Example sentences of "it had little " in BNC.

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1 THE US Secretary of State , James Baker , hinted yesterday that the US withheld military support for Tuesday 's failed coup in Panama because it believed it had little chance of success .
2 Reading a rightwing rather than a left-wing paper improved images of Thatcher and the Conservative Party , and damaged images of Kinnock and the Labour Party , though it had little or no influence on images of the Alliance and its leaders .
3 It had little to do with the real Queen Anne architecture of the early eighteenth century , but merely borrowed some of its features , such as , here at Linkenholt : the thick glazing bars on the dormer windows , the shell-shaped pediment over the central dormer , and the gently hipped roof lines .
4 The DUP was formed with the intention of increasing the non-evangelical element in the movement , but it had little initial success in broadening the recruiting base .
5 Within the orbit of the late Roman world , Christianity was primarily receptive ; it inherited a set of institutions ready-made , conformed to a social and political structure which had developed over a long period , and learned to live with a culture which it had little part in creating .
6 It had little to do with The Smiths .
7 Frustratingly , however , the IPG was unable to view these publications in advance and so it had little idea as to how useful they would be .
8 It had little to do with science in society , and writers Lawrence Moore and Robert Young seemed slightly self-conscious about this , using the words ‘ science ’ and ‘ technology ’ as much as possible in relation to management , roller coasters et al to compensate .
9 The latter move was endorsed by the Soviet government , but it was an acknowledgement of an accomplished fact over which it had little or no control .
10 It had little sensible inexpensive things in it — a folding coat-hanger and something to put on one 's face … .
11 Though it had little to differentiate itself from its colleagues , apart from double ring-grips at both head and foot , its construction was more elaborate than the standard framed and panelled model — thus it was more expensive and carried a certain snob value .
12 It had little relevance .
13 All the leading cars traded places briefly during a flurry of pit-stops but it had little effect on Prost who was able to pull clear and win comfortably .
14 Beyond this , it had little economic importance and did not function as a multilateral institution in any proper sense of the term .
15 The BF on the other hand was named after the new Italian experiment in 1923 , even though it had little direct knowledge of the aims and ideas of Mussolini .
16 At the same time the Bakufu was held responsible by the powers for attacks on foreigners by anti-foreign elements , over which it had little control .
17 But although a great deal of solid matter had soon accumulated on one or other side of the ramparts and sometimes on both , it had little or no effect .
18 In the 1950s , the government of Colonel Oscar Osorio ( 1950–6 ) passed a law prohibiting prostitution in El Salvador , although it had little effect beyond filling the prisons for a short time .
19 The NMA argued from the outset for a negotiated settlement , in part because of a fear that intransigence might lead to total defeat and in part because it had little money with which to fight the strike following the run-down of its funds during the 1921 lockout .
20 In this it had little success , though it did cause some alarm to the authorities and to shipowners , some of whom recognised that accumulated benefits could be an effective way of retaining membership .
21 She screamed , but it had little effect , just added to the confusion that reigned in the room .
22 Again and again in the responses to our 1989 survey of all heads , those in Phase 3 schools commented negatively on their PNP staffing : that it had little impact ; that it even exacerbated their previous staffing problems ; that it was too little too late ; that the LEA did not understand the problems which their schools were trying to tackle .
23 We had continuous news from the front , but unless it involved someone we knew , it had little effect on us .
24 More often , however , the term was reserved for Delaunay and his disciples , Bruce , Frost , Sonia Delaunay and Alice Bailly , and for painters such as Picabia , Kupka and Duchamp who had all been originally classified as Cubists but whose work was becoming more abstract , although it had little or nothing to do with that of Delaunay .
25 Since there were few Third World states in the 1960s willing to offer the USSR the military facilities it desired it had little to lose from supporting the principled opposition of the non-aligned group to foreign military bases .
26 It had little effect and she had to force herself into the driving seat and begin the return journey .
27 It had little impact on the LSE students who , if they were in anything at all were likely to be inclined towards the Trotskyism of the International Socialists and the varieties of new leftism rather than this unknown creed .
28 But it did not manage the schools and outside London and several other cities , such as Bristol , it had little strength .
29 By 1911 , when Italy 's newly launched first Dreadnought battleship was significantly named the Dante Alighieri , it claimed 50,000 members ; but although it enjoyed considerable official support it had little influence on government policy .
30 All the leading cars traded places briefly during a flurry of pit-stops but it had little effect on Prost who was able to pull clear and win comfortably .
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