Example sentences of "was pay [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Prescott , who plans to table amendments to the airport security bill , said Mr Parkinson was paying lip service to screening and giving no indication when this would be achieved .
2 I was paying money out , illicitly .
3 I was paying money to the paramilitaries . ’
4 Some subordinate foresters appointed by the king were paid wages : in 1228 Hubert de Burgh , as warden of Windsor Forest , was paying 6d. a day to Osbert and Robert , King 's serjeants , for keeping the forest of Odiham , and in 1233 2d. a day to each of six serjeants on foot for keeping the forest of Windsor by the king 's command .
5 At that time it was paying £3 per fathom but the vein did not prove to be worth following very far .
6 A necropolis was established in Liverpool in 1825 , and within five years was paying shareholders a dividend of 8% .
7 France was to struggle badly and by 1954 , the US was paying 80% of France 's costs for the conflict in order to keep the French in there , knowing that France would withdraw its colonials if things got tricky , leaving an administrative void .
8 The storm outside was beginning to abate , but the sky was still ominously overcast and the wind was paying havoc with the trees .
9 She felt as if he was paying homage to their love , his every caress a thanksgiving , and for once the wildness left them alone so their loving was a thing of tenderness and healing , of joy and celebration .
10 He felt she was paying attention .
11 I was paying attention to everything in the airplane .
12 He looked across to confirm Blanche was paying attention .
13 She was paying attention to the men 's talk , to the discussion of money , the fall in the price of wool , and the cunning of a certain local landowner 's brutal conditions .
14 This neutral stimulus showed an orienting response , which indicated that the dog was paying attention .
15 Hardly anyone was paying attention to him , though the voice booming out in ‘ received upper class ’ English pronunciation had a soothing and hypnotic effect .
16 Seth was paying guys to have sex with junkies or prostitutes .
17 The government here was paying lip-service to European fascism .
18 In some cases , it 's possible for the scheme trustees to split the widow 's pension between both wives , if the man was paying maintenance to his ex-wife ; but the pension is often not big enough to make this worthwhile .
19 Yes my h my ex-husband was paying maintenance through a court order and his maintenance payments have increased er enormously under the Child Support Agency , the reason being erm under the old court system all his debts were taken into account .
20 And all the crofters then that was paying rent .
21 By the time McAvennie arrived in Scotland his brief engagement to Anita Blue had ended and his pursuit of Jenny Blyth was paying dividends .
22 Closer perhaps to the title of this section , we might come to allow that the computer really was paying tax refunds ( because it said it was ) , even though all detective work on its machine code program was consistent with it being occupied directing the trajectories of inter-continental ballistic missiles .
23 Short was such a brilliant child player that he was paying tax on his winnings at 12 — although schoolwork came less easily and he only managed four O-levels .
24 If someone else was paying rates on your behalf then you may still be counted as a ratepayer so check with your council if you are unsure whether you qualify .
25 This was to pay Emma out , to make her feel guilty and never again to disobey him .
26 But the truth was that the popes employed armies of mercenaries or paid troops and that one of the reasons for raising money was to pay armies .
27 He was to pay tribute to Kingsmill after his death in an exchange of letters with Malcolm Muggeridge , published as About Kingsmill ( 1951 ) , and recalled what had been the deepest friendship of his life between the lines of Johnson and Boswell ( 1958 ) , the last book written at the height of his powers .
28 Now that he was crowned King of Scots , he was to pay homage for his kingdom to the English monarch as Lord Paramount .
29 Officially , the visit was to pay respects to President Hosni Mubarak in the aftermath of the Cairo earthquake [ see p. 39167 ] .
30 This was to pay dividends , and we had not long to wait .
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