Example sentences of "the later [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Many of the later Latin fathers ( and some of the fathers of the Reformation ) tended to see it only as a backdrop to the true meaning of the atonement .
2 The later success of The Wedding Present was no surprise because Gedge 's belief in himself made it inevitable , rather than just a possibility .
3 In the vast majority of cases they will of course on the facts be a closed link between the nature of the trade effective between members of states and the competition that is restricted by the contested clause , this is because given that the restriction flows out in the agreement the later sets the context for former , accordingly as a simply matter of fact , restrictions of competition operating relating to the same market in which trade is affected between member of states , a restriction must be appraised in the context of the market , if the parties to the agreement or the high percent market share of the market , then a relatively minor restriction assumes greatest significance , on , firstly , if the parties hold a small share of the market then what appears obstensively be a serious restriction may turn out upon an assessment of facts to be minor or relatively insignificant , contrary to the submission of the plaintiff , the restriction of competition can be determined without a assessment of market , the court of first instance have recently held that the necessement of the market has necessary pre pre-conditioned of any judgement concerning the allegedly and competitive behaviour and your Lordship was taken to that paragraph page ninety two , just siting recently the and the present case the restrictions pleaded that paragraphs forty clements and the two twenty mason were for broadly to restrict the effects upon the insurance market , however the defendants have gone one step further and also identified other markets and sub markets in which the restrictions take immediate impact , this is logical for example in relation to the standard form agency agreement the restrictions have the most direct impact from the sub market to the provision of agencies services to names , competition is effected in this market since complete harmonization of secondary terms and trades are merely the criteria available to names when choosing an agent , however , the standard form contract also effects the wine and insurance market , the fact that the agent has unvetted powers to write any insurance which he sees fit affects the categories of insurance written within this is of course is the matter about which defendant makes complaint .
4 As the most informative booklet points out , he only avoided the later excesses of the Nazis by conveniently dying in July 1933 .
5 The crumbling of the old idea of a state based on obligations and obedience may have helped increase the dynamic force that enabled European countries to spread their authority over most of the world ; the very widespread acceptance of the new idea of a state based on independence and equality gave people outside Europe political principles which helped them in the later struggle to dismantle the European empires .
6 Refinement was initially with the minimization option of X-PLOR , and subsequently with the TNT package , with restrained individual B factors allowed to vary in the later cycles .
7 But although Harold Wilson was in artistic matters a Philistine , he was better than the later Philistines , since he recognised that the ambit of British culture should not be controlled by his own personal predilections , and he responded with speed and generosity to applications from Jennie Lee for better support for the arts .
8 It is worth noticing the use of the frame as an important part of the composition , as with the later Madonna from St Vitus ' , c.1396 .
9 The last point indicates the importance of the expanding market system and the transition from feudalism to capitalism as homogenizing forces in the later reduction of local differences .
10 It is thought that the later element is governed by Ghosh , above .
11 Particularly well known is the planned central core at Corbridge , developed in the later second and early third centuries on either side of the main east-west road .
12 A short-dated loan stock may therefore allow accepting shareholders who wish to take cash in the short term to roll-over a disposal to the new fiscal year and take advantage of the later payment date .
13 This should not be confused with the later usage of Slavonia , which , in a geographical sense , refers to a region of south-east Croatia centred on Slavonski Brod , but in a wider context is used to cover the historic Habsburg province of Slavonia , which lay between the valleys of the Sava and the Drava .
14 He also argued from the virtues of a sector under ‘ social control ’ ( though given the later usage of that term what he clearly meant was ‘ greater public control ’ ) , and the possibility of greater responsiveness to economic or other national need .
15 The later instruments will fit with wiring modifications but need the later type alternator fitted at the same time as this provides the signal to drive the rev counter .
16 The later Lochnagar Al granite intrudes the margin of the diorite , probably as a series of concentric sheets , and discrete sinuous lenses of diorite are enclosed in the granite outcrop .
17 The New Testament stories , which are also told with admirable clarity , include some of Jesus 's parables ( including that of the Good Samaritan ) and the later miracles , and ends with Judas 's plot to betray Jesus to his enemies .
18 Then it moved a great deal leftwards and left the hon. Gentleman looking quite bourgeois compared with some of the later entrants to the Labour party .
19 and I second agenda and erm we ask for your attention to para three point four er which is the financial part of this budget really and it says that some contingencies in nursery schools should be increased , erm that it is actually allowed for in the later budget erm the tax payer budget will be .
20 By a notice of appeal dated 20 July 1992 the Official Solicitor appealed on the grounds , inter alia , that since the judge had found as facts that ( a ) T. had been able properly and fully to form a balanced judgment and had not been acting under undue influence but had been acting voluntarily , and ( b ) her several expressions withholding consent were valid refusals which bound the hospital , ( 1 ) he had erred in finding himself entitled to make the declaration ; ( 2 ) it had been wrong for him to assess T. 's subsequent intentions and to make assumptions as to whether she would have qualified or changed her refusal in the later circumstances ; and ( 3 ) he had erred in finding that ( a ) there was no evidence that T. had wished to refuse a blood transfusion even though it was at risk to her life , ( b ) lack of understanding of the risks involved justified acting against her expressed refusal , ( c ) her withholding of consent did not embrace the emergency which had arisen and took no account of changed circumstances , ( d ) her expressed refusals did not evince a settled intention to persist in her refusal even if injurious to her health when her best interests required a transfusion ; and ( e ) he was not satisfied that her refusal was continuing .
21 I shall go back into the classical age of Greece only in so far as it is necessary in order to understand the later times .
22 Also , although some of the demands which had been made in 1381 were echoed in the later risings , in none of them was there anything so clear-cut in the way of a social programme as the demands put forward at Mile End and Smithfield .
23 Walden away to my left was patterned with meticulously regular fields built during the time of the later enclosures .
24 There can , after all , be more than one possible explanation why a witness may retract evidence given by him on a previous occasion ; and , as must have been contemplated in Reg. v. Donat , 82 Cr.App.R. 173 , one possibility may be that it is the later retraction , rather than the earlier evidence , which is not worthy of belief .
25 In superimposed profiles the sections are drawn completely so that parts of the later profiles below the first are also drawn .
26 The later play 's music-hall element seems strongest when closest to the more daring Sweeney Agonistes , bringing to this distinctly urban form some of the ironic bite which Brecht and Weill had brought to Berlin stages in 1929 .
27 They are large aquatints delicately hand-coloured , and , in the ones that I have seen , the aquatint is very grey and even , quite unlike the later colour aquatints of 1815 .
28 Relatively little attention has been paid by any of the sources , however , to the early development of the hierarchy , that is , in the period to the death of Suleyman ( 974/1566 ) , a fact which , coupled with the striking , not to say hypnotizing , effect of the later hierarchy , has tended in a variety of ways to mislead writers on subjects connected with the ulema .
29 And second , perhaps even more subtle than the dangers of making misjudgements about the early ulema and hierarchy under the influence of the distinctive character of the later hierarchy , one must avoid the danger of being led by the nature of the biographies themselves to dehumanize the ulema , a danger present in all the sources hut perhaps particularly in Ata'i .
30 The later wildness and eccentricity of his style were completely out of character with his conventional , moral and industrious way of life ; his obituary reported that he had died from overwork .
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