Example sentences of "was once [art] " in BNC.

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1 A pile of grimy bed-linen lies in what was once a ward .
2 There was once a good deal more colour and laughter in the life of this tight-lipped fashion genius , when a second apartment in the palazzo was occupied by his business partner and close friend Sergio Galeotti , who died in 1985 .
3 In the US , there was once a blank disc marketed as Invisicalc , but that now seems to have vanished … .
4 By the time the draw takes place the audience will have had an eyeful of Loren and an earful of Pavarotti , who was once a deep-lying centre-forward and is now roughly the same shape as the ball .
5 Readers of this column will be aware that Mr Hayes was once a fierce critic of the Government 's running of the health service .
6 The swan was once a highly regarded delicacy on the Christmas table .
7 But what was once a breakthrough , a crucial realignment of taste among white rock fans , has subsequently congealed into orthodoxy .
8 Three-quarters of a mile south of the church , down a bumpy farm track which was once a well used road , is the greatest beauty of all , a silvery oak-timbered house called The Ley .
9 On May 21st Mr Yavlinsky and Mr Allison came to see Mr Zoellick , who was once a student of Mr Allison 's .
10 Mr Walesa has now apparently decided to stress the more open-minded traditions of Polish patriotism — Poland was once a central European melting pot — and to distance himself from the foreigner-hating sort of nationalism to be found among some Polish politicians and churchmen .
11 It would be the final revenge of Lambeth — where John Major was once a councillor , as was Mr Livingstone .
12 This was once a world reserved for specialists .
13 Like Mr Gorbachev , he was once a party apparatchik .
14 Unlike Eastern Europe 's fallen leaders , Mr Castro was once a genuine revolutionary .
15 A survey * of studies of costs has just been published by the OECD 's general economics division ( which shows how mainstream economists are being drawn into what was once a green ghetto ) .
16 People with new money spread out into the newly-built suburbs where the houses , like the cars , had got longer and lower and were dignified with the name ‘ ranch-style ’ as though there were unspoilt acres in which to roam outside , rather than the swallowing of land in highways , parkways , expressways and cloverleaf intersections to enable suburban man to reach what was once a rural neighbourhood .
17 Ian Paisley was once a member of the Shankill Road Lodge of the Orange Order and a lodge chaplain , but he resigned from the Order when the County Grand Lodge refused to expel Sir Robin Kinahan for attending a funeral service in a Roman Catholic chapel .
18 There 's a gateway over at that forestry plantation , and there was once a castle there .
19 THE PLOP of the fleeing water vole , followed by an underwater smoke-screen of silt , was once a familiar indicator of the presence of these mammals on our waterways .
20 Theirs was once a common line of business , but now there are only about two dozen professional burners left in the country .
21 Even the vaulted garage was once a refectory where Henry VIII is supposed to have supped , no doubt stabling his horses in the adjacent Tudor coach house .
22 At Kingsley Park , opposite the Royal North Devon golf club , what was once a leisure complex with holiday bungalows and apartments has now become a development of retirement and second homes .
23 She was once a Tory activist , but told me in the first week of the campaign she had lost faith .
24 There was once a golf correspondent for a respected national newspaper who , from beside the green , used to urge slow players to ‘ get on with it , do n't you know my life is ebbing away ’ .
25 Paying income tax was once a middle-class prerogative .
26 The leisure chief , who was once a Labour party member but is now an ardent Thatcherite , was so incensed by the FT leading article that he has cancelled Grand Met 's daily subscription .
27 Obviously it was once a depressed area and equally obviously much remains to be done , but things have certainly changed since the advent of the HIDB and WIIC .
28 The capacity to re-represent in conscious awareness what was once a ‘ presentational continuum ’ of past events .
29 The area around Brimscombe was once a hive of industry , with numerous mills .
30 Brimscombe Port was once a hive of activity but has now largely disappeared .
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