Example sentences of "the 1982 [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On Sept. 27 Mulroney appealed to Queen Elizabeth II , Canada 's head of state , for permission to use an arcane clause of the 1867 British North America Act to create an extra eight Senate seats , in order to avoid Article 42 of the 1982 Patriation of the Constitution Act [ see p. 31312 ] .
2 The terms plainly state that the carrier has contractual remedies against a subcontractor , provided that the subcontract haulier is made aware by the carrier that the subcontract is subject to the 1982 RHA Conditions of Carriage .
3 Quantitatively , they are by no means negligible : the 1982 census indicated some 402,000 people originated from the departements and territoires d'outre-mer ( of whom two-thirds were from the Caribbean ) and they have been one of the fastest-growing migrant groups , escaping the immigration controls on foreign nationals imposed during the 1970s and 1980s .
4 The 1982 reorganisation tried to simplify some of the worst complexities of 1974 by pruning the consultative machinery , abolishing the area tiers , simplifying the planning machinery and advocating greater devolution of decision-making to units of management at the level of hospitals and community services .
5 Chapter 4 looks at the development of Conservative health policy throughout the 1980s , after the 1982 structure was put in place and up to the publication of the 1989 White Paper Working for Patients .
6 The deputy judge refused probate of the 1982 document on the grounds that it had not been duly executed in that , although the amendment by section 17 of the Administration of Justice Act 1982 of section 9 of the Wills Act 1837 allowed a valid signature to be made otherwise than at the foot of the will , it had not altered the requirement that the testator should have made his will before signing it ; and that , in any event , the testator had lacked testamentary capacity .
7 The 1982 Cable Act bars the Baby Bells from taking a stake in cable networks in their monopoly areas .
8 The nuts and bolts of the deal have been put together cleverly to comply with the 1982 Cable Act and with the specific terms of the 1984 consent decree from Judge Harold Greene that set up the Baby Bells .
9 These provisions were strengthened in the 1982 Act which provided that no closed shop should be enforceable unless it had been approved by a clear majority of employees voting in a secret ballot .
10 A clause is commonly added therefore to the s.52 agreement which permits reliance on the 1982 Act .
11 Much of the impetus for the 1982 Act arose out of the 1976 report of the Committee on Local Government Finance ( chaired by Sir Frank Layfield ) .
12 This publication ( at p.29 ) gives the auditor the same mandate as that provided by Section 15 of the 1982 Act ( see above ) .
13 With the passing of the National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990 , the 1982 Act was amended to allow the Audit Commission to become responsible for the appointment of auditors to health service bodies .
14 The fundamental proposition of the 1982 Act is that the immunity of trade unions in tort is totally abolished , though the union enjoys the same defences as an individual where action is taken in contemplation or furtherance of a trade dispute .
15 According to section 15 of the 1982 Act , if the union is sued for inducing breach of or interfering with contract , or for intimidation by threats to interfere with contract , or for conspiracy to commit these torts , then the act in question shall be taken to have been done by the union only if it was authorised or endorsed by a ‘ responsible person , ’ which means the principal executive committee , any person authorised by the rules to endorse acts of the kind in question , the president or general secretary , any other employed official , or any committee to which an employed official reports , but an act by an official or a committee to which he reports shall not be taken as authorised or endorsed if the official or committee was prevented from authorising or endorsing the act by union rules or if the act has been repudiated by the president or general secretary .
16 Actions for damages ( as opposed to injunctions ) have not so far figured largely in litigation against individuals caused by industrial action ; the limits to union liability set by the 1982 Act are low in relation to the loss that may be suffered and the very large fines imposed for contempt by disobedience to injunctions have probably been a more powerful sanction .
17 A crucial amendment by the 1982 Act was the removal of section 29(4) , which provided that a dispute to which a trade union was party should be treated as a dispute to which workers were parties .
18 Widely seen as part of the Thatcher government 's policy of ‘ privatization ’ , the 1982 Act effectively allows specific private auditors to be imposed upon local government .
19 The 1982 Act also imposed regulations on the marketing of insurance products .
20 He points out : ’ A court faced with a young offender who has been involved in the taking of vehicles , even though it may be his third or possibly fourth appearance , can not simply pass a deterrent sentence on the basis of the prevalence of such offending in the locality Section 1(4A) ( b ) of the 1982 Act deals with protecting the public from serious harm from the offender .
21 The 1982 Act will be relevant , however , if an independent computer firm or a programmer is engaged to write a computer program as this should come within the meaning of " service " .
22 Service of an originating process out of England and Wales is permissible without the leave of the court provided that each claim made is either : ( 1 ) a claim which , by virtue of the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 , the court has power to hear and determine , made in proceedings to which the following conditions apply : ( a ) no proceedings between the parties concerning the same cause of action are pending in the courts of any other part of the United Kingdom or of any other Convention territory , and ( b ) either : ( i ) the defendant is domiciled in any part of the United Kingdom or in any other Convention territory , or the proceedings begun by the originating process are proceedings to which art 16 of Sched 1 or of Sched 4 to the 1982 Act refer , or ( ii ) the defendant is a party to an agreement conferring jurisdiction to which art 17 of the said Sched 1 or Sched 4 applies .
23 Special note should be made of : ( 1 ) the definitions of " domicile " of individuals on the one hand and of corporations ( including limited companies ) and associations on the other , in ss 41 to 46 of the 1982 Act , and ( 2 ) the provisions in Scheds 1 and 4 ( ibid ) which give the Court jurisdiction to hear and determine claims .
24 Section 4 of the 1982 Act amends the Law Reform ( Miscellaneous Provisions ) Act 1934 so as to exclude the survival of any claim for damages for loss of earnings during the lost years for the benefit of the estate in respect of deaths occurring on or after 1 January 1983 .
25 Scotland Yard detectives have been visiting the Falklands digging up corpses of Argentine soldiers amid allegations that they were executed by British troops and that in some cases ears were cut off as war ‘ trophies ’ in the 1982 conflict .
26 As production began to recover somewhat during 1982 , and inflation to fall ( partly because of an improvement in the US economy ) , a less rigorous approach was adopted towards the money supply in the 1982 budget , while £1.3 billion in taxes were prudently ‘ given away ’ .
27 The 1982 budget has already fallen short of spending targets — thanks to a prime ministerial freeze on 25 per cent of capital spending .
28 Of the seats , 5% deviated from the electoral quota by 20% ( though this was down from the 39% of seats that had deviated by that much on the 1982 register . )
29 General Motors and Ford both expect to lose money on car manufacturing this quarter for the first time since the 1982 recession , largely as a result of overcapacity in the market .
30 The three major US car makers saw their stock prices decline after analysts predicted quarterly losses on their North American businesses for the first time since the 1982 recession .
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