Example sentences of "was seeking [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The chevauchèe may have been seen as a challenge to the enemy 's pride and ability to defend his territory , but it is doubtful whether the leader of a chevauchèe , often at the head of but a few thousand men , and needing to make the expedition profitable through the taking of booty and prisoners , was seeking battle .
2 Soon he was seeking analogies in nature for the human beauty he wanted to unearth .
3 At times she believed that he was seeking Camilla 's advice about his marriage or making arrangements to see her .
4 Press reports in the week of March 23 said that the USA was seeking exemptions from free trade rules for four key service sectors : maritime transport , financial services , air transport and basic telecommunications .
5 My colleagues fell about with mirth , demanding to know the nature of the in-depth investigation and whether I was seeking film rights .
6 Mrs. Makanjuola was suing the police for damages for alleged sexual assault and buggery and to that end was seeking discovery of all relevant documents resulting from an investigation under section 49 of the Police Act 1964 and the police disciplinary proceedings which followed .
7 Mr Ashdown said he could be blamed for forcing a second election , but he was seeking PR because it was central to a coalition that would ensure a stable government .
8 The old crowds had largely fled , the King was seeking counsel , and almost anyone could drop by .
9 The New Delhi High Court on Sept. 2 intervened to quash an application by the Central Bureau of Investigation ( CBI ) , which was seeking powers to pursue information on alleged pay-offs related to the 1986 Bofors armaments deal [ see pp. 35336 ; 35382 ] .
10 Inverclyde Waterfront Developments Ltd was seeking permission to provide a 300-berth marina , 100-bed hotel and 150 houses on a prime site at Cardwell Bay on the waterfront there .
11 Siemens AG is disputing a politically-sensitive article carried in The Wall Street Journal Europe on February 16 , which claims that , for the first time , a top Siemens manager , Heinrich von Pierer , said he was looking for a strategic partner for ailing Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG ( CI No 2,117 ) : Pierer allegedly stated that he was not interested in a ‘ one-sided partnership ’ , rather in one that involved ‘ real co-operation ’ ; according to Computerwoche , Siemens denied any claim that it was seeking shelter for Siemens Nixdorf under the umbrella of Japanese or US competitors , ‘ like the other three European computer firms ’ ; the Journal 's London office says the paper is sticking by its story .
12 Siemens AG is disputing a politically-sensitive article carried in The Wall Street Journal Europe on February 16 , which claims that , for the first time , a top Siemens manager , Heinrich von Pierer , said he was looking for a strategic partner for ailing Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG : Pierer allegedly stated that he was not interested in a ‘ one-sided partnership ’ , rather in one that involved ‘ real co-operation ’ ; according to Computerwoche , Siemens denied any claim that it was seeking shelter for Siemens Nixdorf under the umbrella of Japanese or US competitors , ‘ like the other three European computer firms ’ ; the Journal 's London office says the paper is sticking by its story .
13 Taiwan State Radio said the group , which includes one woman , was seeking asylum in Nationalist-ruled Taiwan .
14 ‘ And when we arrived at Heathrow I came clean , telling them Natasha was seeking asylum . ’
15 The Home Office refused to reveal whether the man was seeking asylum and said it did not comment on individual cases .
16 ‘ He was seeking damages of two million dollars , ’ she says .
17 ‘ She was seeking help ?
18 He escaped a prison sentence after magistrates heard he was seeking help for his drink problem .
19 But they accepted he was seeking help with his drinking problem and sentenced him to 18 months probation with a 3-year driving ban .
20 On Sept. 14 it was reported that Pakistan was seeking $500 million from several Western governments to help offset the $1,000 million in additional costs caused by the loss of remittances from Pakistani workers in Kuwait and Iraq and by a rising oil bill .
21 The radiography profession , for example , was seeking people who displayed tact and empathy ( College of Radiographers , 1985 ) and the audiology technician was required to have ‘ a sympathetic and understanding personality ’ ( British Society of Audiology , n.d . ) .
22 I 'll find time this morning , ’ Lucy promised , sensing that Jean was seeking approval of the manner in which she kept the chalets .
23 A senior US official said it was seeking approval from the world trade body , Gatt , for retaliation against the European Community in their bitter trade row over oilseeds .
24 A shadow fell across the sunlit floor Percy Hodge a farmer from the Nidden road hard by , was seeking refreshment .
25 Seb realised immediately that Boz was seeking trouble as a means of purging himself of the anger and frustration that was bubbling inside him .
26 Neither side of industry was seeking confrontation after the General Strike , and even Baldwin 's government was reluctant to pursue the draconian legislation advocated by some Conservative extremists in the autumn of 1926 .
27 The Commission was seeking control of the revenue raised from the tariffs imposed upon imports from third countries .
28 The woman , who alleged the abuse started when she was five and ended a decade later when she left the family home in Edmonton , north London , had heard her stepfather was seeking access to his five-year-old daughter by another woman .
29 The Washington-based newsletter Defence Week reported in April 1989 that the US administration was seeking USdollars 7,000,000 in the 1990 financial year and a further dollars 27,700,000 in 1991 for the development of " incapacitating chemical material " .
30 On April 10 the National Bank of Yugoslavia ( NBY ) announced that it was seeking rescheduling of its foreign debts , which totalled US$15,000 million .
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