Example sentences of "the ten year " in BNC.

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1 During Mark 's absence in Spain , ‘ the mole ’ Fred Klepner had spent countless hours going over the Ten Year Business plan which was to be the subject of the presentation Mark was to give to Nate Cocello at the next Planning Committee meeting .
2 Mark Sanders spent the next few days in his office , working late into the night to finalise the ten year European Business Plan and to summarise the massive document into a sixty minute presentation illustrated by thirty slides .
3 His last name may not be known , but there is a place in Kylie history for the ten year old who managed to sweep her off her feet .
4 The mother 's objection was not found to be unreasonable and no suggestion was made to allow adoption with a condition of access so as not to deprive the ten year old of the security that goes with adoption compared to long-term foster care .
5 not more than 10% of the issued ordinary share capital for the time being may in aggregate become issuable under all schemes during the ten year life of the Scheme ;
6 not more than 5% of the issued ordinary share capital for the time being may in aggregate become issuable during the ten year life of the Scheme ; and
7 The Committee considers that the limits of 5% on the number of shares which may become issuable under the Scheme in the ten year life of the Scheme is appropriate and adequate .
8 My recommendation is that we scrap them for the ten year decade of evangelism as a trial period and then think again in AD 2000 !
9 Faced now with an AOC budget for 1993 of £24 million — a cumulative increase in charges of nearly twenty per cent per annum — we can see no relationship between this figure and the rate of inflation over the ten year period , or with the numbers of operators ( 21 in 1983 , 246 currently ) or aircraft involved ’ .
10 The period of time studied is the ten year interval from 1978 until 1988. ( 1978 was the last full year before the Conservative General Election victory in 1979 . )
11 Er they 're very good in fact , I mean even the erm if you look at say the result from Clerical Medical over ten years , erm fifteen thousand invested , er currently er returning something like forty three thousand over er the five the ten year term , so that 's not bad .
12 Er so er I mean they 're going to show you the seven year figure , maybe do n't show you the ten year figure , because they do n't look too good over ten years .
13 For example , over the ten year period ( 1991 to 2001 ) the Welsh Office predicts a population growth of about 80,000 people .
14 This project investigates the effects of takeovers and mergers which have occurred in the ten year period from 1975 .
15 The only other comment I had in terms of the scale of settlement , which I think is just touching upon the next point , is that , I mean depending on the conclusions you reach as to the the amount of housing to be provided for in a new settlement , I take the point that Mr Brighton made that you 've got to have a longer term perspective I think that he f that in the ten year period ninety six to two thousand and six that the new settlements to be brought forward during , erm I think it 's really unrealistic to achieve more than twelve fifty , fourteen hundred houses in that period , if you say reach a conclusion there should be two thousand houses in that period in a new settlement , there might be some benefit in having two settlements , each of a capacity of say twelve fifty , f for erm twelve fifty to fifteen hundred that can have capacity for the next plan period , and in other words to assist in meeting the constraints that exist on York that are likely to exist into the future .
16 The ten year old plaintiff dropped one of the paraffin lamps down the hole and due to an unusual combination of circumstances there was an explosion and the plaintiff was badly burned .
17 Thus , if Mr X , who is not domiciled in the United Kingdom , puts property into a discretionary trust and at the time of the ten year charge the trust assets are not located in the United Kingdom , eg they are chattels such as a motor vehicle which is located outside the United Kingdom , no inheritance tax is in point .
18 It is also quite clear that if , prior to the ten year charge , the asset had been located in the United Kingdom the fact that it is taken outside the United Kingdom so that trust becomes an excluded property trust does not cause a tax charge in itself .
19 The property will thus not be excluded property and may be subject to the ten year charge and , on the face of it , the interim charge ( IHTA 1984 , ss64 and 65 ) .
20 . Where we have a client who has a need for the first ten years for it looks like a hundred and ninety thousand pounds worth of life cover , at the end of the ten year period , the need is reduced , maybe the children have left home , so sum assu , assured reduces down to , in this case , it looks like to be about fifty thousand for the rest of the time .
21 Seventeen next birthday , up to a maximum , obviously of fifty- five , because of the ten year rule , to sixty-five .
22 So you do n't need the ten year term here .
23 It may be the only chance the ten year old child will have of leading a normal life .
24 When animal welfare officers first saw the ten year old gelding Sunset Court he had been reduced to skinand bone .
25 Well most of the ten year olds in my class can speak reasonably .
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