Example sentences of "the next morning " in BNC.

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1 It was early , though , the next morning when Wendy Witherington came back from answering the telephone .
2 An eerie shiver as she woke the next morning , suddenly in a cold landscape for which she had no bearings .
3 It was late one night running into horribly early the next morning .
4 He left town the next morning , for Montreal where he feels most at home .
5 I 'd woken up the next morning at Aisha 's place , not convinced that I was really in London : her flat was like any flat at home with the same smell , the same coloured ottomans and rugs , the same pictures on the walls , the brass tray in the middle of the room , and the loud shrieks and wails of her two children puncturing the air .
6 For the players , there was the prospect of returning to their day jobs with £50 in their pockets , for the landlord there was a healthy night 's takings and for the crowd , even those who had stayed in the bar all evening , there was a nasty ringing in the ears the next morning .
7 Despite the ambassador 's protest that he would have to present his credentials in his shirt-sleeves the next morning , our baggage was unloaded .
8 Early the next morning he would probably be back in his office thinking of ways to help an unsuccessful actor .
9 The next morning , she asked me how my night had been .
10 The next morning , a Sunday , he agreed to Dick 's suggestion to see a West German doctor , had tests done the following Wednesday and was referred to Zurich for an operation a week later .
11 The next morning 's walk was superb , with the altitude providing just enough breeze to stop everyone from boiling over .
12 Then , the next morning , Steve started giving me a pep talk , all this advice on how to fuck .
13 The next morning , Monday 24 August , the King held , at MacDonald 's request , a conference at Buckingham Palace between the Prime Minister .
14 She thought that she never wanted to sleep with Jim again , that the bonds of love were snares and that she must at all costs leave as early as possible the next morning and never come back .
15 The next morning they were idling in the luxury of a long breakfast , enjoying the chatting in the warmth of the room , the tussocks in the white field outside the window stiff with frost , the only green grass the huge dark circles under the cypress trees , when a single shotgun blast came from the front room .
16 The next morning Rose came in with presents .
17 Rose was up at seven the next morning , an hour before the house usually stirred .
18 Mona and Sheila rose earlier than usual the next morning .
19 The next morning the girls woke to the incessant clatter of the mowing arm circling the big meadow .
20 They were stiff as boards the next morning .
21 He was describing Odd-Knut 's Volvo which arrived the next morning , the like of which I have yet to see again .
22 I was even more pleased to find that all of them could see me almost immediately , and the one I chose inspected the car as soon as I arrived and had the quote dropped through my letterbox the next morning .
23 By the next morning I was feeling sick with worry , and so we decided to drive to Scotland to collect Eva ourselves . ’
24 The next morning we will be woken ‘ early ’ by the alarm and may experience ‘ Monday morning blues ’ .
25 The wind has moderated by 2100 hrs so we start Where we left off , completing the job by 0200 hrs the next morning .
26 THE NEXT morning Erika helped Omi dress in black , the only colour she considered suitable for Divine Service .
27 THE NEXT morning was bustle with herr Nordern still a little grumpy .
28 HERR NORDERN did not feel better the next morning , in fact he felt considerably worse .
29 Omi sat quietly crocheting , Erika conscientiously worked on her sightseeing list for the next morning , writing out appropriate comments from the official guide to the city , Herr Nordern , guilt-free , smoked and drank brandy and Frau Nordern sat by him , having a drink , too , wondering whether she might have a cigarette — but deciding not to , preferring to keep that secret to herself .
30 I went round with him twice : once just before dusk , then again at six o'clock the next morning after a filthy , freezing night .
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