Example sentences of "the very people " in BNC.

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1 Not only will I be dealing with some of your concerns through ‘ Vet 's Corner ’ , but I am taking them up with the very people who make the food — with some eye-opening results !
2 And when I appeal in parishes Sunday by Sunday I am aware that I meet the very people who made me a missionary .
3 To pursue political objectives seriously , they must work with the very people whose religious beliefs are most antithetical to their own .
4 Most obviously the very people who Distant Voices , Still Lives is about — the working class .
5 It would cease to be recognizable as the river which the local people enjoyed , but it would become a very efficient drain , so that their sitting-rooms would no longer be ruined periodically , and farmers with land adjacent to the river would be able to grow more and better crops to feed the very people who were complaining .
6 The massive stone structure has acquired a mature and acceptable appearance in these days of so much brick and concrete , and it is one of the ironies of the philosophy of conservation that the blessed bridge which Ruskin regarded as a monstrous intrusion into a beautiful natural scene should , a hundred years later , have been noisily protected from demolition by the very people who would presumably have sided with Ruskin in wishing to preserve the landscape .
7 It also has the benefit of involving the very people who will carry the burden of implementing the decisions made — the teachers themselves .
8 The very people who are campaigning against lead in petrol might normally be associated with moves to stamp out ‘ elitist ’ IQ tests .
9 However , it was to the small farmer and small businessman , the very people who had failed to colonise the east , individuals who felt themselves beset by Poles , Jews and communists in ways they could not articulate , that the Nazis were to make their main appeal .
10 It is often extremely awkward for people to take time off work , and it is probably the very people who would be most reluctant to lie or make excuses for their absence to their present employers who will be the best candidates from your point of view .
11 A badly run panel interview will alienate the very people it is hoping to recruit as highly qualified and confident candidates are more than likely to be antagonized by a poor interview situation .
12 Meanwhile , it looks likely that most of the official aid to the repatriation process will be channelled through Guatemalan government agencies , given to the very people responsible for the refugee crisis in the first place .
13 This new ad had barely been launched before it came under attack from drink-driving campaigners who say it will miss the very people it is aimed at — because they will be at the pub .
14 This by the very people who should be protecting them .
15 But this is the first time they have attacked by the very people supposed to be the most enthusiastic about them .
16 Most puzzling was that the worse it got , the more people bought it , and — horror of horrors — it was cheerfully read in large numbers by the very people who suffered from the hackneyed prejudices and stereotypes it dispensed — notably blacks , gays and women .
17 There was to be no self-dramatisation and nothing that would set Amnesty International apart from the very people that it was seeking to protect from the same potential threat .
18 This means they are often in the hands of high officials or the extremely rich — the very people who are hardest to persuade to give up their illegal captives .
19 The dialogue , full of all the right buzz words and curses , might relate to hip kids , but will probably confound the very people it 's trying to enlighten .
20 Put at its lowest , a single-minded and unrelenting pursuit of a policy , however right , however important , may be counter-productive in that it may alienate the very people whom it is sought to convert .
21 Curiously enough , however , these are among the very people who tend to shy away from any kind of subjective description of what being a believer is like , and one frequently finds an empathic researcher who does not believe and may even be unsympathetic giving us a greater insight into what it is like to be a member of a particular religion ( see , for example , Cashmore , 1983 ; Judah , 1974 , Westley , 1983 or Lofland , 1976 ) .
22 Myeloski was beginning to realize that he could be taking on forces that encompassed the very people who ran the Soviet Union , the powermasters who employed him to keep the peace as a police officer .
23 They were now expected to settle down with the very people with whom they had been fighting and who had been responsible for killing some of their comrades-in-arms .
24 Indeed , it is a concept that is generally blind to the very people who have done most of the work in such areas — agricultural workers .
25 Indeed , it was his example that led me to see beneath the brilliance and beauty of Paris , where the plight of its dispossessed is mirrored in the experience of the very people — artists and intellectuals — who are responsible for its reputation .
26 That we believe would be repugnant alike to justice , to the public , and , we would suggest , to those who gave their co-operation to the P.C.A. — C.N.L. 's intended witnesses — the very people whose interest is said to underlie the immunity .
27 How could she explain the loathing in Esther Ward 's voice , and the awful contempt in which she held both Richard and Beth … the very people whom Elizabeth idolised ?
28 Many find it hard to accept a dependent role and fight to assert an independence that they lack the means to substantiate , often , in the process , alienating and exasperating the very people they depend on .
29 Additionally , private landlords became marginalized politically ; industrialists had not extended the housing market and private landlords were drawn largely , though not entirely , from the lower middle class — the very people who found it more and more difficult to establish their position on local councils , bearing in mind , at least , the new element of organized labour via the Trades Councils .
30 An international problem for many years , inflation is in part fuelled by governments printing money simply to maintain standards of living — unfortunately this technique has led to the undermining of the future prospects of the very people it was supposed to help .
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