Example sentences of "to the previous " in BNC.

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1 The final point , which is related to the previous point , is that it is a mystery to some people why , despite the fact they do well in the squad , they still do n't get selected .
2 He knows all the villagers personally , and is as indispensable to me as he was to the previous twenty-seven Humanitarian Officers .
3 However , the Regional Development Officer of the housing association insisted on carrying out the same thorough appraisal of its potential that had been applied to the previous buildings .
4 Mr Burt is a former parliamentary secretary to the previous Education Secretary , Mr Kenneth Baker .
5 After a period of slower rise until 10,500 years ago , corresponding to a time known as the Younger Dryas — when ice sheets temporarily advanced again in the Northern hemisphere — a second burst of accelerated sea-level risk took place , at rates similar to the previous acceleration .
6 This graph has been constructed by adding the calculated output of each year to the previous total , less a compounded deduction of 2 per cent for each year 's loss from circulation .
7 The rectangle , moving in a dimension at right angles to the previous two , defines a rectangular prism .
8 There had been for many years various organizations to co-ordinate Nonconformist work in both political and religious fields and the oldest bodies dated back to the previous century .
9 Police have spoken to the previous owner , who recently sold the van privately .
10 A summary of the results of the survey , compared to the previous year 's findings , will be published with the annual demand for local income tax , so that every resident is able to tell what their council is achieving with the money they pay .
11 Comprising similar terrain to the previous category , but confined to the high ground above 300 to 350 metres this land includes the summits , ridge crests , plateaux , cols and upper slopes of mountains in Harris and on South Uist .
12 Drill attachments : Similar to the previous category , but powered by direct drive from a hand held electric drill , these have some application in the drier phases of cleaning .
13 Crowther looked back to the previous and deeply influential report , also by the Central Advisory Council , on Early Leaving ( 1954 ) .
14 And so we can go back to all the Beatitudes , seeing how each stands or falls in relationship to the previous ‘ Be-attitudes ’ that we have before God , in God , for God , and through God living in us .
15 When the train stopped at the all-too-active battlefield in the frozen wastes of the Siberian-Manchurian border , her only hope was to walk back along the railway track to the previous station :
16 According to Professor Aleksander Bajt ( Danas , 14 April 1987 ) , who was economic adviser to the previous government , the idea behind ‘ programmed inflation ’ ( to which he was totally opposed ) originated in the National Bank in the autumn of 1985 .
17 The Slovenes , therefore , proposed that the existing foreign exchange allocation system should be abandoned , and that there should be a return to the previous system of retention ratios .
18 In the economic climate of the 1980s and 1990s ambitions tend to be more modest , and most librarians would now be happy to achieve a figure which is equal to the previous year , with an increase to cover risen costs .
19 Sterling Chemicals announced a 97 per cent fall in net profits to $700000 for the first quarter of 1992 compared to the previous year .
20 With two new atoms added to the previous five , the children tackled harder problems ( ‘ How many different CFC molecules can you invent with these model atoms ’ ? ) , and towards the end of the two year trial they had become familiar enough with valencies and weights to take to the Periodic Table idea enthusiastically .
21 Watch how the word wraps back to the previous line .
22 He had the good lecturer 's habit of referring back to the previous lecture , and looking forward to the next , so that the course flowed smoothly on .
23 NGL found that with FMS stock work in progress is now being turned over 24 times a year as opposed to the previous 3.3 times .
24 In another test , Wagstaff showed subjects a series of ‘ mug shots ’ ; a week later one group of subjects were hypnotised and ‘ age-regressed ’ to the previous session .
25 Sweezy resolved this problem by the introduction of further algebraic notations which distinguished between unproductive consumption of the level pertaining to the previous production period and that which is additional , new , unproductive consumption .
26 What then was qualitatively different about the imperialist epoch , as compared to the previous era of capitalist development ?
27 But this new turn of the rudder in the opposite direction will not signify a return to the previous situation , that is , to the appropriation of surpluses and so forth .
28 Yes , but again this can not be the whole story because sometimes the food in question is identical to the previous meal , which was consumed greedily .
29 ‘ Some may ask why should we be recalling the past and reliving an event which really belonged to the previous century ?
30 What a contrast to the previous student flats she 'd shared , where it was every man for himself !
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