Example sentences of "the first significant " in BNC.

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1 In this he made the Black Panthers the first significant radical group to recognize gay liberation as a valid political movement , and did so in terms which provoked hostility from some in his own party : ‘ maybe I 'm injecting some of my prejudices by saying that ‘ even a homosexual can be revolutionary' ’ .
2 It was the first significant indiscriminate attack on a public area outside the transport system since the Harrods bomb eight years ago and could signal an increasingly ruthless approach within the IRA command structure .
3 The authorities in England and Wales also brought over 600 charges under the Conspiracy and Protection of Property Act 1875 for ‘ watching and besetting ’ premises , including the homes of working miners ; this was the first significant use of this section in living memory .
4 The first significant point is that over the last decade environmentalists have learnt how to use science much more authoritatively , to bring a new professional competence to their campaigns .
5 In creating an overall budget the contribution of each profit centre ( its budgeted income less all wholly attributable costs ) is the first significant managerial measurement .
6 The first significant result has been a nationally coordinated programme of enforcement against the spread of child pornography in the United States .
7 Rilly-la-Montagne is the first significant growth , in terms of quality and quantity , to be encountered on the D26 , as one winds one 's way eastwards from the N51 through the northern slopes of the Montagne de Reims .
8 The foundation of the ECSC marks the first significant step towards European union that went beyond being merely consultative and intergovernmental in character .
9 Perhaps the first significant initiative came from France , although the Dutch politician , Sicco Mansholt , had already drafted a plan for agricultural free trade that would benefit Western Europe as a whole , but especially the cost-effective Netherlands agricultural industry .
10 The 1965 changes were the first significant constitutional development since 1957 , in that they provided for a review of the purposes and activities of the Community , incorporating also a schedule for a single European Community by 1970 .
11 Politically , the office of postmaster had additional value , for much of the minor patronage was filled by the Treasury upon the first significant application , and here timely notification of a death , or a serious illness , was essential .
12 The Scotsman , when he bought it in 1954 , was the first significant British daily ( Fleet Street included ) to go into international ownership .
13 The Gairloch discovery by Consolidated Gold Fields in north-west Scotland was the first significant metalliferous ore deposit to be found in the Lewisian of the North-west Foreland .
14 The first significant manifestation of joint labour action was halted by General MacArthur in January 1947 when he banned a general strike .
15 The second was achieved by the creation of the first significant royal fleet , an improvement on that of Edward 111 , which , based in Southampton under the control of a clerk of the king 's ships , and enjoying easy access to the Channel , came to number thirty-five vessels , some bought , some captured , others still specially built .
16 ( c ) A sign character ( or some other character , such as a currency symbol ) may be inserted immediately before the first significant digit of the value , or some sign indication ( such as " DR " and " CR " ) may be placed immediately after the value .
17 The editing pattern consists of one entry per character position in the destination string : each of these specifies insertion either of a designated character or of the next character from the source string , and this may depend on the sign of the value being converted or on whether the first significant digit has yet been reached .
18 The edit operation may also provide the address of the first significant digit , to facilitate insertion of a special character immediately before this digit , as mentioned in ( c ) above .
19 None the less , the 1960s saw in fact the first significant signs of new and creative thinking ; the context was the curriculum development movement , and the catalytic factor was programmed learning .
20 There are changes in relations of production , too , most importantly , the first significant encroachment on music production resources by the working-class young , and accompanying this is the opening up of a new youth market , which is structurally less tied to established class roles than older generations .
21 In the 1850s and 1860s , however , just as the domestic tranquillity which accompanies prosperity was achieved , the first significant blows to Britain 's " power of prestige " were struck .
22 The first significant expression of nationalist discontent after Gorbachev 's accession was in the Central Asian republic of Kazakhstan , following the nomination of an ethnic Russian , Gennadii Kolbin , to replace the Brezhnevite incumbent Dinmukhamed Kunaev as party first secretary .
23 Although this represented no more than 4–5 per cent of their combined nuclear arsenals , it was nonetheless the first significant agreement of this kind between the two powers since the ABM treaty of 1972 , and was held by both sides to presage the conclusion of an agreement the following year which would make cuts of up to 50 per cent in strategic nuclear arms .
24 Planning and control in ‘ real money ’ — cash limits The first significant change from PESC volume control which was broadly recognized as having failed , came with the widespread introduction of cash limits .
25 The first significant area for improvement concerns visible vehicle identification numbers , which are critical in stopping the international trade in car crime .
26 Peaceful demonstrations by students and intellectuals during January constituted the first significant challenge to the ruling Mongolian People 's Revolutionary Party ( MPRP ) since it took power in 1924 .
27 This was contested by a group of countries led by the United States , and produced the first significant economic disagreement in the organization for 10 years .
28 The talks represented the first significant move towards peace since the announcement in February 1988 of the withdrawal of Soviet troops which was completed in February 1989 [ see pp. 35785 ; 35970-71 ; 36448-49 ] .
29 Although January had ended with the first significant ground fighting of the war — the Iraqi offensive against Khafji — the Iraqi forces made no further offensive moves , and the allies continued with the air assault which they had begun on Jan. 17 .
30 In addition to other recent mineral discoveries , the first significant oil deposits ( other than in the Kutubu oilfield area ) to have been located in the area since the 1950s were discovered on the southern slopes of the Highlands .
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