Example sentences of "to pressure from " in BNC.

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1 She also had to bow to pressure from colleagues and permit Cabinet discussion of economic strategy in 1982 and to abandon Cabinet discussion in September 1982 of the paper from the Central Policy Review staff about the implications of the rising trend of public expenditure and its proposals for curbing welfare spending ( see above p. 213 ) .
2 These have frequently been made in response to pressure from major international aid donors .
3 Despite the fact that crab stocks are declining through overfishing , the government buckled to pressure from the fishing industry and actually eliminated a closed season on crabbing in 1983 .
4 Reagan was quick to succumb to pressure from the San Diego based tuna industry , and the MMPA regulations were relaxed .
5 NMFS caved in to pressure from the tuna industry , and claimed that it was possible to place observers aboard only 50 per cent of tuna seiners for the season beginning 1 January 1989 .
6 In January the government , bowing to pressure from the Nature Conservancy Council , amended the Wildlife Protection Act to extend the full protection of the law to the adder .
7 On this occasion Cooke led a delegation to see O'Neill who had responded to pressure from a Unionist MP , Austin Ardill , to meet the men .
8 Commanche Run responded courageously to pressure from his jockey , and by the final furlong he and Baynoun , running equally gamely , had the race between them .
9 This last provision was included in the enabling legislation to allow for representation of minority religious groups , but it made the triennial elections a running denominational sore and made the Boards particularly sensitive to pressure from minority interests .
10 Hence the social acceptability of earlier retirement by women can prove a mixed blessing : it gives them more chance to leave paid work at a time of their own choosing , but also leaves them more open to pressure from others to retire .
11 The Fleming committee had been set up in response to pressure from the independent schools themselves : their heads and governors had been worried by the drop in enrolments and income in the 1930s , and many hoped to share in the growing national investment that would follow the War .
12 Keith Joseph and Kenneth Baker , though I believe they are genuinely anxious to improve the lot of all children at school , have nevertheless been subject to pressure from the most inflexibly conservative thinkers .
13 When young people remain single , they will be open to pressure from plenty of other people .
14 Kenya administrators also discovered the ‘ importance and usefulness of [ cattle ] sales as a meeting place for the transaction of official business ’ , but except in wartime , when the army needed meat , veterinary quarantines imposed in response to pressure from representatives of the European livestock industry meant that such sales were not a prominent feature of life in Kenya Masai District .
15 Just a few years ago these beautiful creatures faced being clubbed to death by hunters , but thanks to pressure from wildlife organisations , they have been spared .
16 Companies House has bowed to pressure from MPs and the business community and agreed to send ex gratia payments to companies that were forced to pay a late filing penalty after their accounts for the period to 30 September 1991 were delivered to Companies House on 31 July 1992 .
17 Williams maintained he has no intention of bowing to pressure from the French government by including a black player in their all-white touring party .
18 Although Charles 's own personal inclination was to refound a wide , comprehensive church able to encompass as many of the various denominations of the 1650s as possible , it was soon clear that the king would have to bow to pressure from the bishops , the conservative landowners , and their representatives in the Cavalier Parliament , who wished to see a more narrow restoration .
19 Partly for these reasons , and partly due to pressure from western organisations like Compassion in World Farming , the Indian government has recently banned the slaughter of frogs for this purpose .
20 Such officers were clearly vulnerable to pressure from their superiors in the service , or from those able to exert influence upon such superiors .
21 The old in particular are vulnerable to pressure from casual labourers .
22 If the townsmen found difficulty in making their voice heard , unyielding resistance to pressure from the rural masses was the primary domestic function of the State .
23 With great reluctance , Reagan bowed to pressure from his advisers and compromised the Kemp-Roth principle somewhat by agreeing that the first cut should be delayed for a few months and reduced to 5 per cent in the first year with 10 per cent cuts in years two and three .
24 The Trade Practices Commission has recommended that record shops be free to import directly , leading to price reductions and improved service ; however the Government , bowing to pressure from a few local ( pop ) musicians , has failed to act .
25 The providers of domestic , portering and ward ancillary staff are also subjected to pressure from staff for the peak-holiday periods .
26 He attributed the offence to pressure from his friends to carry the scheme out , when it was thought up .
27 But the fact is no lender can ever be absolutely sure that a guarantor is not being subject to pressure from the principal debtor , and to require him to do more than properly and fairly point out to the guarantor the desirability of obtaining independent advice , and to require the documents to be executed in the presence of a solicitor , is to put upon commercial lenders a burden which would severely handicap the carrying out of what is , after all , an extremely common transaction of everyday occurrence for banks and other commercial lenders .
28 In England there was to have been a four-year transitional period , commencing in 1990 , during which the community charge would have been gradually introduced and rates phased out , but the Secretary of State , in response to pressure from his own party , agreed late in 1987 that with the exception of a handful of London boroughs ( where some flexibility remains ) the community charge should be introduced throughout England in 1990 without any phasing-in period .
29 Although I welcome the way in which my right hon. Friend has responded to pressure from those of us who are concerned about the future of the volunteers in the Territorial army and elsewhere , and I especially welcome his statement about the future of the Army Cadet Force and the support it receives from the reserves , what are his particular plans for the three reserve battalions of the Royal Anglians ?
30 He claimed the Government was aware that a ban on advertising would help reduce illness and death , but was continuing to succumb to pressure from the tobacco industry .
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