Example sentences of "was at issue " in BNC.

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1 Dáil members would act on a decision of the hierarchy once that hierarchy had said the teaching of the church was at issue , providing of course that the area in question was a grey one , a new territory not previously covered by the generally accepted sacred-profane spheres .
2 Mr Gray said the fact of the repatriations from Allied-occupied Austria in May and June 1945 was accepted , but what was at issue was Lord Aldington 's role , and the allegation that he knew that they would be killed .
3 Not merely science , but also the idea of science , was at issue .
4 By the 1840s it was mainly American-grown cotton which was at issue and a tactic largely adopted by Quakers .
5 There could be nothing more suspicious than a Secretary of State or one of his administrative officials deciding for political or administrative reasons that a particular accident should not be investigated when a vital matter of air safety was at issue .
6 While that struggle tended to centre on financial matters — the government 's commitment to effect reductions in public expenditure in opposition to local authority commitment to the enhancement of public services — what was at issue was the power of local authorities in relation to the power of central government .
7 There were only two cases reported where the wife killed her husband and a sexual relationship or activity was at issue .
8 There was no question of the principle of a universal state benefit to supplement the incomes of families with children being abandoned ; what was at issue was consistency within the scheme , as opposed to the maintenance of mothers ' rights and minimal independence .
9 Fundamentally , what was at issue was whether the army , now ideally composed of men with at least a modicum of training and military skill , should be led by men who merited their responsibilities , awarded to them on behalf of the community by the king who paid them from public funds ( ‘ la peccune publique ’ ) .
10 Although varying in constitution , function and procedure , tribunals typically dealt with cases in which an individual citizen was at issue with a government department , or some other public body , over his rights or obligations under a statutory scheme .
11 The uncomprehending response of some professional librarians to the question of retrieval systems in the library resource centre has shown the underlying belief that what was at issue was simply the addition of new formats .
12 Provincial assemblies met thereafter always with clerical proctors present when a subsidy to the king was at issue and sometimes when it was not .
13 part of what was at issue was the nature of ‘ theory ’ and ‘ explanation ’ themselves .
14 What was at issue was the future of cities themselves .
15 What was at issue in that case was the right to acquire , use or dispose of immovable property on the territory of another member state ; the court held that that right was the ‘ corollary ’ of freedom of establishment .
16 Desmond Fairchild and Dotty Blundell were heard arguing in the corridor , though no one could be sure what was at issue .
17 By the mid-fifties , party programmes and party politics no longer seemed to matter because nothing major was at issue , and so the theory of responsible party government appeared to be increasingly irrelevant .
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