Example sentences of "is perhaps the " in BNC.

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1 That is perhaps the point of the big glass , wrote Harsnet .
2 And that is perhaps the way they all want it .
3 This facet of the culture is perhaps the reason why the British administrative and academic élites have obliquely indicated to the police that they do not consider them fit to be allowed to take charge of police research .
4 It is this logic of practice which effectively negates most research and is perhaps the main reason that between 1979 and 1988 , only one of the research papers I have compiled has been looked at by senior officers .
5 Of all the kicks used in competition the high roundhouse kick is perhaps the easiest to see , though there are ways of disguising this .
6 Here is perhaps the simplest and most dramatic example : the non-conservation of length by children below about seven years of age .
7 As a design project it is perhaps the most exploited .
8 With the economy predicted to be on the upturn it is perhaps the right time for Allied to invest in the Firkin chain and cash in early on the next consumer boom .
9 In truth , Berlin is perhaps the least important player in the game .
10 Beginning with the transfer of power in India and Pakistan in 1947 , through the retreat from Egypt , and the rapid withdrawal from Africa in the Macleod period in the late 1950s and early 1960s , the rapidity and lack of tension with which Britain shed her imperial domain is perhaps the most notable of tributes to national stability and , possibly , maturity in the post-war world .
11 As I said , housing is perhaps the extreme instance of irrationality among all the social services ; each has its own peculiar form of institutionalisation .
12 President Houphouet Boigny of Ivory Coast 's plan to construct a church larger than St Peter 's in Rome at his birthplace at Yameossouko is perhaps the most dramatic of all .
13 The unfavourable prospect for exports is perhaps the most damaging of Africa 's economic weaknesses since it implies continued dependence on unstable , and on the whole , unfavourable commodity markets .
14 This is perhaps the most important reason why Marx and Engels concentrated so much on Morgan 's work , and by and large accepted the main lines of his account of the early history of mankind .
15 This revolutionary conclusion , which is perhaps the most important for the general reader of The Origin , is one easily supported by modern anthropologists although they might disagree with him about what exactly will happen when the change comes or even whether this kind of change can be predicted .
16 All these things are related to the Izzat of the girl — saving her Izzat ( and through that their own Izzat ) is perhaps the greatest responsibility of her parents or guardian .
17 We started our 1964 test with the words : ‘ Sun-capped Dolomites and the distant roar and squeal of one of the works rally cars scrambling its way up the Gavia Pass — this is perhaps the image that some people have of the big Austin-Healey at work .
18 The launch of the new Continental R at this week 's Geneva show is perhaps the most important step to date in the unfolding of Ward 's strategy for Bentley .
19 The dynamism and distinctiveness of the new private educational system with its unprecedented cult of games is perhaps the best-known aspect of the social history of sport .
20 ‘ The main thing is perhaps the fact that we are now having a fresh look , without blinkers , at ourselves and our country , ’ he said .
21 While I will put on Les Troyens , which is perhaps the greatest piece of audacity in the history of opera .
22 Parma is perhaps the most famous of all the dried hams and is air-dried in a similar way to many salami .
23 Mr Kalim Saddiqi , the head of the pro-Iranian Muslim Institute , is perhaps the most adept at grabbing the headlines .
24 Noting that we do have many ideas and beliefs , he asks what is perhaps the most basic question of epistemology : ‘ How comes … [ the mind ] to be furnished ?
25 Brussels is Estudded with jazz cafés , of which the Bierodrome , 21 Place Fernand Cocq , is perhaps the most lively .
26 A refusal to espouse that principle is perhaps the only ground on which the omissions cases ( see 7.5(d) above ) can be defended , since their distinction between acts and omissions is unconvincing .
27 It is mentally so exhausting , that is perhaps the worst .
28 Although this book is a discussion of the problems of biology , the first half of this chapter outlines the theory of genetics , which is perhaps the best established and least problematic area of biology .
29 The fact that they can do this is perhaps the chief reason why Britain 's constitutional arrangements have stood the test of centuries .
30 In this review ( as earlier this year in the other paper ) he reveals no knowledge of the principles behind what is perhaps the most famous school in the world .
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