Example sentences of "for [art] job " in BNC.

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1 Yet on the other hand , new employers in offices on the Isle of Dogs are not required to take on any local people or train people for the jobs that are on offer .
2 It is bad for morale , and therefore bad for your performance in subsequent interviews , if you are constantly rejected because you are clearly unsuitable for the jobs for which you apply .
3 It could also be that there is a general deficiency of demand for labour throughout the economy , in which case the involuntarily unemployed workers will face fierce competition for the jobs that do become available .
4 This is the unemployment , sometimes called frictional unemployment , which occurs because workers are searching for the jobs which suit them best .
5 The Careers Service will act as a " broker " for the jobs offered to students from Compact firms .
6 ‘ But that 's the reason for the jobs , ’ he said .
7 Most weekends , they labour side by side to conserve funds for the jobs they can not tackle .
8 When you had too many men for the jobs that needed doing , did the men get paid ?
9 He 'd explain that in the kerfuffle last night he had n't been paid for the jobs he 'd done .
10 Also children want to learn , to enable them to acquire qualifications needed for the jobs they would like to do when they leave education .
11 At the same time , we have been able to achieve a dramatic reduction in inflation — which , because it is better than the European Community average , means that there are better prospects for exporting firms and for the jobs in them .
12 Furthermore , training schemes do not produce the skills or the qualifications for the jobs that are needed in Britain at this time .
13 Finally , why will the Government not allow the extra European funds to be spent in the coalfields to make up for the jobs that have been lost ?
14 The late starts and late finishes for the jobs are obtained by a backward pass through the network .
15 The late starts and late finishes for the jobs are obtained by a backward pass through the network .
16 of the , the national average and it 's not because erm they 're paying high wages to get the , the most able people , it 's because there are mechanisms , institutional mechanisms that keep wages high , there 's no market in the jobs for , th these are generalizations but I think they are fairly , fairly true erm becau there is no market for er for the jobs , for civil service jobs that appointments are made and it is much more important who you know than , than what , what you know and the old boy network , as it 's called , in this country is fairly important in the English Civil Service but a similar sort of network tends to be far more important in developing countries , something that is euphemistically called patronage erm but we might call the old boy network or er er jobs for the boys whatever , but erm
17 And and the women , are very difficult about apply for the jobs , so I think it 's going to take an awful long time , erm , I 'm all in favour of equal opportunities , erm , on all accounts , and I would agree with Councillor that one of the difficulties about registered dis disability is that , a lot of people who could actually be a registered disabled person , but for reasons of pride , do n't want to be registered disabled .
18 She was told that more than 3,000 people had applied for the jobs .
19 Interviews for the jobs started at a Belfast hotel last Thursday and will continue until tomorrow .
20 Just the same as , see there 's so many out of work the amount of people that are going for the jobs , there 's so many of them they erm they 're all got some sort of experience , even if it 's just doing a a week .
21 Cook is the most observant woman , and parlourmaids have to be of a noticing cast of mind , otherwise they would n't be any good for the job , would they , sir ? ’
22 My only training and instruction for the job was given by a detective chief inspector , who told us to ‘ get out there and lock up thieves ’ .
23 One of Lyon 's responsibilities was to ensure that the cantor , who led the singing on behalf of the congregation , was fit for the job .
24 I found a piece of quarter-sawn oak in my wood store , which would do perfectly for the job .
25 I 'm not sure that a radial-arm saw is accurate enough for this at the best of times , but , at the moment , mine rattles up and down its rails like a train in the sidings , and is definitely not fit for the job .
26 It 's worth hiring a heavyduty cutting jig if you have a lot of quarries to cut ; ordinary cutters are n't strong enough for the job .
27 Possible applications range from loft insulation to making fitted furniture , so selecting the right board for the job is vital .
28 I have in mind How To Read , a disastrously misnamed little treatise , since its real subject is How to Write , and it is addressed to what Pound called ( with the engagingly dated Edwardian elegance that he never wholly shed ) ‘ the neophyte ’ — that is to say , to the young American writer who wants to know as soon as possible , though at the expense of considerable exertion which he is prepared for , how to assemble his kit of tools for the job in hand and others that he can dimly foresee .
29 He might , for those reasons , be an attractive compromise candidate for the job of post-1997 chief executive ; but his abilities as a manager have yet to be underpinned by the more visceral instincts of a committed politician .
30 ALTHOUGH the British government would deny ‘ grooming ’ a candidate from within the ranks of its Hong Kong civil service for the job of chief executive after transition in 1997 , it has given John Chan , 46 , a series of fast-track official posts which make him a credible contender for the job .
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