Example sentences of "is indeed [art] " in BNC.

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1 All of these great saxophonists have their own very distinct voices and personal approaches within the Parker tradition and Peter King is indeed no exception .
2 There is indeed no doubt that capital is relevant for taking decisions .
3 There is indeed no indication that any Jew ever worshipped a Greek god before Alexander .
5 That is indeed a possibility .
6 This is indeed a big pack .
7 Why Derrida has had such a vogue in America is indeed a puzzle , as Searle and others have acknowledged .
8 There is indeed a world market for savings , although that is not a wholly comforting fact : the Chancellor himself foresees a world shortage of savings , which means everyone is going to have to compete harder ( ie , pay more ) for them .
9 There is indeed a certain nameless truth to this one .
10 John MacGregor , Minister of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food I have no doubt that there is indeed a serious public health problem associated with salmonella enteridis phase 4 in eggs in this country .
11 Though he denounced the American-led initiative to establish protected enclaves in the north as an infringement of Iraq 's sovereignty , he did not intervene as western soldiers got on with what is indeed a mighty infringement .
12 Subservience becomes a habit , and to step outside it is indeed a going out into the unknown , a going into a wilderness , where there are no clear paths forward , where life is precarious , and survival itself uncertain .
13 Only half convinced of the truth of my new thesis , and not wholly sure of where exactly I am , I can nevertheless recognize with some satisfaction that perhaps the most disconcerting thing a character in a novel can do is to announce that he is indeed a character in a novel .
14 This example is indeed a cautionary tale , as the work of the two engravers was traditionally attributed to two different mints ( Rome and Tarraco , in Spain ) , but the discovery of numerous die links ( see below ) between each group has shown that they all come from the same mint .
15 Of course , merely artificial creations are unnatural and are therefore unjust ; but if there is indeed a common descent from Adam , and the world is a family grown demographically from him and his wife , there must be potential descent groups larger than nations which have no taint of artificiality .
16 It is indeed a nice irony that two of the most famous characters in Scottish history , Mary and Knox , were united in their preference for countries other than Scotland , and that it was Elizabeth 's eventual , reluctant decision to have Mary executed , and her earlier unrelenting hostility to Knox , which catapulted them both into the realm of Scottish fascination and Scottish legend .
17 It is indeed a middling grand house , in red brick with three storeys of segment-headed windows characteristic of the early Georgian , and just the shape to frame the passionate , scarred face of Rosa Dartle , destroying herself with unrequited love for the seducer Steerforth .
18 This is indeed a sizeable market .
19 Such a view would be far too simplistic for a number of reasons , but perhaps most clearly because there is indeed a powerful and growing critique of professionals in our society — and a critique which is well founded !
20 Furthermore , Hoyle suggests that there is indeed a tension between the two approaches — that restricted professionality is unlikely in practice to be capable of extension or , put another way , that extended professionality can only be achieved at the cost of effective , restricted professionality at the classroom level .
21 The early part of this chapter indicated that there is already a reasonable consensus that managing schools in the future will be different — equally it suggested that a simplistic ‘ chief executive , model is not universally accepted as the way forward , and that such a model is indeed a profoundly conservative one .
22 The reef is indeed a way of life , not a particular kind of creature .
23 The engine is indeed a P6 engine and as with all Rover V8 engines may run lead free .
24 This is indeed a way of trying to meet the requirement of the dependence thesis .
25 The central gap in the text is the narrative perspective ; however , by accepting the proposition that this is indeed a first-person narration , with the first person conspicuously omitted , then the novel becomes understood in psychological terms as a radical example of stream of consciousness writing .
26 If this is indeed a trap for Hector Luath , it is a terrible thing ; but you — we — may be wrong to suspect it .
27 Clearly there is something very important going on in this move , and at one level it is indeed a necessary corrective to the textual isolationism of much modernist criticism .
28 A heartfelt lament and positive proof that Morrissey 's voice is indeed a valuable instrument .
29 It is indeed a salutary ( and exceedingly difficult ) exercise to attempt to analyse them in the security of a solitary armchair .
30 Epigenesis is indeed a process set in time .
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