Example sentences of "the 1987 [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Table E8.1 comes from the 1987 Digest of UK Energy Statistics ( Table 63 ) .
2 Mr Keating 's main mistake was to loosen monetary policy by too much after the 1987 stockmarket crash , fuelling an unsustainable boom .
3 It is even possible that Mr Soros is as wrong about gold as he was about the 1987 stockmarket crash , when he lost something like $100m .
4 Mr McKay had a majority of 14,191 at the 1987 election .
5 I suppose he had forgotten that when Bill Jordan , president of the engineering workers ' union , asked him during the 1987 election campaign to announce then that he would hold a referendum on unilateralism after the election , he declined and replied that people would come round to it once they understood .
6 Nigel Lawson may have won his prime minister the 1987 election , but it has become ever more clear that he let his boom run on too long and too strong thereafter .
7 Old news was certainly presented as new scandal in the 1987 election campaign .
8 The 1987 election marked the high noon of the government of Margaret Thatcher .
9 After the 1987 election , the battle went on with new intensity .
10 But the main reason why the tide of Thatcherism seemed to ebb after the 1987 election was that its main claim to popular support , the apparent revival of the economy and the stimulus to productive growth , was beginning to lose credibility .
11 After the 1987 election there was speculation that Britain had moved into an era of one-party politics or a predominantly one-party system .
12 In 1983 she spoke of the general election providing a ‘ choice ’ between two ways of life ; before the 1987 election she spoke of the election as the opportunity to ‘ kill off ’ left-wing socialism .
13 This compares with just over £15m raised for the 1987 election .
14 It has not happened since the end of the Second World War , but before the 1987 election , when some commentators were predicting a hung parliament , much thought was given to what the Queen would do about forming a government if they turned out to be right .
15 After the 1987 election , the parliamentary party had only eleven MPs who had served in the Guards , and a further eight who had been cavalry officers .
16 The last representative of the four-hundred-year-old Cecil family political tradition left at the 1987 election .
17 After the 1987 election , scarcely more than a tenth ( eleven per cent ) of MPs had been at the school .
18 I had a difficult time at one airport on a visit during the 1987 election .
19 Although it looked completely different , it was this truck that gave me the concept for ‘ MiniMag ’ , the 27ft ( 8m ) articulated truck that we used for Mrs Thatcher 's open-air meetings in the 1987 election .
20 During the 1987 election we set a carefully timed an organised arrival at a particular airport .
21 Another time in the 1987 election we were driving along a dual carriageway in Norfolk heading for an airport to meet Mrs Thatcher 's plane and join up with the Battlebus .
22 Figures from the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys show that the number of voters is significantly less than at the time of the 1987 election , even though the adult population has grown .
23 They said Left-wing Labour MPs , including many who opposed the abandonment of unilateralism after the 1987 election , would cause havoc for a Labour government .
24 It is a picturesque favourite of visiting party leaders : those present remember fondly Sir David Steel 's manful attempt to smile over a plateful of cockles during the 1987 election .
25 The Daily Telegraph computer program compares each poll 's current findings with the 1987 election results , and calculates how many seats each party would win on the basis of a uniform national swing applied equally to every constituency ( leaving out those in Northern Ireland ) .
26 In the 1987 election , they took 53.6 per cent of the vote .
27 It is down on the 22.6 per cent the Liberal-SDP Alliance secured in the 1987 election .
28 To have lost the 1987 election could be forgiven ; it provided the final catalyst for Labour 's long-drawn out policy reform .
29 Mr Major had envisaged Mr Baker having an ‘ Indian summer ’ in government , as Mr Peter Walker did after the 1987 election , running the Principality .
30 Moreover , few would dispute that this apparent decline is a reality : the first words of the Prime Minister herself , after the result of the 1987 election was known , were an acknowledgement of the challenge posed to Government by the ‘ inner cities ’ .
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