Example sentences of "is probably [art] " in BNC.

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1 He is probably a murderer himself ; the lightmindedness of his retrospective half-confirmations and half-denials is oddly disgusting ; and for him killing people is no more doing something than sleeping with little girls or setting off for the North Pole .
2 Mr Shaw said that a jury 's task in awarding damages would be very difficult : ‘ It is probably a unique case , with a unique plaintiff , whom they probably felt should n't be made to suffer any more .
3 Add to that the 17–20 per cent of the power output consumed in stripping the carbon dioxide and the outcome is probably a doubling in the cost of the electricity produced .
4 The answer is probably a bit of both .
5 It is probably a wise precaution in view of allegations that the couple stole billions of dollars from their country .
6 It is probably a minority , but a general feeling that the Roman Catholic Church is a threat is widely shared .
7 That the handle is adenine , rather than some other organic molecule , is probably a historical accident , but it is not an accident that the phosphate is attached to some characteristic molecule that the enzyme can recognize .
8 Above your head is probably a vast amount of space , which can be used for storage and a whole range of activities — the loft .
9 There is probably a problem with the syncromesh on 3rd gear and in view of the age , mileage and warranty , I suggest you have the vehicle repaired as this type of fault will not repair itself .
10 Since Philip Leapor 's sister had died in childhood , this is probably a sister of the poet 's mother , suggesting that the Sharman family was also literate .
11 A date carved into one of the door lintels bears his initials and the date 1698 , although this stone is probably a replacement for an earlier one .
12 Calling the event ‘ care givers ’ or ‘ carers ’ assembly is probably a much better idea .
13 Walter says that it is probably a wedding but suggests that we investigate .
14 It is probably a mistake to regard the urethral syndrome as one single condition rather as it would be wrong to think of ‘ pneumonia ’ as being a single disease of the lungs .
15 This is probably a result of inadequate treatment and is more common in those who have been treated late on in the infectious stage .
16 This is probably a good indication that you should n't waste your time going to bed with him again .
17 There was a feeling of commitment to the new way , which is probably a very old way , practised in the stone circles of the ancient ones .
18 ‘ I guess it is probably a bad thing , but I am quite a flirty person .
19 This is probably a reflection partly of larger peasant populations in the South , but also of religious and cultural differences .
20 You actually see far more than is registered in your conscious mind — and this is probably a good thing .
21 Should these general measures fail after a minimum three-month period the drug of first choice is probably a cardioselective β-blocking agent such as atenolol or metoprolol or alternatively a calcium antagonist such as nifedepine .
22 This is probably a comparatively rare occurrence for small mammals , but it certainly does occur .
23 Secondly , production convenience is probably a more convincing reason .
24 The pulsar is probably a different object .
25 Unhappily , the conditions needed for the reaction to proceed with reasonable rates and good selectivity are so stringent ( 300C and 500–1000 atmospheres pressure ) that commercialisation is probably a long way off .
26 A male who stands by and allows another companion member of the coalition to mate with a receptive female is not really being altruistic , because that companion is probably a relative .
27 This translocation is probably a perversion of the normal activities of some cells .
28 Before any submicroscopic helical structures ( such as molecules , microtubules , flagella and viruses ) were known , H. R. Crane , whom I mentioned earlier , said ‘ … any structure that is straight or rod-like when seen at low magnification is probably a structure repeating along a screw axis ( ie , it is a helix ) .
29 The argument that Sizewell will make electricity cheaper than it would otherwise be , is probably a lot weaker than the board claims .
30 The spores apparently can live only a few weeks at most in the environment ; infections have been induced experimentally by contact with spores from the insect 's surroundings , but this is probably a minor source of infection in nature .
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