Example sentences of "the next decade " in BNC.

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1 Over the next decade a global approach is going to be essential . ’
2 Over the next decade a real challenge will be the effective provision of care for children and families affected by HIV/AIDS .
3 I am only talking about the next hundred years , he wrote , perhaps even only the next decade .
4 As terrestrial and satellite companies compete for sport and movies , the two major commodities which could ensure the future success of television , the conference will consider how the contest for the SPOILS OF SPORT will progress over the next decade .
5 Over the next decade and beyond land use and access will become an even more central issue than it is now .
6 And still , after Crime and Punishment , the idea of a confession novel or story tugs at the edge of Dostoevsky 's vision , and continues to do so for the rest of his life in the form of The Life of a Great Sinner which he planned on the scale of War and Peace , but which never got written though it fed previous material into his novels of the seventies , and especially Karamazov at the turn of the next decade .
7 The company also said that it will continue with its application to the Department of Trade and Industry to operate a ‘ personal communications network ’ , which is expected to present the same opportunities in the next decade as cellular mobile radio is doing in this .
8 But Mr Lafontaine , standard-bearer of the up-and-coming generation , and the second most important figure after Mr Vogel on the committee drafting the party programme for the next decade , has certainly not had things all his own way .
9 The declining trend from the troubled days of the early 1980s has been reversed , and if the rate of increase continues into 1990 the next decade will look rather bleak .
10 But GPT believes that demand will be so high that the services will be well established by the middle of the next decade .
11 TOWARDS the end of a week of stocktaking at the Stuttgart Classic , in which some of the world 's leading male players have expressed mixed feelings about the way professional tennis is moving into the next decade , Boris Becker was asked to name his player of the 1980s .
12 And although the supertram concept will spread through major cities during the next decade , Blackpool will still be alone in its use of traditional double-deckers .
13 The result could be many hundreds of independents in the UK by the end of the next decade .
14 Government , employers and educators alike are now convinced that higher education should be expanded radically during the next decade , to include perhaps twice as high a proportion of school leavers and others than has traditionally been the case in the UK .
15 By the latter part of the next decade , Nissan , Toyota and Honda could be producing nearly one million vehicles in the UK alone , according to some industry analysts .
16 Wasps ' foray comes as the sport prepares to move into the next decade as a leading spectator attraction .
17 An increasing number of ex-Service personnel and their dependants are now reaching the age when they require some form of supportive housing , and this number will continue to grow over the next decade .
18 Development of the avionics system for the bat-shaped B-2 bomber is at least two years behind schedule and the system may not be fully developed by the time the aircraft is to be deployed in the middle of the next decade .
19 The loss of the PWR programme , coming months after the decision to scrap three major coal burning power stations , will reduce projected power supply by 13,000 mw — around 25 per cent of total supply — by the middle of the next decade .
20 Not only would winning the order mean around some £60 million worth of work a year for the next decade for Ferranti , but it would give a successful bidder or partner for Ferranti access to crucial next-generation radar technology .
21 ‘ We 're going to do away with standing places , with a 10 per cent cut in the number each year over the next decade , ’ a Dutch association official said yesterday .
22 Not only would winning the order mean around some £60 million worth of work a year for the next decade for Ferranti , but it would give a successful bidder or partner for Ferranti access to crucial next-generation radar technology .
23 And third , if — and admittedly , this is a huge if — the next decade sees a retreat from the brash consumerism of the mid-1980s , one can not resist the thought that it is small , local businesses which will better cope with , pander to and profit from the change in mood .
24 ‘ We 're going to do away with standing places , with a 10 per cent cut in the number each year over the next decade , ’ a Dutch association official said yesterday .
25 THE European Community has 12 months in which to achieve a breakthrough to full economic and monetary union or the whole project may have to be put on ice until the end of the next decade .
26 CHILDREN born in the next decade will be slimmer , shorter , and better proportioned adults because of healthier eating habits , says a survey published today .
27 The next decade is likely to see a new industrial revolution based on the new biotechnologies .
28 The Navy can be said to have won the first round of the long-running carrier battle , which was to bedevil Naval-Air relations for the next decade .
29 Yet the current momentum of industrial development is expected to result in the disappearance of no less than 20,000 species of plants and animals over the next decade .
30 The next decade looks promising — especially for those who study the newly hot topic of neutrinos .
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