarted most from criticisms that their ministers were neither educated nor cultured and admitted the need for a ‘ cultivated as well as a consecrated ministry ’ , a ministry of young men of ‘ piety and culture ’ with ‘ a more thorough training … and a more complete equipment for the Ministry ’ .
11 The problem was too many men applying for too few places ; in 1895 , eighty-seven men passed the required examination for the ministry although the college still had only sixty places .
12 A committee was appointed to report on the situation in 1901 because Conference wanted to know how to secure candidates ‘ of higher educational proficiency and others of special promise ’ and they wanted the committee 's views on the ‘ desirability of raising the standard of the examinations for the ministry ’ as well as the possible need to give candidates ‘ a more thorough training … and a more complete equipment ’ .
13 ‘ Oh yes , ' ’ I said , ‘ ‘ but now they all work for the Ministry of the Interior .
14 In January 1956 Jacques requested from each tutor-organiser a summary of the previous six months ' work , in order to prepare a general report for the Ministry of Education .
15 There are separate military reactors at Calder Hall , across the river from Sellafield , and at Chapelcross , near Annan in Dumfriesshire , whose job is primarily to produce plutonium for the Ministry of Defence .
16 I 'm leaving shortly for the Ministry . ’
17 In 1922 the chief drainage engineer for the Ministry of Agriculture reflected thus upon the constructive uses to which he had put the heroes home from the trenches :
18 We expect Jesus to be in the right place at the right time , therefore his choosing of male apostles was quite deliberate , which must have theological significance and definite implications for the ministry today .
19 Three of the peers accepted : Lord Woolton , the hugely successful wartime Minister of Food and begetter of ‘ Woolton Pies ’ , became Lord President , with responsibility for co-ordinating the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries and the Ministry of Food ; Lord Leathers , former Minister of War Transport , became overlord for the Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation and the Ministry of Fuel and Power ; Lord Cherwell , ‘ the Prof ’ , Churchill 's personal boffin in wartime , returned to his old post of Paymaster General with responsibility for co-ordinating work on the Bomb , scientific research and development generally , and Churchill 's revived personal think-tank , the Statistical Branch .
20 Having just finished a talk to a class of candidates for the ministry in a major denomination I was ‘ verbally assaulted ’ by the principal of the theological college concerned who picked up on a brief reference I made to Creation and Evolution and proceeded to state in the strongest possible terms that many true Christians believe in the theory of evolution and reject the biblical account of a literal six day creation as recorded in Genesis .
21 Calder Hall 's four reactors and the quartet at Chapel Cross , Dumfriesshire , now run by British Nuclear Fuels Ltd , produce plutonium for the Ministry of Defence .
22 A spokesman for the Ministry of Defence police who went to the party , said : ‘ I 've been told not to say anything . ’
23 Nora had bowed to the inevitable and accepted Mr Laker , a silent and sad Mancunian who worked as an inspector for the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries .
24 British Aerospace , National Westminster Bank and Cable & Wireless have joined together to contribute £1 million to purchase 100,000 Mercurycards for the Ministry of Defence to distribute to British personnel in the Gulf .
25 A customised robust variant of it has been designed for the Ministry of Defence under quality-assurance procedures .
26 He went to see the bishop , the Bishop of Rosington , to ask about training for the ministry .
27 A recent report compiled by an independent task force for the Ministry of Culture and Communications declares the gallery 's management ‘ basically sound ’ , and requests a three-year funding package to stabilise operations , but the report also advises , rather ominously , that the Gallery reduce dependence on government funding 40% by the year 2000 , giving high priority to ‘ broadening its audience ’ .
28 Bloody well done , the S.A.S. Bissett , along with almost everyone else at A.W.E. , had a profound disrespect for the Ministry police .
29 All the published sermons preached at St Paul 's Cross in London from 1570 onwards took a firm Calvinist line on predestination , and the theology faculties at the universities dispensed doctrinal Calvinism to those training for the ministry ; meanwhile the laity were provided with the Genevan Bible in 1560 and a Calvinist catechism in 1563 .
30 Work is also under way on a project for the Ministry of Agriculture , Food and Fisheries .
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