Example sentences of "was make clear " in BNC.

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1 The US military source said while there were no promises of specific US military help , it was made clear the rebels would be welcome to send the general to stand trial in the US .
2 What was made clear was the TUC 's opinion that the control of the dispute must remain firmly in the hands of the APEX executive .
3 The motive behind the Lithuanian party 's decision to move ahead against all the pressure from Moscow was made clear by Mr Donatas Morkunas , secretary of the Siauliai regional party .
4 That the word is intended pejoratively was made clear in a 1987 BBC radio documentary on Karajan entitled ‘ The Price of Perfection ’ .
5 Ferdinando and I being both your servants when we sinned were like unto brother and sister and broke a commandment which was made clear to me on reading the Scriptures .
6 ‘ It was made clear the whole thing never happened , ’ says the grandson .
7 Mrs Sarah Hogg , head of the Downing Street policy unit , is to continue in the post , it was made clear last night .
8 In July 1940 Bletchley had intercepted a message from Goering to the chiefs of staff of the Luftwaffe in which was made clear Hitler 's intention to prepare for the invasion of Britain — ‘ Operation Sea Lion ’ , as it was code-named .
9 It would become redundant as soon as the meaning of certain words was made clear .
10 The idea was not new ; it had been first put into operation in the preceding reign of Louis-Philippe , but during that period it was made clear to France that she must play second fiddle in the European concert otherwise Britain would turn her out of the orchestra .
11 While the visit was , of course , an unofficial one , it had a serious purpose which was made clear by the discussions about the problems facing France .
12 It was made clear , furthermore , that the Society did not regard the houses of businessmen or the ‘ newly rich ’ as ‘ distinguished ’ , and in my opinion this piece of out-dated thinking crucially undermined any serious authority the Society may have achieved to arbitrate on standards in our profession .
13 They were the main enemies of the predominant sect , the Pharisees , who believed that salvation would only come if they adhered strictly to the Mosaic law , as originally set out in Deuteronomy where it was made clear that the chosen people must be a ‘ clean ’ people .
14 That there is a real and pressing problem was made clear by that case .
15 It was made clear to us that Operation ‘ Brisket ’ for the road haulage dispute , ‘ Bittern ’ for the rapidly growing ambulance drivers ' dispute , and ‘ Nimrod ’ in the case of the water workers ' action , were all long on detailed planning , but short on how much could actually be done in a major dispute .
16 The intention behind the reforms was made clear in the famous words : ‘ [ the conception of the juvenile ] as primarily a little wage-earner , was to give way to the conception of him ‘ as primarily the workman and citizen in training ’ .
17 This was made clear in the circular accompanying the Inner Urban Areas Act 1978 ( DoE , 1978 ) .
18 Although it was made clear that their incentives would simply extend to exemption from basic customs control ( unless or until their products entered European Community territory ) and that there would be no other special assistance , the government received 45 applications for designation .
19 However , it was made clear that the assessments were not to be age-related .
20 This was made clear by the Court of Appeal in Rapier v London Tramways Co . ,
21 It was made clear that if Janet were to break this agreement the therapist would discontinue contact with her .
22 The redoubtable Ethel must have been shocked when it was made clear she was down-graded to five , the same as Gracie Holt .
23 Finally , the process of the ban was made clear by the Authorities , and the various stages were well documented .
24 This was made clear .
25 But — so long as it was made clear that this was a genuine option , and entirely voluntary — we are in favour of lenders in this country at least recommending insurance and pointing out its advantages .
26 It was made clear to me by my mother , sometimes backed up by my sisters , that as far as the opposite sex was concerned , I did n't stand a chance .
27 Their position was made clear following the publication of a study they commissioned into improving road links across the Pennines between Manchester and Sheffield .
28 At the commencement of the tournament it was made clear that referees had been instructed to apply Laws 18 and 19 .
29 The reason we leased the Buckfastleigh Branch to the S.R.D.T. was made clear in the press release at the time , of which we enclose a copy .
30 In 1747 the postmaster of Stirling was one of the magistrates , Bailie Maiben , and it was made clear enough that his job was at stake in the political contest of that year , for Sir Peter Halkett of Pitfirrane , one of the candidates seeking to represent the district in parliament , complained to Lord Milton that the bailie
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