Example sentences of "to the former " in BNC.

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1 The behaviourist 's second line of defence is to distinguish between knowing and what is known , and say that the behavioural reduction applies only to the former .
2 But in the present economic state of academic publishing the encounter between market forces and intellectual value tends to subordinate the latter to the former .
3 Security sources said Major George Serhal was handed over to the former Lebanese president , Suleiman Franjieh .
4 Which assumes that the latter is an alternative to the former , rather than a consequence .
5 The payments to the former directors were later stopped .
6 In assessing the financial relief to be awarded to the former wife of a millionaire after their divorce , pursuant to section 25 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 ( as amended by section 3 of the Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act 1984 ) , the court should not calculate the wife 's share solely by reference to her needs , but could take account also of any exceptional contribution she had made to the creation of the husband 's wealth .
7 One was a £230,000 ‘ compensation for loss of office ’ , the bulk of which went to the former chief executive , Emmanuel Olympitis , who suddenly departed last month .
8 In each case the Canadian fiction of a supposedly identical sovereign was repudiated ; and in each case the continuance of a unity which had been due only to the former British connection was made a prior condition for even pretending to play the Canadian game .
9 In these respects Frith/Moll is represented in the tradition of the warrior woman and the folk figure of Long Meg of Westminster , both of whom distinguish true morality from false , the proper man from the braggart , and finally submit to the former ( Shepherd , Amazons , esp .
10 Other than some waterwashing of the exuberant polychromatic brick arch that surmounts the entrance to the former south playground ( now the communal car park ) , no cleaning of external brickwork has been undertaken .
11 The decision was ‘ fully open ’ to the former home secretary , Mr Douglas Hurd , in the exercise of his judgment and was not open to review by the courts , said Lord Donaldson , Master of the Rolls , sitting with Lords Justice Ralph Gibson and McCowan .
12 Messenger May Baverstock were ordered to pay £112,000 to the former owner .
13 Mr Endara , aged 53 , is a labour lawyer who served as an aide to the former President , Mr Arnulfo Arias Madrid .
14 A superior brand of knighthood , the KBE , goes to the former Liberal leader , Mr David Steel , while Sir John Fieldhouse , ex-chief of the Defence Staff and First Sea Lord during the Falklands War , becomes one of three new life peers .
15 The Bank of England is understood to have told the Romanian authorities they will have to apply to the British courts to have bank accounts belonging to the former dictator Nicolae Ceausescu frozen , writes Mark Milner .
16 In the first half of the seventeenth century the traditional Elizabethan style carried on , unabashed by fashion ; then again there was the purely classical Queen 's House at Greenwich , built by Inigo Jones , as radically different to the former as chalk is to cheese .
17 This , they argue , will give a new lease of life to moribund markets in cities like Hamburg and Hanover , which lie close to the former border between the two Germanies — near the once feared Soviet army , that is , and some way from once all-important markets to the West .
18 What South American readers will make of his repeated references to the former enemy as ‘ Argies ’ or of the punchy foreword by Mrs Thatcher is hard to predict .
19 Mr Roller warned that loans to the former Soviet Union were more frail than expected and urged the West not to rush into short-term solutions .
20 It was one of the few references to the former prime minister 's gender that I heard during the whole week of leadership crise .
21 Short was a child prodigy and the outstanding product of the English chess explosion of the 70s and early 80s which took English chess from the second division to second place only to the former Soviet Union .
22 The same procedure has been extended to the former communist east .
23 SHAREHOLDERS in the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development are set to clash today over proposals for a substantial increase in resources to the former Soviet Union .
24 Mr Forman served as Parliamentary Private Secretary to the former Chancellor , Mr Nigel Lawson , but has gained a reputation as a critic of Mrs Thatcher 's style of government .
25 All told , 10 backbenchers were brought into the Government , including Mr Alistair Burt ( Bury North ) who becomes junior minister at Social Security ; Mr Steve Norris ( Epping Forest ) , Parliamentary Private Secretary to the former Home Secretary , Mr Kenneth Baker , becomes Under-Secretary at the Transport Department ; and Mr Gwylim Jones ( Cardiff North ) becomes Welsh Under-Secretary .
26 Tony Stafford talks to the former owner of Vernons Pools who is hoping for a jackpot dividend in two weeks ' time with Rodrigo de Triano and Musicale
27 Mr Najibullah fell as troops defected and the government 's biggest military base , two garrison towns and the lifeline road to the former Soviet Union fell to an offensive by seven loosely allied guerrilla groups .
28 Although discussions took place about a possible return to the former scale of activity , Newlove 's health did not improve and he was physically limited to Wells where either One-Year or Terminal courses continued until 1934 when the WEA branch became inactive .
29 The success of these courses at centres whose natural affinities lay with the London rather than the Eastern District led to the latter 's willing agreement to transfer its expanding , populous southern commuter zone to the former in the summer of 1930 .
30 We are co-operating with our partners to provide urgent help to the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe to upgrade the safety of their nuclear power stations .
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