Example sentences of "to the pressure " in BNC.

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1 Already by 14 May , the Roman catholic hierarchy had responded to the pressure with the production and projected distribution of one million copies of a pastoral letter against divorce ( Irish Episcopal Conference 1986 ) .
2 to the pressure in the car tyres and to keep the trailer tyres at a higher pressure than might at first seem necessary .
3 By the Seventies this had been cut down , thanks to the pressure cooker , hotter ovens and the first electric gadgets , to an hour .
4 The performance revolves round rows of hissingly-hot pressure cookers , which are brought to the point of pressure ; suspended above them are boxes of ice , with nails and bits and pieces , which drop on to the pressure cooker lids as the ice melts .
5 Reserve police in this part of Belfast correctly point out that uncertainty over their contract is only one form of insecurity , and simply adds to the pressure of working in West Belfast ( FN 9/10/87 , p. 25 ) .
6 The great majority of farmers continue to use minimal quantities of fertiliser although fertility is being depleted ; few governments are tackling the question of the use of their under-populated areas on a systematic basis ; the organizations which serve small farmers have cut back their operations in response to budgetary pressures and in response to the pressure for privatization ; the frequently competent staff of national agricultural research bodies are everywhere starved of funds for transport and field labour .
7 The recent row between Nissan and its British distributor owes much to the pressure that both have been under recently to break into the fleet market .
8 Producers have to operate efficiently due to the pressure of potential ‘ hit and run entry ’ into the market .
9 There are n't an easy jobs in this wold , but our high public profile adds to the pressure .
10 While attempting to respond to the civil rights movement and to the pressure from the Wilson government in London , O'Neill was being threatened from within the Unionist camp .
11 The strain on the pound only adds to the pressure on interest levels .
12 If this sort of thing can happen to him , especially a year after Mr Dalglish gave in to the pressure , then everyone is vulnerable .
13 A lot will depend on how the boys react to the pressure of scoring the most bounces in 10 minutes in front of a big crowd .
14 Soccer : Adams adds to the pressure on West Ham
15 Insiders put it down to the pressure of competing for six and seven figure salaries .
16 Not only is there a great depth to the pressure for change , but it also exists on an enormously wide number of fronts — from the National Curriculum through assessment and on to open enrolment and the local management of schools and ( for some ) beyond that to grant maintained status or other ‘ exotics ’ .
17 This , in our judgment , was the cardinal motivation behind Mrs Thatcher 's eventual decision to yield to the pressure for her resignation .
18 Centralised installations are also available similar in principle to the pressure jet installations with a fixed remote suction pump and collection chamber and with a ring main and suction points to which wander hoses may be connected .
19 It is true that the homosexual world is less inclined than heterosexual society to long-lasting and exclusive sexual relationships , partly because it is not subject to the pressure for such relationships imposed by family economics .
20 Impulse buying is only one example of the way we all react , subconsciously , to the pressure to buy .
21 Previous generations may also have felt a passing pang of regret as they allowed the younger generation to take their place , but they were not subjected to the pressure to stay young which affects men and women of forty or fifty today .
22 But the statement also points to the pressure that is brought to bear to exclude that material from the library which it is felt would harm minority interests .
23 The competitive nature with which most counties have come to contest the Second XI competition adds to the pressure .
24 The reliability problems caused by taking old gear on the road adds to the pressure of touring , but Keith thinks they 've got round that quite well .
25 On the pitch he was practically impossible to replace and I 'm sure all this contributed to the pressure bearing down on Dalglish in those last months .
26 By succumbing to the pressure to appear in such a publication ( why do it at all ? ) her ‘ control ’ goes out the window .
27 In response to the pressure from residents , the Department of the Environment agreed to hold a public inquiry if a mining application was made .
28 In a second briefing , another aide attacked Morton 's best selling book for adding to the pressure on the royal couple .
29 The pain , which was due to the pressure of the cancer on a nerve , was entirely relieved by the shrinking of the growth , to the extent at which it caused no further suffering .
30 Children are also reacting to the pressure on individuals to compete and succeed , he said .
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