Example sentences of "is usually give " in BNC.

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1 The Cartesian equation for a horizontal parabola is usually given as y ² = 4 ax , where the vertex of the parabola passes through the origin and the curve has one-fold symmetry about the positive x axis .
2 This advice is usually given in ‘ one to one ’ meetings held in IDB House or on the companies ' premises .
3 When this happened a much more detailed picture of them and their way of life is usually given ; and in all but one case the memory is strikingly positive .
4 Fiction , for instance , is usually given objective critical treatment .
5 Diet advice is usually given too .
6 This is usually given in the form of the probability that any obtained score will be within a given range of the true score .
7 M36 is usually given as slightly brighter than M37 ; to me it looks fainter , though more condensed , and again there is a hint of resolution with × 20 .
8 Analgesia is usually given regularly to ensure that pain is kept under control at all times .
9 Some priority is usually given to MdBs seeking reelection .
10 In explaining rural out-migration , emphasis is usually given to economic factors , especially the problems of employment outlined in chapters 2 and 3 , although factors such as planning policies , housing markets and the decline of services are also important .
11 Because there is space to print only a small proportion of the letters received , priority is usually given according to general interest and topicality , to contributions of fewer than 500 words , and to contributions using simple language .
12 Parsley needs far more root-room than it is usually given ; the main or tap root is rather like a small carrot , and this should be allowed for .
13 However , some on-the-job training , in skills such as cash handling or food preparation , is usually given to seasonal workers and this allows them to be moved into tasks which would have been denied them at the start of their employment .
14 The pig 's range is usually given as Java , Madura and Bawean , but you can subtract Madura now , since that 's been deforested and thus depigged ( de-everythinged , in fact ) .
15 If all the requirements are fulfilled , civil legal aid consists of representation for the purposes of proceedings , and it includes all such assistance as is usually given by a solicitor or counsel in the steps preliminary or incidental to any proceedings and all such assistance as is usually given by a solicitor or counsel in civil proceedings arriving at or giving effect to a compromise to avoid or bring to an end any proceedings .
16 If all the requirements are fulfilled , civil legal aid consists of representation for the purposes of proceedings , and it includes all such assistance as is usually given by a solicitor or counsel in the steps preliminary or incidental to any proceedings and all such assistance as is usually given by a solicitor or counsel in civil proceedings arriving at or giving effect to a compromise to avoid or bring to an end any proceedings .
17 The explanation that is usually given as to why we do n't see broken cups gathering themselves together off the floor and jumping back onto the table is that it is forbidden by the second law of thermodynamics .
18 Each term is usually given together with terms which are related to it in one of a number of ways .
19 The name of the element closer to the bottom or to the left-hand side of the Periodic Table is usually given first .
20 Octreotide is usually given by intermittent subcutaneous injection of 100–500 µg twice daily or three times daily .
21 Again , we choose Oxford , but only because this is usually given as the place of publication for Oxford University Press books .
22 RE is on a much stronger wicket than it is usually given credit for , provided it is open in character .
23 Most attention is usually given to correlations of the same component of velocity at points separated in a direction either parallel to that velocity component ( Fig. 19.4(b) ) or perpendicular to it ( Fig. 19.4(c) ) .
24 Inter alia , the Inland Revenue are reluctant to grant clearance where the consideration is loan stock and is redeemable within a relatively short period , and clearance is usually given only if the loan notes can not be redeemed within the first six months after issue .
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