Example sentences of "to the demand " in BNC.

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1 In Bradford it was just such issues which gave impetus to the demand for single sex schools .
2 Sport certainly responded to the demand of the urban worker for entertainment .
3 His only major mistake lay in the way he responded to the demand for international films .
4 After twice refusing , he finally agreed to the demand of a petition of over 10,000 names asking for a session of the inquiry to be held in Bristol .
5 The hunger of Russia during the civil war added a sharp edge to the demand for Ukrainian independence , the right to dispose of the grain surplus .
6 This scheme started in the 1970s , in response to the demand from older people who were unable to find an insurance company offering adequate cover for the amount they wanted .
7 Young people could be ‘ moulded to the demand ’ from employers and this was crucial because in the long term , the ‘ character of the demand … is ultimately governed by the possibilities of supply . ’
8 We would all pay lip-service to the demand that pupil needs must come before financial considerations , but the temptation to save will often be present .
9 This is the context in which schools , and secondary schools in particular , have to respond to the demand for change .
10 Soon after the turn of the century , however , in response to the demand of the market place , tonics returned again .
11 Certainly there has been a rapid increase in the number of consultancies offering such services , but this is simply a response to the demand created by the draft EC legislation on environmental audits and the draft British Standard on Environmental Management Systems .
12 I 've said before that combos are ultimately a compromised amp/speaker setup , due primarily to the demand for portability .
13 And the various forms of workflow management systems and groupware products now emerging , in response to the demand for ever-increasing ease of access to that information , look likely to make the terms MIS and EIS redundant , and the LAN and WAN irrelevent .
14 The recession also led to the demand for the provision of greater economic security for the average citizen , which became embodied subsequently in the growth of the welfare state following the election of the Labour Government in 1945 .
15 ] The extent to which GIST was successful in particular schools appears to have been less dependent on the team 's efforts than on the existing school ethos and whether it was consistent with responding to the demand for genuine equality of opportunity .
16 Responding to the demand from the market that Motif should evolve from essentially what is a developer 's toolkit to more of an end user product , OSF has kicked off its efforts by announcing the GUI Application Interoperability Architecture ( GAIA ) initiative .
17 These considerations may then lead to an emphasis on training in alternative journalism and to the demand for alternative media and a concomitant emphasis on media education .
18 Our discussion in the last two chapters and this one reveals three broad types of transaction which give rise to the demand and supply of currencies :
19 Aggregate expenditure also consists of government spending , exports , and investment , all of which contribute to the demand for domestically produced goods and services .
20 In addition it must be acknowledged that the public schools have adapted to the demand for scientific and managerial graduates by modernising their range of subjects and strengthening their science teaching .
21 At the ensuing Conference on International Economic Cooperation ( CIEC ) in Paris in 1976 , the only small concession made to the demand for a New International Economic Order ( NIEO ) was a grudging and procrastinating acceptance of the idea of a Common Fund to support price stabilisation arrangements for eighteen of the most important commodities exported from developing countries .
22 The other people in the restaurant , who might at other times have had stringent thoughts about race , or about white women publicly embracing black men ( or at least , not with such total lack of self-consciousness ) , were subdued — it could be seen from faces that showed tendencies to laugh too without reason to the demand of the occasion , which was for a total and uncritical abandon to happiness .
23 On the one hand , their arrival may add to the demand for retailing and educational facilities , which may help to sustain the village shop or school ; on the other , their children may attend other more distant schools and the newcomers may shop in the adjacent towns so that , if they have ‘ replaced ’ locals , there may be a downturn in demand , which could even precipitate the closure of these facilities .
24 Mills suggests that the rewards of the professionals are directly related to the demand for their services by the rich and powerful .
25 The waters on which we travel are released from the penstocks of Glen Canyon Dam , 105 miles upstream , according to the demand for hydroelectric power in cities hundreds of miles away .
26 Econometric evidence in support of this — at least with respect to the demand for labour supplied by " temporary help " firms ( the equivalent of agencies in Britain ) — has been presented by Joray ( 1981 ) for the USA .
27 This was attributed to the demand for DP staff induced by " Big Bang " — the deregulation of many of the City 's financial activities and the major extension of computer-based trading .
28 It is more than likely that any changes in industrial discipline are related to the demand for labour , i.e. stricter discipline for workers during periods of high unemployment , and easier discipline at times of full employment or particular local or industrial labour shortages .
29 As an economic concept , its fortunes have waxed and waned in response largely to the demand for labour by industry and the availability of labour reserves in the general population .
30 The scope of day and domiciliary care has grown sharply in recent years , although it is still woefully inadequate in relation to the demand for services , particularly the home help service .
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