Example sentences of "the next century " in BNC.

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1 A major life-extension programme was carried out on nearly half the Class 37 fleet , with a number of variants designed specifically for freight haulage and expected to survive into the next century .
2 There is a new sound broadcasting system under study , for introduction early in the next century .
3 ( Cross-Channel traffic may , according to some estimates , double by the early years of the next century . )
4 Lord James Douglas-Hamilton MP , Scottish Office environment minister , said it would be ‘ additional ’ to the public road building programme and could start by 1992 or 1993 — against a delay until the next century if it had to await public funding .
5 LA now plans to become the first conurbation in the world to grapple comprehensively with the most pressing international problem of the next century : how to remain prosperous without choking to death .
6 WESTERN nations will have older and dwindling populations as they enter the next century , and their fluctuating birth rates will also pose problems , a conference on future trends heard yesterday .
7 ‘ So we 're talking about the next century . ’
8 One of the nastiest pseudo-religious books of the Victorian age helped to condition the impressionable mind of a future Christian leader of the next century .
9 More detached observers suggest that in the next century historians may see Mrs Thatcher as a figure having no more long-term significance than Wilson , Heath , or Callaghan .
10 COMPANY heads yesterday condemned the government for refusing to sponsor the recabling of Britain to provide the information infrastructure of the next century in step with global competition .
11 His plan would allow each country a ‘ quota ’ until the end of the next century — a quota Britain would use up in 42 years at its present rate of emissions .
12 It needs , as a minimum , some complementary statement of aims of what the NHS should achieve as it moves into the next century .
13 It is about the same as we can anticipate in the next century , on the basis of currently predicted rates of greenhouse warming , according to scientists like Tom Wigley , Director of the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia .
14 They rebelled against the Palladian sense of order and then led a classical revival which heralded the architecture of the beginning of the next century .
15 He accepts the evidence that there has been a drying-out in the continental interiors affecting both the United States and the Soviet Union and then qualifies his acceptance by suggesting that it will be remedied in the next century by greater precipitation .
16 If one takes everything into account — the shifts in climate which might well remove the United States from its place as the leading ‘ food power ’ and affect the Soviet Union as well , the limited prospects for increased yields , desertification and the steady increase in the global population — it is clear that in the next century large sections of the world 's population will have a very narrow margin between them and starvation .
17 It is always possible to be kinder to the earth , but it is not saving clumps of trees from the bulldozers which will matter in the next century .
18 Worldwide gas , and oil , prices are expected to start rising early in the next century .
19 The EC Commission said much the same in its submission to the Energy Committee : ‘ At the present time the FBR is the only reactor type which could , if introduced early enough , extend the lifetime of our uranium resources to the end of the next century — and beyond . ’
20 A government committed to the disciplines of the market had had a salutary lesson : the market did not care a damn for the long term , or strategic thinking into the middle of the next century , or , quite possibly , sustainable development .
21 Energy efficiency may be the quickest way to abate emissions of carbon dioxide but it is hard to imagine it being applied effectively in Third World countries , whose output of the gas is likely to overtake the developed world 's in the second or third decade of the next century .
22 Will low-cost uranium reserves be so depleted early in the next century that prices will begin to rise sharply ?
23 Because of the exhaustion of the low-cost reserves , uranium prices seem bound to rise in the course of the first half of the next century ( assuming the uranium mining industry is to remain in business ) , but by how much is anyone 's guess .
24 The predicted 140 per cent increase in traffic in Britain by the end of the first quarter of the next century was an ‘ unacceptable option ’ , said Chris Patten .
25 Some recent estimates of the cost nationally in the United States give an idea of the probable scale : curbing carbon dioxide emissions at 1990 levels could absorb between 1 and 2 per cent of GNP , with the sums rising into the trillions in the next century .
26 Tolba belongs to a political species that will become more common as the decade rolls on towards the next century .
27 Man is a god in ruins , thought Emerson , and perhaps at the end of the twentieth century much the same could be said of his world , a still beautiful but ravaged paradise which , regardless of the tenets of sustainable development will not be passed on to the next century in better or even the same condition , in fact , almost certainly in worse condition as a result of meeting the needs of another billion or so people .
28 Its survival far into the next century is unlikely .
29 There is hope for Hector 's , but it has certainly been saved from fishing nets at the last hour , and will need all the protection and help it can get if it is to survive through the next century .
30 In the next century public money will be needed increasingly to provide pensions and better medical care for Japan 's rapidly ageing population .
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