Example sentences of "it clear [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I have made it clear over recent months , and am happy to repeat today , that we are seeking an agreement at Maastricht that will be acceptable to the House and will enable Europe to move forward together .
2 SUPERMAN Derek Kaye leapt into action when a trailer loaded with a car ran over his godson — and lifted it clear with ONE hand .
3 If I could draw members attention to the supplementary papers erm and it 's page three which is the second report and it will become I will make it clear with regards to the er linking up of the two reports , both museums and Essex committee linked up to the museum registration .
4 He put the letter aside and took a fresh piece of parchment , smoothing it out and rubbing it clear with a pumice stone .
5 You 've you 've made it clear with him that you discriminate quite clearly between the people that go back to work because they 've got children or they 've got l lot of finan and they 've got to do a lot of financial obligations and those who who do n't .
6 They made it clear to all their colleagues who took part in that operation , and to the Press and observers at the briefing , that they will be supporting the community today , tomorrow and thereafter .
7 The Chancellor has evidently made it clear to Moscow that West Germany respects East Germany 's existence as a separate state , that it does not want to alter the present military set-up of Nato and the Warsaw Pact , and that although it aims to overcome the division of Europe , this does not also apply to the political division of Germany — at least for the foreseeable future .
8 Identifying the full cost of courses makes it clear to the voter where the funding gap is .
9 It is now the 6th September and my visits round the Commando units 3 , 4 , 6 and 45 Royal Commando , not forgetting French Commando , have made it clear to me the large number of casualties in this campaign .
10 Three times he had made it clear to MacDonald that he did not wish to accept his resignation — on the morning of Sunday 23 August , when he told MacDonald that he would ‘ advise them ( the other two party leaders ) strongly to support ( him ) ’ ; at 10.20 p.m. on the evening of the same day , after the Cabinet meeting , when the King ‘ impressed upon the Prime Minister that he was the only man to lead the country through this crisis and hoped that he would reconsider the situation ’ ; and at the Buckingham Palace conference itself .
11 We must continue to make it clear to potential aggressors , however , that we should strike back with all the means that we judge appropriate , conventional or nuclear .
12 That 's the reason why the needed not only to draw her self-portrait , but also to make it clear to all that it embodied something unique and irreplaceable , something worth fighting or even dying for .
13 The District committee relented ; withdrew their objections and Jacques made it clear to Green it was only through his personal intervention and tenacity as the General Secretary that ‘ the WEA had been saved from disaster , and that this agreement represented , in fact , the charter which gives us continued and autonomous existence ’ .
14 He had expressed so often the depth of his love and had made it clear to me that I had given meaning to his life .
15 France made it clear to New Zealand that it would allow more imports of lamb and dairy products into France if New Zealand reduced the charge against the couple to manslaughter and then deported them .
16 Whereas they made it clear to his wife that they would never forsake her , they also made it clear to Tawell that he would never be accepted .
17 Whereas they made it clear to his wife that they would never forsake her , they also made it clear to Tawell that he would never be accepted .
18 That was unthinkable to the British generals , even though Napoleon III made it clear to Lord Palmerston that he did not intend to usurp the command and so the problem would not arise .
19 ‘ The recognizable direction of social development ’ , she concluded , ‘ has made it clear to me that there is no social class in Poland that has at one and the same time both an interest in , and an ability to achieve , the restoration of Poland ’ .
20 But I am surprised your powers of observation have not already made it clear to you that he is in reality more than that .
21 No , I assure you of that but , well , for one thing the Elsie I knew made it clear to me that she wished to make a new life for herself , start more or less from scratch .
22 On entering No. 10 in May 1979 , Mrs Thatcher made it clear to the Whitehall machine that she was not a Cabinet-committee person .
23 It would be heartless to deny her the pleasure of feeling that she is making a useful contribution to the preparation of meals , but it would be equally unkind not to make it clear to her from the beginning just who will be in charge and wearing the chef 's hat !
24 Now that Hilary was three years old , Stephen had made it clear to his own mother that the necessity for her to remain at the Manor was past .
25 ‘ The sentence must also make it clear to others that the law will not permit individuals of excellent character , such as yourself , to take the law into their own hands . ’
26 The accountants had made it clear to the Committee that they did not accept the findings of the DTI reports ( which formed the basis for the inquiry ) , and that documents they would need to deal further with the matter were no longer available .
27 He added that he had made it clear to the IoT that the Faculty would be willing to explore co-operation over exams , but the IoT was not interested .
28 He made it clear to Verdeţ that some way around his promises would have to be found , but one which would not simply revive the workers ' militancy .
29 Taking Dobre aside , Ceauşescu made it clear to him that his talents were wasted down a mine .
30 We think it would also be useful if the Director General of Fair Trading made it clear to traders that advocating follow-on credit is unfair , and expect ( from what they told us ) that the National Consumer Credit Federation and Consumer Credit Association would support him in persuading traders to abandon the practice .
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