Example sentences of "was leaving the " in BNC.

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1 Before I knew where I was , I had been wagered a great deal of money that I could not do it , and shortly before midnight I was leaving the hallowed portals of Ronnie Scott 's Club .
2 As I was leaving the house Pat shouted after me , ‘ Piper , your friend Taff who shares the trench with you in the orchard has been transferred to one of the Commando units around the village .
3 As I was leaving the front of the house two jeeps arrived with wounded aboard , one of whom I recognised straight away .
4 She said goodbye to Maggie and then , just as she was leaving the kitchen , she looked directly at Phoebe and added ,
5 Then in September , Sue announced that she was leaving the BBC after 20 years to join Granada Television which , she said , was fully prepared to give her the freedom necessary to put together the type of programme she truly wanted to make .
6 At the same time the press had been tipped off that the Health Minister was leaving the country on holiday from Heathrow and half a dozen photographers had literally chased on to the runway to photograph him .
7 Back at Reckweilerhof in time for dinner , an old man was leaving the restaurant with a couple who were probably his son and daughter-in-law .
8 It suddenly seemed terrible that Marcus was leaving the flat .
9 They put their cases in the boot and within ten minutes he was leaving the outskirts of Brussels , heading east for Liège — the opposite direction to Bruges .
10 The odd balance of power within the city was almost destroyed entirely when on 12 November 1933 Adolf Hitler announced that Germany was leaving the League of Nations .
11 Delaney was leaving the cover of a vent pipe when it happened .
12 One Sunday afternoon , as Nathan was leaving the house , he came across Donald and the boy in the yard .
13 But that day I was leaving the school gates with a group of boys when I saw Helen .
14 And when , ten minutes later , Alice was leaving the cathedral she had glimpsed him again .
15 Hansen was leaving the gym , guitar in hand , when a young man came over and said , ‘ Who do you think you are , Jimi Hendrix ? ’
16 ‘ Shee-it , ’ I said , and felt guilty that I was leaving the island without sharing the chicken dinner that Sarah Straker was doubtless cooking for me at that very moment .
17 Shortly after he spoke , the first of what could become a flood of disgruntled clergy announced he was leaving the Church of England .
18 Just as I was leaving the studio , I was summoned back .
19 She … she knew I was leaving the room . ’
20 The cat 's owner was leaving the area and could not keep the animal , and she wanted it to have a nice home .
21 On the fifty-ninth minute of the twenty-third hour , as I was leaving the country , I finally achieved the contract .
22 But as Christine was leaving the orphanage to take the blood sample to Bucharest , she heard a child screaming .
23 The lifeboat was struck by a large sea as she was leaving the harbour and Coxswain Wight had difficulty in manoeuvring clear of the narrow channel , before pausing to take stock of the conditions at sea and pressing on to clear off-lying rocks .
24 In 1931 Scrutton LJ said that , ‘ in many commercial matters the English law and the practice of commercial men are getting wider apart ’ , and noted that as a result commercial business was leaving the courts for arbitration .
25 Just as he was leaving the roof there was a crack which stung his eardrums and the flagpole , struck near the base by a round shot , came down on top of him dealing him a painful blow on the shoulder .
26 Chaca had even spray painted his tag ‘ Chaca ’ on the inside of the lift as he was leaving the criminal court building after being convicted of defacing public property .
27 I spoke to him like a mother but he was determined to put an end to her life , so on 11 January 1987 , when Paulette was leaving the home of her friends on the way to her own home , [ the defendant ] stopped her and shot her and then placed a call to my home to inform me of the murder .
28 ‘ But we did n't know she was leaving the child on her own , ’ cried Lily .
29 She , too , was leaving the house that day .
30 I was leaving the Star Zoo for the second time .
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