Example sentences of "was read the " in BNC.

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1 All the pirate had to do was to read the source ( original ) disc into the computer 's memory , replace the source disc with a blank one , and write the program back on it .
2 The only fair way was to read the transcripts of those who had been there and try to piece together a sequence of events .
3 Nowhere to be seen and one of the reasons I bought the magazine was to read the article as I have a Ti'ko machine ( and incidentally have been very pleased with it ) .
4 One of the Mamur Zapt 's duties was to read the press before publication and excise any passage he considered inflammatory .
5 At the very moment Lewis was finishing The Place of the Lion , Williams was reading The Allegory of Love with great admiration .
6 Perhaps I take a special pleasure in Cold Comfort Farm from the fact that I was myself brought up in a rural setting , surrounded by wild-eyed manic depressives of the Starkadder school , while I was reading the works of D.H.Lawrence and F.R.Leavis , whose loam-laden versions of country life did n't quite chime with mine .
7 An expensive handbag lay on the table , and she was reading the morning paper in a perfectly ordinary way .
8 As yet he had not succumbed completely to the seductive prose of Pater and was reading the ‘ artificial but interesting Marius ’ side by side with Scott , Meredith , Hardy 's Jude , and Flaubert 's letters .
9 ‘ It 's Jack 's dog , ’ said his Dad , who was reading the paper .
10 An American novelist was reading the prison letters of the West German terrorist , whose face , blown up , formed the backdrop to the stage .
11 A PARTICULAR pleasure over the weekend was reading the latest issue of New Statesman and Society , once the publication one turned to for eloquent exposition of left-wing politics .
12 Over the other end a man was reading the Völkischer Beobachter with the aid of a dictionary .
13 She was reading The Uses of Literacy .
14 Breeze , who was reading the letter aloud — it was addressed jointly to Gay and herself — broke off at this point and frowned .
15 Is it , Reg ? ’ she appealed to Paula 's father , who was reading the Daily Mirror and enjoying a Woodbine after his well-earned tea .
16 Suddenly he was reading the most terrible things about his own wife .
17 I was sitting in a friend 's garden where I had gone to seek the Lord , and as I was reading the words of Jesus I knew , with a peace and a joy which passed understanding , the call of God .
18 She was reading the Daily Telegraph .
19 Lamprey was reading the second , and so far no word had come downstairs that it had been rejected .
20 He was reading the daily newspaper and enjoying a cup of tea .
21 For the first time since I had come to the college I had access to student political material because my boyfriend was reading the posters , leaflets and student newspapers to me .
22 During those five minutes , while she was reading the history of the poppadom from the back of a packet , a female voice said to her , in a strangled way , ‘ Mrs Bouverie ? ’
23 Hauser also was reading the reports but his newspaper was the Herald Tribune .
24 Two men , aged 26 and 27 , contested the case but were found guilty of rape and aiding and abetting each other on the sex attacks on a 21-year-old French woman , who told how the two burst into her room at a friend 's flat while she was reading the Bible .
25 ‘ He 'll be with fairground people , ’ said Mrs Flaherty , staring into her teacup as if she was reading the leaves .
26 In the news editor 's office , an assistant was reading the list of stories from her scratch pad , ‘ Report from Washington on the senator bribe story .
27 One woman was knitting , an old man was reading the Daily Minor .
28 One of the old men was reading the Daily Minor , the knitter was knitting , Helena Naulls was asleep , her mouth open and her dentures slipped out of alignment .
29 The skipper was up and was reading the state-of-the-art technology with which the Nicholson was refitted after every Boat Show .
30 And then when I was reading the text really carefully , I came to the conclusion that that 's not really what Jesus is saying .
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