Example sentences of "it have meet " in BNC.

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1 I am afraid it has met with a cool response from our colleagues , and in view of this , I am sorry to say that we will not be taking up your offer to publish .
2 It has met at regular quarterly intervals since then and is possibly the oldest meeting of its kind in Ireland .
3 In many cases where a request has been made , it has met with a flat refusal .
4 The mayors ' plan , targeting $35 billion in fiscal assistance , public works , community development black grants , job training , and low-interest small-business loans , has been taken up in Congress where it has met the famous legislated ‘ wall ’ , which prevents shift of military funds to social programmes rather than to deficit reduction .
5 Although the statistical theory of Gibbs and de Marzio has had some success for polystyrene in predicting the variation of T2 with molecular weight , the variation of specific heat with temperature , it has met with criticism .
6 In Scotland , concern has been expressed over the implications of studio closures and job losses , but it has met with soothing words from the BBC 's executives and from its political masters in government .
7 If you are installing a new bathroom , it has to meet the requirements of the Building Regulations .
8 Working in conjunction effectively with you , our members , and it has to meet your needs and interests as well as our own , and I 'm therefore looking forward to the possibility , in fact , the certainty of us having a year of achievement us for the interests of the voluntary sector .
9 We can not say what the outcome of a meeting of the Defence Committee might have been , or whether the course of events would have been altered if it had met in September 1981 ; but , in our view , it could have been advantageous , and fully in line with Whitehall practice , for Ministers to have reviewed collectively at that time , or in the months immediately ahead , the current negotiating position ; the implications of the conflict between the attitudes of the Islanders and the aims of the Junta ; and the longer-term policy options in relation to the dispute .
10 But The Sun thought that ‘ the meeting was a bogus one , if it was held at all ’ , further alleging that this clandestine organisation ( which said that it had met in secrecy because it feared Hooligan reprisals ) was a put-up job by someone in the pay of The Daily Telegraph .
11 Long , unkempt hair , several missing teeth , and a nose that looked as if it had met more than one fist in its owner 's lifetime did nothing for his general appearance .
12 The agreement came at the conclusion of a two-day meeting in Paris of the World Bank 's Egypt consultative group — the first time it had met since 1981 .
13 In a formal letter addressed to the UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali on July 11 , Iraq renewed its demand for an end to international trade sanctions , saying that it had met its obligations under Gulf ceasefire resolutions .
14 Each would be asked to notify the IMF within one month whether it agreed to its share as determined by the IMF ; each successor could formally accede to the IMF once it had met the formal conditions specified .
15 The second hand had stopped where it had met the pin inserted near the 55-second mark .
16 A Liberal Party spokesman refused to be drawn on the price the Government wanted if it had met the demands , saying that , since the deal fell through , it was hypothetical .
17 It had to meet huge mortgage indemnity insurance claims from lenders of repossessed homes now worth less than was lent on them .
18 However , the government demanded a five-year grace period before paying into the UN-supervised compensation fund for Kuwaiti victims of Iraq 's occupation and the ensuing war , on the grounds that it had to meet domestic needs first , including the US$194,000 million cost of reconstruction .
19 The arrangement of the keys is now so firmly established that attempts to alter it have met with failure .
20 Tha that 's after it 's met the tax liability or not ?
21 That 's right , the , the , the id rewards the ego as it were with a feeling of pleasure when it 's when it 's met its demand .
22 Now , if you use any financial monitor that we have , and bearing in mind the size of the task , any critical analysis will reveal that this Council , under Labour , can definitely say that it 's met the challenge and it 's certainly started to make the change .
23 The new look Oxfordshire District Health Authority 's been meeting today , it 's the first time it 's met since the changes were made under recent government legislation .
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