Example sentences of "is [vb pp] clear " in BNC.

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1 It is made clear that the boy was exposed to serious danger by his father 's irresponsibility and by his sisters ' departure : but his sisters had been exposed to this father too , and had had to defend themselves .
2 That the other person in Jack 's life , Mrs Moore , was also profoundly lonely is made clear by a generous , and at me same time comically self-revealing , letter which she wrote to Warnie on 29 October .
3 This is made clear in his controversy with John Bramhall , Bishop of Derry , on the subject of free will .
4 I ought to have explained in my letter — as is made clear in my book — that the case studies are those of pathologically disturbed men ( and some women ) ; people locked away in asylums or prisons , or who have paid for their vile perversions with their lives .
5 Time and time again it is made clear that many of Dan 's great exploits are only possible because of the application of science .
6 This is not the place to labour the points one by one , but the overall position is made clear by looking at what Fullan characterises as the difference between ‘ specific and generic capacity for change ’ .
7 This is unusual in the Near Eastern religions , although Christians sometimes talk of Jesus as ‘ God ’ ( as in the words of Thomas after the Resurrection , ‘ My Lord and my God ’ — John 20:28 ) , and in the doctrine of the Trinity it is made clear that the Father , the Son and the Spirit are all ‘ God ’ ( as stated in the Athanasian Creed ) .
8 First , the way is made clear to invoke the plea of necessity ; and , in the majority of cases , such a determination is , as a practical matter , virtually impossible to overturn .
9 In many cases this is made clear through a written code of practice .
10 There it is made clear that Urban Development Corporations , the spearhead of the development thrust , ‘ are the most important attack ever made on urban decay ’ ( ibid .
11 It is made clear that this does not simply mean that each school must offer such a curriculum ; each individual pupil must take it up .
12 Since the electoral registration officer is authorised by statute to sell copies of the electoral register , address lists from this source are fairly and lawfully obtained ; objections to trading in other address lists can be circumvented if , at the time of the initial collection of information , it is made clear that addresses will be passed on unless the data subject expressly objects .
13 Just how much patience was needed is made clear by a story from Elaine Blond about her friend and close colleague .
14 That much is made clear by Shakespeare , early on in the sequence , as if to forestall suspicion or criticism , in Sonnet 20 , which his protagonist addresses to the deuteragonist ( if I may borrow the terminology of the historians of drama to stress the fictive , dramatic status of the personae in these poems ) : That is as clear a statement of the non-sexual relationship between the two personae as could be wished for , and a wittier one than most .
15 If the freeholder was an absentee the natural inference is that the property was tenanted and that the value shown represents the net rent , as indeed is made clear in several entries at Langley Marish , and implied by the uniform addition of the phrase ‘ per annum ’ throughout the three hundreds of Newport .
16 But once this absurdity is made clear , many of us today will probably find that extreme individualism , when thus exposed in its full aridity , is not a heritage that we want to claim .
17 Schools are given the same written guidelines as in the Major Project , but it is made clear that only a short proposal document is required to accompany the school 's spending plan .
18 The character of the underlying essence is made clear in H. C. Wyld 's account of " Layamon as an English poet " : revealing the harmonious identity between human character , literary quality , and a culture of Englishness .
19 The correlation between this kind of development within English and changes within the " welfare " services is made clear by John Broad bent in his description of the influences bearing upon his teaching practice at the University of East Anglia . "
20 ( vii ) In every case it is made clear to the prisoner from the information supplied to him that he may not be recommended for release at the end of his tariff period at the first or any subsequent review .
21 As is made clear below , bucket size may also affect the algorithm chosen .
22 The finest Cycladic products of the time are huge jars decorated with figure-scenes not painted but in relief , the best from Mykonos with panels on the body showing warriors putting women and children to the sword : a savage view of the sack of Troy , as is made clear by the superb rendering on the neck of the Wooden Horse ( fig.10 ) .
23 That not all have survived is made clear in " The New Guide to Islay , " 1900 , where it Is written that " On a plateau near Laggan farmhouse there was until recent times , a sheet of fresh water of considerable size called Lochan na Crannaig — which was drained . "
24 It is made clear to the prisoner from the moment he sets foot in the institution that his personal feelings are considered irrelevant .
25 Christians were distressed because the age of revelation was over ( and they were acutely conscious of this with the passing of the apostolic generation , as is made clear not only by the speedy recognition in the second century that their writings were determinative for the Christian faith , but also by the deep sense of nostalgia to be found in the earliest of the sub-apostolic writers like Polycarp and Ignatius ) .
26 Scott had acquired a reputation for homosexuality at Oxford , as is made clear from correspondence in the Keynes papers at King 's College , Cambridge , and he and Keynes became close friends .
27 Furthermore , the theme of the story is made clear early on :
28 The function of the pre-trial review is made clear by the instructions to the district judge whereby he or she is required to ‘ … give all such directions as appear to be necessary or desirable for securing the just expeditious and economical disposal of the action or matter . ’
29 I 'm afraid they feel rather frustrated when it is made clear to them that this is far from the case , ’ he added drily .
30 The consortia which are established may cover a wide range of situations and it is important that the position of each centre involved is made clear at an early stage in the validation process .
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