Example sentences of "is directed at " in BNC.

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1 Constrained by the above , current gas fuel work is directed at short-haul transport like city-based buses and delivery vehicles .
2 Modern art is directed at a public largely untutored in the fine arts amidst a rapid expansion of the means of communication .
3 Very little scattered flux is directed at off-specular angles .
4 It has been suggested the phrase ‘ pretended family relationship ’ is directed at the book Jenny Lives with Eric and Martin , which shows a girl living with her father and a male partner who have a homosexual relationship ; the presence of this book in an ILEA school was seized upon by the tabloid press .
5 The main emphasis is directed at owl pellet assemblages , because these have been found by experience to be the most relevant to the Westbury faunas , and all ten of the owl species listed in Tables 2.1 and 2.3 are considered in detail here .
6 The extent to which this is required , and the difficulty in achieving it , will depend on the level of procedure that the audit is directed at .
7 The FAOR methodology is directed at analysing the requirements of offices for information technology improvements , and the first Activity is to carry out an exploration of the chosen office domain , using the SSM as required .
8 In RFS a parallel beam of light at a single frequency ( or energy ) from a tunable laser is directed at the atoms .
9 Any small voltage fluctuations on the supply rails will adversely affect the amplifier , causing it to oscillate ( i.e. give out a signal , even when no sound is directed at the microphone ) .
10 When a sound is directed at the microphone , some or all of the l.e.d.s should flash .
11 Partners in Health is directed at purchasing authorities , local community and voluntary organisations .
12 It should be noted , however , that the rationale for such an approach relates primarily to the ends and not the means of learning , and is directed at furthering the cause of cultural co-operation in Europe .
13 Appraisal , then , is a conceptual evaluation based on a proper understanding of the ideas proposed , and it is directed at establishing a set of valid principles of general relevance .
14 Training , in this view , is directed at providing solutions to a set of predictable problems and sets a premium on unreflecting expertise .
15 Practice Note 1 is directed at auditors of businesses regulated under the Financial Services Act 1986 , and provides guidance on certain aspects of the conduct of those audit engagements .
16 Naturalistic studies in the homes of families with an aggressive child indicate that the siblings of that child also show a high rate of aggressive behaviour but that this is directed at the sibling rather than the parent ( Patterson 1982 ; 1984 ) .
17 James smiled at Barbara , and she found herself smiling back ; his charm was the kind that , while it is directed at you , makes you feel you are the only person in the world .
18 As I said in Chapter 1 , if this book is directed at any particular group of teachers it is probably these .
19 Ordinary inquiry is directed at the efficient settlement of belief , so that error or ignorance will not interfere with our practical concerns .
20 The major features of the present culture of teaching are seen to pose particular problems for curriculum policy , especially when this is directed at changing the delivery and organization of the curriculum .
21 He can then argue that once one has advanced beyond the superstition that all desire is for oneself having pleasure , one has no reason of principle for denying the apparent fact that some desire is directed at occurrences not involving oneself at all , but rather the welfare of others .
22 The conference portion is directed at the industry and investors as a step to standards .
23 This conception arises out of a ‘ distinct but recurring type of historical situation in which a fundamental challenge is directed at established institutions and in which the supporters of those institutions employ conservative ideology in their defense ’ .
24 Rousseau 's blueprint for the education of Sophie is directed at this end , and if it is truly successful , she will internalise the lesson until neither her behaviour nor her demeanour will demand the acknowledgement .
25 Allen ( 1983 ) argued that provided treatment is directed at the underlying cause , most leg ulcers will heal spontaneously , which experience has proved to be true .
26 The kittens are certainly influenced by what their mother does , but there is no evidence that her action is directed at one specific behaviour , rather than simply providing them with an opportunity to behave generally with the victim .
27 Another common criticism of Benjamin — made initially by Adorno — is directed at his tendency towards technological determinism — as though the new media can be seen as a direct , unmediated cause and a straightforward good ; this , at times , leads to an over-simple historical picture .
28 Furthermore , the list of relevant topics is also seemingly endless , including : open classrooms ; democratic schools ; active and experiential learning ; children 's rights ; student councils ; and counter-hegemony , in which participation is directed at questioning the prevailing social order , social structure and power relations in society .
29 Even Illich 's onslaught is directed at formal schooling and not at education as such .
30 Turning now to antitrust policy , a major difference among advanced industrial countries in respect of their policy towards collusion lies in whether collusion is in most instances per se illegal , as in the US , or whether attention is directed at appraising the results of collusive behaviour , as for example in the UK .
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