Example sentences of "is simply [art] " in BNC.

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1 For Anderton vehemently rejects the idea of any internal evaluation which might explore the moralities or philosophies of policing : ‘ there is simply no room in the management and organization of police operations for vague , academic dissertations ’ ( Police Review ; 90 , 19 November 1982 : 4684 ) .
2 Anyone who so much as hints at a ‘ third way ’ between communism and capitalism is considered naive ; there is simply no time to try more experiments .
3 There is simply no way he would have been accepted for training in our Church — and that is perhaps a tragedy .
4 There is simply no substitute for knowing your venue ( and how to get there ) thoroughly .
5 The problem of German national identity has been intractable largely because there is simply no credible political model in German history for the Germans to follow .
6 At State level , there is simply no administration at all to carry out conservation , although at present State Soil Conservation Commissions are in the process of being formed .
7 Although there are times when pursuing litigation is tactically the right thing to do , and others when there is simply no realistic alternative , you need to be conscious of the possible drawbacks .
8 There is simply no sex appeal in a haemorrhoid .
9 The strategy adopted for the defence of absolutism and reason is firstly to protect philosophy from the intrusion of the sociology of knowledge and secondly to assert that there is simply no other way than having the absolute standards of reason .
10 There is simply no comparison with the terrorist Communist Party of Peru , the Sendero Luminoso , although that seems to be what Evans-Pritchard is hinting at .
11 There is simply no comparison with the vast numbers who queue for Seurat , Toulouse-Lautrec and Giacometti .
12 For the Crown , Mr. Crystal submits that the issue involved in this appeal is a short point of construction and that there is simply no warrant for the suggestion that section 31 of the Act of 1968 embraces or was ever intended to embrace bankruptcy proceedings .
13 In our judgment there is simply no jurisdiction to make an order for the payment of the appellant 's costs from central funds .
14 Whether in the SenFed or in the Freeworlds that have n't joined , there is simply no such thing as one hundred percent security .
15 5.5 This conclusion will actually exclude the great majority of verbs ( or , more exactly , all normal uses of the great majority of verbs ) from appearing in construction with an adverbal adjective at all , with or without the claimed nuance ; either they will be related to their object in such a way that there is simply no need to mention any particular property of the latter entity , as in ( 30 ) ; or , even if there is some property of the object specially relevant to the notion introduced in the verb , that property does not belong to the object by virtue of the relationship between the verb and the object ; for instance , even if Angela in ( 31 ) resembles her cousin in that they are both dark , her cousin does not have that property because Angela resembles her , and even if the Prince admired his Chief Justice because of his disposition to clemency it is not the the Prince 's admiration that justifies the applicability of the property merciful .
16 There is simply no way in which to measure the contribution to popular education made by Sunday schools .
17 " There is simply no humane way to kill a 60-ton , ocean-dwelling mammal " , a spokesman commented .
18 A Will is simply a clear statement about how your money and possessions are to be divided when you die .
19 Remember that any such feature is simply a vehicle for the plants to be grown over it , and in a few years the structure becomes incidental to the glory of the climber that smothers it .
20 Recovery is simply a matter of relaxing the backward pressure on the stick and using the controls quite normally to bring the wings level and to ease out of the dive .
21 It is simply a question of what sort of world we wish to inhabit — one of predictability , or one where the outcome is unknown to us and thus includes an element of self-exploration .
22 We 're sure Moby 's behaviour is simply a phase .
23 To a foreign correspondent covering the British election for a foreign audience , whether a party leader appears energetic or decisive is simply a matter of objective reporting : a perception .
24 ‘ The majority of a designer 's work is simply a rational process .
25 He should understand that ‘ the story of Christ is simply a true myth : a myth working on us in the same way as the others , but with this tremendous difference that it really happened : and one must be content to accept it in the same way . ’
26 There are Turks and Israelis who passionately consider themselves Europeans but there are Muslims and Jews for whom Europe is simply a hostile place where they live .
27 Perhaps America is simply a more violent society after all .
28 Gregg Petersmeyer , director of the White House 's Office for National Service , denies that Mr Bush 's rhetoric is simply a ruse to allow the government to shed expensive responsibilities .
29 The land someone cultivates is necessarily his : this is simply a special case of the fact that each man unquestionably has a right to his own life and labour , and so has the right to the products of that labour .
30 Thus the name ‘ man ’ is simply a name used for a number of particulars , and any idea of ‘ man ’ is always an idea of some particular man , and simply reminds us of other particulars .
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