Example sentences of "was hardly [art] " in BNC.

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1 Nothing much had happened in my life since the publication of my Carlo Fontana book nearly twenty years earlier ( though even that , as only three hundred copies were sold , was hardly a riot ) .
2 McNeill signed ‘ Jacki ’ for £650,000 , largely on the strength of personal recommendation and video evidence , but it was hardly a shot in the dark .
3 The third National Government , after the resignation of the Liberal ministers , was hardly a coalition — although again Marquand shows that the non-Conservatives retained more influence upon it than their numbers alone would suggest .
4 We got very good but there was hardly a week when some of us was n't killed .
5 There was hardly a summer that three or four were n't drownded . ’
6 The annual rowing contest between the two ancient universities was a great London event with many ordinary families taking sides and wearing favours but it was hardly a matter of ‘ national ’ concern until the BBC included the Boat Race in the select band of truly British events .
7 His sins of micro-commission were small ; and the macro thing he did not do was hardly a new failure .
8 Yet he was hardly a budding saint and his success made him unpopular with both masters and boys .
9 That , gentle people , was hardly a day at the beach .
10 I heard of it indirectly , and from different sources : ‘ even the telephone torn from its moorings ! ’ , ‘ chamber-pots smashed , windows smashed , doors kicked in ! ’ , ‘ things thrown about , things broken , things taken away — there was hardly a house in the village that did not get something ! ’
11 The Court of Appeal confirmed that the defence of provocation was unavailable ; even if D had lost his self-control at the time , it was hardly a sudden and temporary response to an act of the deceased , who was asleep when D struck him .
12 It was hardly a statement in the highest traditions of scientific objectivity .
13 It was hardly a stately progress , but as she made her triumphant way back the seas of people around her grew and grew , so that she was accompanied back into the parade ring by a whooping mob , pushing and shoving to get to her , all carried along on a tide of exultation .
14 Though of course Müller-Claudius 's ‘ sample ’ was hardly a representative one , the responses have more than a ring of plausibility about them , and , coming from Nazis who had been in the Party since before Hitler 's ‘ seizure of power ’ , can be extended a fortiori to ‘ non-organized ’ Germans .
15 This new position was achieved only as a result of continuous warfare ; there was hardly a year in the third century that did not see the Roman army engaged in some campaign .
16 And Charlie was alleged to have told reporters : ‘ It was hardly a turn-on . ’
17 Youth itself was hardly a disadvantage , in an age when people were ruling kingdoms and leading armies in their teens ; the Stewart kings themselves , all but one beginning his personal rule in his teens , two dead at thirty , and only one surviving beyond the age of forty , could hardly have waited for age and experience to bless their undertakings and achievements .
18 His introduction to the art of place-kicking , however , was hardly a result of deep forward planning .
19 This was hardly a welcome dowry for the investors that the government wanted to attract into a newly privatised industry .
20 ‘ Europe ’ was hardly a realistic principle , and Adenauer 's policy was decidedly pro-Atlantic and Western .
21 My brother could make me cry just by lifting me on to a five-foot-high garden trellis and leaving me there , so I was hardly a miniature Chris Bonnington .
22 It was hardly a success as he channelled most of his energies into drumming with local groups .
23 To keep a pony in the middle of a town , and keep him fit , was hard work , as he had to be exercised every day , and the surrounding neighbourhood was hardly a horseman 's paradise .
24 He may have been an outstanding goalkeeper but he was hardly a product of the Harvard Business School .
25 Despite the high praise lavished on Whittingham by Norman Bentwich , among others ( he called it ‘ the most romantic of the agricultural centres ’ ) , it was hardly a success story either for Youth Allyah or the RCM .
26 As darkness fell there was hardly a soul about , but just before 9pm it seemed the whole village poured out into the street , and there appeared two men carrying shoulder-high the most grotesque straw figure of a man , its eyes glowing in the darkness from torch bulbs hidden in its head .
27 The theme of the poems was hardly a happy one ; Coleridge was now frequently ill with complaints which , though genuine enough , must surely have been complicated by psychosomatic factors .
28 It was hardly a situation conducive to producing a relaxed and committed rugby player , just newly married .
29 There was hardly a battle , though , for when the king 's artillery fired , the Lancastrians fled , apparently throwing aside their coats to aid their retreat , thereby giving the battle its name .
30 ‘ Anyway , I would have thought Souness is the wrong person to go round criticising physical play — he was hardly a wallflower as a player .
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