Example sentences of "was appoint head " in BNC.

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1 Jim Nind , a teacher with progressive views on primary teaching , was appointed head and the school opened in August 1988 with 137 pupils .
2 In 1981 he moved to programmes and planning , helping to coordinate Harwell 's programmes , while still maintaining contacts with the European Commission and DTI officials , and was appointed head of research planning and information services in 1983 .
3 These special forces were used as infantry , although the Independent Companies had been hurriedly raised for guerrilla operations , an idea fostered by Major Holland , an engineer who , by a lucky chance , was appointed head of the general staff 's research section , then known as GS(R) , in 1938 .
4 As soon as Edouard Balladur was appointed head of the new conservative government in March , he told them that he would be asking for sacrifices to clean up what he claimed was the worst economic mess France had known since 1945 .
5 In 1989 , for instance , the 53-year-old former ‘ polytechnicien ’ , Yves Sillard , was appointed head of the DGA : he was not yet 30 when , in I 965 , the CNES entrusted him with the construction of the Kourou space centre .
6 He returned to the School in December 1945 and was appointed Head of Department in 1952 on the death of Mr. Paine , with whom he had pioneered oral methods of teaching French back in the 1930s .
7 Woods worked directly under Michael Balcon when he was appointed head of production in 1947 and was responsible for employing Ardizzone , Bawden , Barnett Freedman , Peake , Minton , Piper , Searle and others , to produce posters and other advertising material .
8 Thakin Tun Ok was appointed head of a baho asoya or central administration for a brief while until the Japanese turned to Ba Maw , released from Mogok jail , who headed an ‘ Independence preparatory Committee ’ .
9 Randolph Fields had already recruited to the nascent operation two former Laker executives , Roy Gardner , who later became Virgin Atlantic 's chief executive , and David Tait , who was appointed head of the American operation .
10 In 1910 Aglen became officiating inspector-general , and on Hart 's death was appointed head of the service by the Chinese government .
11 In 1909 Cumming was appointed head of what became the foreign section of the Secret Service Bureau ( the forerunner of the Secret Intelligence Service , better known as SIS or MI6 ) .
12 A period in the engineering department saw him promoted from senior mechanical engineer to head of mechanical engineering before he was appointed head of facilities for BP 's northern district which included the Buchan , Beatrice , SWOPS , Clyde , Thistle and Magnus upstream activities .
13 Gen. Domenico Corcione was appointed head of the armed forces in succession to Gen. Mario Porta who retired at the end of March 1990 .
14 On May 10 , 1990 , Deputy Minister of the Interior Krzsztof Kozlowski was appointed head of the new State Protection Office , which replaced the security police of the previous regime .
15 Frantisek Pavlicek was appointed head of Czechoslovak radio on Feb. 2 , Petr Uhl head of CTK on Feb. 14 , and Jiri Kanturek head of Czechoslovak television on March 12 .
16 After unification Konrad Porzner , a longstanding SPD member of the Bundestag , was appointed head of the BND .
17 Lopo Fortunato Ferreira Do Nascimento , hitherto Provincial Commissioner for Huíla and a former Prime Minister , was appointed head of the Angolan government 's negotiating team in mid-November .
18 The seats included Sope 's own and that of President Fred Timikata who was appointed head of state after the imprisonment of his predecessor , a relative of Sope 's who was implicated in the events of 1988 .
19 In June Maria Luis Perdigao Abrantes was appointed head of the foreign investment office , to replace Aguinaldo Jaime who had become Finance Minister [ see p. 37523 ] .
20 Shaikh Khalifa continued during 1990 with his plans to introduce new blood into the country 's leading positions ; in January Abdulla Khalid al-Attiya , an experienced commercial banker , was appointed head of the Qatar Monetary Agency [ see p. 37432 ] .
21 Frank Wolter , 47 , responsible for the organization 's trade review publications , was appointed head of the Agriculture Division , and Jagdish Bhagwati of Columbia University in New York , an exponent of free trade policies , was appointed economic policy adviser to Dunkel .
22 Yegor Yakovlev , editor of the liberal Moskovskiye novosti ( Moscow News ) , was appointed head of the Union Broadcasting Company .
23 Marian Terlecki , a Solidarity activist , who was appointed head of the Television and Radio Committee in January 1991 , immediately announced the dissolution of the Committee , which had been " a powerful propaganda tool " in the communist period .
24 Janusz Ziolkowski was appointed head of the Presidential Chancellery , and Jerzy Milewski was appointed Minister of State and also as Secretary of the Committee for National Defence , replacing Maciej Zalewski .
25 Viktor Barannikov , USSR Interior Minister , was appointed head of the new Russian Ministry .
26 Alvaro Cunhal , 79 , resigned on Dec. 4 after 32 years as secretary-general of the Portuguese Communist Party and was appointed head of the party 's new national council ; Carlos Carvalhas was elected as his successor .
27 Mary Law was appointed head of Humanities in September 1978 with the specific task of reorganizing that area of the curriculum .
28 The Russian invasion forestalled this , and after the coup a Soviet nominee , Babrak Kabul , a hard-line Marxist and former deputy prime minister , was appointed head of state .
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