Example sentences of "is usually [art] " in BNC.

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1 The smelting process alters the chemical composition of the original ore so that there is usually no simple chemical correlation between ore and metal .
2 It is usually no more dangerous than , say , the antibiotics industry , the executive says .
3 Yet these examples , too , are significant , for they underline the unfortunate truth that the production and distribution of books to primary schools are important enough , financially , to attract the very largest species of shark against whom the professional at the ministry or in the centre ( who is usually no more than an average sized fish ) has little redress .
4 The good thing about these singles clubs is that there is usually no pressure at all to form oneself into a couple .
5 There is usually no charge for cashing travellers cheques in the local currency , and in the US , dollar travellers cheques can be used as currency in most shops , hotels and restaurants .
6 There is usually no way of enforcing attendance , so such threats have to be taken seriously , and perhaps worked through by paying special attention to their particular feelings and needs .
7 ( a ) There is usually no real way to be sure that the piece of equipment devised is adequate for the purpose unless of course it is a straight copy of an existing commercial model .
8 There is usually no great profit on these transactions , despite the high rents achievable on the right kind of homes in the right areas for incoming expatriate employees of firms like his own .
9 There is usually no objection to the occasional exhibition , depending on where you live and whether your exhibition is likely to cause traffic congestion and aggravation to the neighbours !
10 Cars , of course , are also offered for comparative testing but there is usually no question of the tester -keeping the car at the end of the trial period , whereas the vacuum cleaner would not really be worth the manufacturer 's while collecting .
11 Where the problem turns on an exception to a rule ( e.g. an exception to the rule in Rylands v. Fletcher ) , there is usually no need to state any exceptions other than the one that is relevant .
12 There is usually no particular advantage to be gained from allowing delay to occur .
13 There is usually no bedding and the sows stand or lie on concrete .
14 There is usually no problem in establishing that the reason for the dismissal falls within the concept of ‘ some other substantial reason ’ ( namely , the need to rearrange terms and conditions ) .
15 Where the injury is traumatic , such as a person being struck by a car or having a hand cut off in a machine , there is usually no difficulty .
16 There is usually no disadvantage in this , in that interest payments on share-convertible securities will not be treated as distributions within s209(2) ( e ) ( ii ) TA 1988 because of the " let out " provisions of s212 where the holder of the security is a company within the charge to corporation tax .
17 Treatment is usually a lotion which kills the lice and nits in a few easy applications .
18 However , most two pack systems , similar to our own Wood Bleach , do not contain any acid and as Mr Leach himself points out the ‘ A ’ solution is usually a strong alkaline .
19 The ‘ A ’ solution is usually a strong alkaline .
20 Sometimes a doctor will send the certificate direct to the Registrar , but it is always necessary for whoever is arranging the funeral to attend at the Registrar 's office , this is usually a close family member but does not have to be .
21 French polish is usually a dark brown colour , but as a collective noun it includes button , white , transparent and garnet polishes , which are made with various types of shellac .
22 Button polish is usually a more orange colour than French , and garnet is darker .
23 As far as personalities are concerned , the second type of employer is frequently the sort of man who forms the backbone of the ultra-right in Britain and is usually a racist in the most extreme and overt sense .
24 Eradication of the less serious fungi is usually a simple matter of cutting out and burning the infected timber .
25 Sunday is usually a day of urgency — talks , Mass , lunch , conclusion , benediction and sad farewells follow in quick succession , and yet people feel uplifted and refreshed .
26 At the beginning of the annual costing exercises there is usually a significant gap between the targets set by the Treasury and the genuine requirements of the Services , which no amount of discounting can bridge .
27 But their source of stability is usually a close link to a main bank which , especially in Germany and Japan , monitors management and , in effect , underwrites other banks ' loans .
28 Call it a rites-of-passage novel , a coming-of-age novel or a coming-out novel , it is usually a writer 's way of exploring how the early years can irritate to life the otherwise dormant sensitivities that produce the itch to write fiction .
29 Extreme reductionism is usually a sign of restricted outlook and it seems safe to say that sociobiology will not remain long in so puritanical a stage .
30 The appearance of later stages is usually a development from earlier ones using the same components , and not a radical replacement .
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