Example sentences of "for [art] royal " in BNC.

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1 Within a year , he was cooking for the Royal Box and state galas .
2 Sir Antony , in a letter to Senator John Warner , who is the leading Republican on the Senate armed services committee , said that ‘ any withholding of productive funding … would have a knock-on effect which could delay the arrival of the first missiles for the Royal Navy , and continue to impose time and cost penalties on the British Trident programme ’ .
3 YORK HOUSE 4 October : The Duchess of Kent , as President , this morning presided at the launch of the Appeal for the Royal Northern College of Music , Manchester , and this afternoon , opened Skelton House at Manchester Science Park , and attended the South Manchester Health Authority 's Annual Nurse Prize Giving at the Armitage Centre , Fallowfield , Manchester .
4 The last of the funerals took place in Deal , Kent , for the Royal Marines bandsmen killed in the IRA bombing .
5 Roy Dennis , North of Scotland officer for the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds , said there could be as few as 2,000 left in the highlands , an 80 per cent decline in the past 15 years .
6 A network of high-speed pan-European rail services could help to reduce road traffic jams within the Continent and ease pollution , he says in a report , Transport in the Nineties , the Shaping of Europe , for the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors , which meets in Paris this Thursday and Friday .
7 The advance has proved highly accurate in recognising continuously spoken airborne reconnaissance reports for the Royal Air Force .
8 He must have felt like Sir Norman Hartnell wondering what to wear for the Royal Enclosure at Ascot .
9 No one gets rich working for the Royal Family .
10 It was very basic indeed , and only by dint of preparation for the royal visitor did it have any carpeting on the stairs .
11 The other outstanding cup tie , between Old Loughtonians and Broxbourne , has been arranged for Sunday week because Broxbourne are involved in the last of the East qualifiers for the Royal Bank English Indoor Championship .
12 The other outstanding cup tie , between Old Loughtonians and Broxbourne , has been arranged for Sunday week because Broxbourne are involved in the last of the East qualifiers for the Royal Bank English Indoor Championship .
13 ‘ And you watch out for the royal governess ! ’
14 Paul Dart , set designer for the Royal Opera House , created this shop display at Obsessions using revolving mobiles and disco lights .
15 Italian firm Same-Lamborghini brought over a pair of tractors for the Royal show with its extraordinary Global Monitor video system first seen at the Italian Bologna show .
16 It rolled and lapped around us , buffeting and glorious , the enthusiastic expression of love for the Royal family and delight in seeing the Royal horse win .
17 The motive for this system was the provision of income for the royal treasury from the fees charged on the transaction of money-changing ; it was not prompted by any financial crisis .
18 They were valued mainly as sources of timber for the Royal Navy but , in the absence of an effective forestry policy of conservation and production , the yields were small .
19 Timber was still required in large quantities for the Royal Navy : a warrant was issued in November 1611 , for example , for felling 1,800 oaks in the New Forest and in Shotover , Stowood and Bernwood Forests for this purpose .
20 They were , in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries , responsible for the general management of this category of Crown properties — for the felling of timber in the forests for the Royal Navy , for repairs to Crown property , for royal gifts to subjects , or for sale ; for dealing with claims to customary rights in the Forest , for paying the keepers ' wages and for providing hay for the deer in times of scarcity .
21 Their ‘ Vicinity to the Dockyards ’ made them a vital source of timber for the Royal Navy ; therefore it was ‘ a National Object to keep and to improve ’ them .
22 Only the Strand block , now appropriately ( if not very elegantly ) occupied by the Courtauld Institute Galleries , which opened there in 1990 , was intended for ‘ cultural ’ use — as premises for the Royal Academy and other learned bodies .
23 Asked whether , if the Tories lost the vote , the Queen would call for Mr Kinnock to form a government , Mr Heseltine said : ‘ That would be a matter for the Royal prerogative . ’
24 My ambition for the Royal Court is simply to create the most exciting theatre in London .
25 RORY Underwood makes his last appearance of the season at Twickenham today when he plays for the Royal Air Force against the Army in the crucial final match of this year 's Inter Service tournament .
26 His production of Mrs Warren 's Profession for the National Theatre in 1971 steered cunningly clear of melodrama ; his Much Ado About Nothing for the Royal Shakespeare Company in 1971 featured white parasols and sun-dappled lawns that seemed to evoke the world of Turgenev .
27 Later in 1974 , however , Eyre uncovered another masterpiece for the Royal Shakespeare Company with Frank Wedeking 's The Marquis of Keith , the tale of a cynical racketeer who exploits the German passion for kultur by projecting a ‘ Multi-Dome Art Palace ’ , for which various dupes are only too eager to put their hands into their pockets .
28 I do n't see how they can work for the Royal Family , either .
29 A spokesman for the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds said : ‘ The hooded crow is a bit of a camp follower of man , and is attracted to anywhere that agriculture is going on .
30 ‘ We are now the only county council with a voting button in the gents , ’ says a spokesman for the Royal County .
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