Example sentences of "it appears [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the initial stage , Fig. 8. 18A , breaking waves excavate material from the sea floor and form a submarine bar , which is slowly built up until it appears above sea level ( Fig. 8.18B ) .
2 Variants of Roger Fleming 's report however , appear in West 's Antiquities of Furness and in Philosophical Transactions Vol. xvii , 1693 , pages 536–7 where it appears under the heading " Abstracts of two letters from Mr. David Davies , concerning several Copper Mines ; in answer to some Queries proposed by Dr. Lister , S.R.S. No. 200 , p. 737 . "
3 There are various methods of point counting , the most obvious being the spot identification of each grain as it appears under the cross wires of the microscope ( e.g. Van der Plas & tobi , 1965 ; Soloman & green , 1966 ) .
4 Fokine said that every ‘ phrase of his dance was a gesture ’ , and explained : ‘ Undoubtedly an arabesque has many meanings but only when it appears as an idealised gesture .
5 But later , when details come to be worked out , it appears as a part of the ‘ limited ’ investigation into the causes of particular effects .
6 The industrious biographer of Bernard Shaw has just completed the fourth volume , but it appears as if bricks , not books , will finish him off .
7 In the final collected edn. of SB it appears as the last of the seven items grouped under the title ‘ Our Parish ’ to form the first section of the book .
8 story written by CD for ‘ Mugby Junction ’ , the 1866 Christmas Number of All the Year Round where it appears as ‘ No. 1 Branch Line .
9 A bank deposit is an asset to the individual as the holder of the claim but to the bank it appears as a liability in its balance sheet .
10 Approached from the road below it appears as a hilltop fort enclosed by ramparts .
11 Although it appears as a contradiction , just like some of the stated motives of those leaving , I believe it is a form of adaptive behaviour .
12 That is to say , objectively , it appears as a ‘ false consciousness ’ .
13 The ‘ insuperable logical difficulty ’ to which James refers can not be the whole explanation , since it appears as a difficulty only if the general conceptual background of the local sign theory is granted .
14 If the adventurers really want to investigate this place , it appears as a whirling vortex of buff-coloured smoke , with a strong smell of bile .
15 Initially it appears as a small bump , but grows rapidly .
16 It appears as a motif in pottery decoration and models of it in ivory or faience were found at Knossos , Zakro and Mycenae .
17 Initially it appears as an act of balance , with vigorous debate between those who think that censorship is never worth it , and those for whom pornography is so dangerous that censorship is not too high a price at all .
18 It appears as an interest which seeks the objectivity of realisation .
19 With low powers it appears as a dim blur ; I have suspected some resolution with × 20 , but not with any real confidence .
20 With binoculars it appears as a virtually blank area , about 7 degrees by 5 degrees in extent ; there are a few faint stars in front of it .
21 With × 7 it appears as a filmy mass ; I suspect stars with × 8.5 , and with × 20 there are plenty of stars to be seen in it , though binoculars do not bring out any distinctive shape .
22 It appears as a dim blur with low magnification , but with × 20 I can see individual stars in it .
23 It appears as a dim but quite unmistakable blur .
24 Without a detailed analysis , one can not be certain , but it appears as if the Scottish universities , with their significant proportions of general courses , are fairly evenly spread in terms of Figure 3.1 , whereas universities in the rest of the UK seem to emphasize the academic or professional and de-emphasize the general .
25 Although , in the novel , the house awaits the return of Sir Leicester and Lady Dedlock , in the picture it appears as if they have that moment left , abandoning their ordinary occupations .
26 It appears as the instrumental introduction ( and two instrumental interludes ) , it comes four times in each of the two choruses , and it is still going when the song fades out .
27 At one stage it appears as if the substantive meaning of unreasonable is simply one strand of the umbrella to be juxtaposed to irrelevancy , mala fide , etc .
28 The idea behind a water staircase is that it appears as a staircase of sparkling , silvery water .
29 It appears as a tiny whitish worm , often coated in green algae , and is impossible to pull off without causing damage to the fish .
30 It appears as if most voluntary environment bodies active in Wales have not been consulted .
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