Example sentences of "for a cup " in BNC.

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1 Would you like to come round for a cup of tea ? ’
2 Then , when the first big shower starts , rather than stand under the wings in the rain everyone will desert the launch point for a cup of tea , leaving the gliders apparently well parked and weighted with tyres but , in fact , vulnerable to a change in the wind direction .
3 Sara began to look for a cup .
4 Weary constituency and trade union delegates , queuing for a cup of tea and a sandwich , constantly risk ending up with a signed copy of someone 's memoirs .
5 He had stopped twice on the way up , at Norman Cross for lunch at the Merrie England cafe , and at Dave 's Diner near Retford for a cup of tea .
6 • If you wake during the night ( sometimes because you need to empty your bladder ) then return to bed and relax as soon as possible , Do not get up for a cup of tea or snack as this will give misleading information to your body clock .
7 Just time for a cup of coffee , she thinks , but she will have to make it herself as the office is short staffed , with the Corporal Clerk away representing the Corps at the celebrations to mark the tenth anniversary of the Queen Mother being appointed Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports .
8 With the paperwork finished , it 's across to the Mess for a cup of tea and to catch up on the rest of the news .
9 Will you come in for a cup of tea ?
10 ‘ You 'll stop for a cup of tea , Jos ? ’ she said .
11 For this to work though , it was absolutely essential to get them to their spot a minute or two ahead of her , and to achieve that we had arranged for Mrs Thatcher to pause for a cup of coffee with the VIPs in a small room just outside the terminal door .
12 ‘ I went to the hospitality lounge for a cup of tea at about seven , and found Masha there before me . ’
13 In 1986 this was formalised as an annual fixture playing for a Cup , generously presented by the Worple Society .
14 ‘ I 'm dying for a cup of tea , ’ Charlie announced .
15 Do come to the hall for a cup of coffee or tea while you are waiting ’ help to maintain a positive atmosphere when timing goes awry ?
16 If not , she could try to find somewhere for a cup of tea .
17 Twice she asked him to stay for a cup of tea , but he refused .
18 Before you visit the Church of St Clement and the Clementinum , you might like to stop for a cup of coffee at the House of the Golden Snake .
19 The other time that they used to sit down together was for a cup of tea or coffee at six in the morning , which was when the man got home , and often as not that was when Boy got home too .
20 If you 'd care to come in for a cup of tea , now that you 've got out and everything , you 'd be most welcome .
21 just as cliché haunted Henry 's daily journey to the train , his socks from Marks and Spencers ' , his regular nightly bedtime , his fondness for a cup of tea at ten thirty in the evening , just as he seemed to be destined to be as remorselessly English as the plane trees in the street outside or the homecoming commuters clacking through the twilight towards the village , so his one existential act ( had n't someone called it that ? ) seemed destined for suburban predictability .
22 ‘ To alter that system , even for a Cup final , would be folly , and for that reason we think there is no place like home and Highbury for keeping the minds and bodies of our players in perfect tune . ’
23 After work one evening , Dad brought one of his workmates , Harry Acton , home for a cup of tea .
24 Then they 'll say ‘ I 'll stop for a cup of tea then — oh , I ca n't go now it 's too late , I think I 'll stop tonight but I must go home tomorrow ’ . ’
25 With the minimum of props and the only gesture being a raised paw , he asked for the money for a cup of coffee , guv , sported a patch over one eye concealing a wound sustained in the service of his country , at the same time dragging a wooden leg fitted during the retreat from Moscow while maintaining that he had a bitch and five pups to support and did not know where his next meal was coming from .
26 There were also some roadworks along the route and we did not pass our usual stopping place for a cup of tea so we pressed straight on to Brighton . ’
27 He got up , went out into the courtyard to piss and on to the kitchen to beg for a cup of watered ale and a slice of greasy bacon to silence the hunger pangs of his stomach for he had not eaten since leaving Holy Rood Abbey the previous day .
28 Time for a cup of tea before they 're due in down the road .
29 Those who are newly bereaved and naturally dread the loneliness of returning to an empty house should be visited frequently in their own homes ; and when you are able to persuade them to get out of their own four walls as much as possible for fresh air and exercise and to meet others and visit relatives , it can be a considerable help if you can bring them home and go in with them for a cup of tea or a chat , even if it is only just for a quarter of an hour .
30 When someone has been found , if they are strangers , it is sensible to invite them first to drop in for a cup of tea , to make sure that they can establish a good rapport with your parent , and that the two will get along well together .
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