Example sentences of "was perhaps [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was perhaps a coincidence that chairman of the IEE meeting was RS Sandell who in the 1970s , with SM Edwardson , developed the BBC 's medium-wave Carfax system that was later aborted .
2 Lendl has never found it difficult to look sullen , and while blaming his lack of form on the fact that this was his first match indoors since the final of the Nabisco Masters in New York last December , lack of motivation was perhaps a greater factor .
3 It was perhaps a foregone conclusion that he would go into the family firm founded by his great-grandfather , John Cadbury , in 1824 , although he had two tempting offers from outside industry when he had completed his degree .
4 A man of simplicity and goodness , as I have said earlier , David Thomson took many of the remarks made by disgruntled locals too seriously , and so was perhaps a little harsh on the Anglo-Irish , or Ascendancy .
5 What Nathaniel was born into was perhaps a boring life in the pits .
6 However , he suggested there was perhaps a need to look into the system more closely .
7 Tawney , on the occasion of the celebrations of the District 's twenty-first anniversary in June 1934 , perceptively recognised that the District ‘ … was only at the beginning of their task … ’ but was perhaps a little wide of the mark in claiming that the ‘ …
8 It also was perhaps a trifle ironic that when Charles Manson wanted to have his life story told on film , he instructed his lawyers to get the Easy Rider team .
9 The child was perhaps a year old and was engaged in beating his — or it might have been her — mother about the shoulders with tiny chubby fists .
10 He either stood rooted child-gazing or ran , though gallop was perhaps a better word .
11 It was perhaps a strategy for dissuading him from coming round so often .
12 For the elderly Mao , she was perhaps a useful alibi : anything which the government did which proved too unpopular was likely to be attributed to her doing .
13 Of course , ten p.m. on a winter 's night , when one was a lady of leisure expected to be indoors enjoying a meal which someone else had cooked , was perhaps a bit much .
14 It was perhaps a bit thicker than she would have liked , but the weight was about right .
15 Even though it must have been obvious that he would not hold to it at the last , the threat was enough to make Stormy Petrel veer again to her original course , and though she was trying to increase speed , and was perhaps a little more powerful than Sea Otter , we , on our straight line , could hold her comfortably .
16 Basically , they grew out of a thought process which was perhaps a little too logical , but logical all the same , relating to works made with your hands : you can cut off the artist 's hands and still end up with something which is a product of the artist 's choice since , on the whole , when an artist paints using a palette he is choosing the colours .
17 He was perhaps a little too intelligent for the daily grind of professional golf , without having that last cutting edge of brilliance which would have brought him an Open Championship .
18 £140 was perhaps a fair valuation of the chattels of Hickling Priory , Norfolk , yet the tally of the secular clergy of its locality is incomplete , and , conversely , the very areas where ecclesiastical wealth was consistently recorded were ones which contained no important monasteries .
19 Though Benedict 's austerity and reforming zeal were missing in Suger , his twelfth-century counterpart , there was perhaps a similar commitment to abstract political principle , to the notion of undivided imperial or royal power .
20 There was perhaps a better chance of enlisting the reader 's belief in Ayesha in involving her with that most believable hero , Allan Quatermain .
21 The atmosphere , as personified by the staff , was perhaps a little less English than formerly , but still serene .
22 The focal points of British academic life were , of course , the universities of Oxford and Cambridge , traditionally the cornerstones of the established social elite , and the critical examination of British society ( in such areas as inequality , the distribution of power , the basis of industrial conflict , and so on ) was perhaps a less acceptable enterprise than the socially and politically ‘ safer ’ study of unfamiliar cultures .
23 This may be due partly to the need consciously to establish common cultural references in a pluralistic society , whereas the historically narrow class base of British higher education meant that a lot of the cultural references could be taken for granted ; the Robbins ( 1963 , p. 7 ) reference to the ‘ transmission of a common culture and common standards of citizenship ’ was perhaps a sign that this cultural assumption was finally breaking down under the pressure of expansion and democratization .
24 The fox-hunting country was perhaps a special case .
25 And there were fine Boiotian historians : Anaxis and Daimachos of Plataia are only names , but the Oxyrhynchos Historian , who was perhaps a Boiotian , deserves in some ways to be put beside the Athenian Thucydides , whose continuator he was .
26 Her neck was perhaps a trifle long and her head rather small but her features were symmetrical and her brown eyes large .
27 Rostov saw that none of the leaves which had fallen were withered or had changed colour , and the ground below every tree was covered by a soft carpet which was perhaps a metre thick .
28 The southumbrian kingdoms could have developed in any number of directions , three of which in particular seem to stand out : a southern England could have emerged , the domination of which was shared between the Mercians and the South Saxons ( this was the prospect in the reign of Wulfhere if the trends of that time had been maintained ) ; or even a south-eastern England dominated by the South Saxons ( this was perhaps a prospect in late 670s ) ; or a southern England dominated from the reign of Caedwalla by the West Saxons ( the prospect in the mid-680s ) .
29 Sure , the DNA was perhaps a little preoccupied with carrying the genetic memory , but could not the memories of a lifetime be readily encoded in the myriad of potential unique protein sequences ?
30 He looked startled , wondering if this was perhaps a nineteen nineties condemnation of his sexual prowess .
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