Example sentences of "to the left " in BNC.

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1 The importance of the vital actions drill may even be undermined in the eyes of the student if the instructor insists on a complete check of each control movement for every flight ( stick to the left , left aileron up , right aileron down , stick to the right , etc. ) , since it is clear that things like this can not change between flights , and the majority of experienced pilots only do that check on the first flight of the day .
2 Twist your body to the left as far as possible , and then round to the right as far as possible .
3 Change to the left leg and repeat .
4 Therefore in daily training it is customary for each exercise to be performed to the left and right , forwards and backwards .
5 Obvious cracks soared to the left and right , reminiscent of Fairhead in Antrim , but I craved subtlety after the brutal corner we 'd just climbed .
6 Those to the left ( The Château and opposite ( The Belleric ) contain the majority of routes .
7 Finally , a screw-in side handle is fixed on to the alloy gear cover , offset either to the left or right depending on the user .
8 He recognizes in Raskolnikov a fellow-struggler , and repeatedly he says that the two of them are birds of a feather ; but he also bids him farewell with a pointed ‘ You to the right and I to the left , or the other way round if you like ’ towards the end of their final meeting , because setting off for America , unlike the North Pole , while it may or may not amount to doing anything ( Crime and Punishment does n't raise the question ) marks a parting of their ways .
9 Even his way of throwing his money about , what he has of it , is immediately distinguishable from Svidrigailov 's , while with both of them money is the very image of merely imputed and therefore reversible value in a loose-end world : ‘ You to the right and I to the left , or the other way round if you like . ’
10 Conversely , if the press swung heavily to the left , television would have to reorient its coverage and redress the balance by leaning to the right .
11 Track descends ; 150 yds before bottom of slope , where track bends to the left and immediately before copse begins on right , cross ditch on right and bear half left on other side , keeping close to copse on your left .
12 Beyond the planes you have the sea to the left , and to the right the surface of the moon an endless lava field with sharp brown rocks and occasional patches of greenery .
13 Frequently we stopped , turned and went back for another try to the left or right Our order did not change , with Odd-Knut out in front , then Tony and Nathan , and me bringing the line to an end .
14 When the power rear doors opened , the men moved out to the left and right of their vehicles , into their battle positions , and began to shoot at the enemy .
15 Waddle switches to the left for the injured Barnes and Parker plays at right-back instead of Stevens .
16 Mrs Cresson 's appointment is being taken as a shift to the left , particularly in view of the exclusion of seven of the centrist ministers , and as a shift towards protectionism , with the departure of Roger Fauroux , the old cabinet 's loudest free-trader .
17 He steered too far to the left and nicked the edge of the median strip .
18 He prefaced each pronouncement with an apologetic twitch of the head to the left , but lesser mortals hung on every word — and he knew it .
19 ‘ Look neither to the right nor to the left , but keep straight on ’ , Asquith had told the faithful in his resignation speech of October 1926 .
20 Examples are circling your arms around from your shoulders ; toe-touching ; standing upright then bending your body sideways to the left then right ; lying on the floor then raising each leg as high in the air as possible ( keeping the leg straight ) .
21 She tried it on , high at the neck , to the left side , to the right side .
22 The Grand National course narrows approaching the winning post and bends round to the left immediately after , and with crowds manically screaming at him in the stands and on both rails and directly in front of him it would hardly be surprising if Devon Loch had suddenly been startled by the deafening noise .
23 Shogun , having come off best in a bout of shoving with Day Comet , was making ground up the rails when Reiff moved Craganour over to lean on Aboyeur , causing the outsider to swerve to the left and cut off Shogun 's run on the inside .
24 All information from the right visual field , whether entering by the right or left eye , is passed to the left visual cortex , and all information from the left visual field is passed to the right visual cortex .
25 Malta , in comparison , must have been a doddle : a civilised , sophisticated holiday island where traffic keeps to the left , letter and telephone boxes are scarlet , the coinage matches ours , and everyone speaks English .
26 Luke , who has a large scar from heart surgery from his throat to the left side of his body , needs regular medication to prevent fits .
27 Memories abound on the tee , of Lyle hitting his seven-iron from the fairway bunker to 10ft , of Woosnam creaming his drive way to the left and almost redefining the way to play the hole .
28 To the left , wooded slopes indicate the beginnings of the country , although the street itself is lined with 19th century suburban villas .
29 It was dark in front , but there were indistinct swirls of painfully bright colours to the left and right .
30 There was a subdued ‘ clanging ’ from Henderson 's Shipyard at Meadowside to the left , and the passengers waiting for the ferry on the Govan side at Water Row , could see the glow of fires where the boilermakers were busy putting the finishing touches to the Anchor Line 's new flagship , the Columbia .
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