Example sentences of "the first available " in BNC.

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1 On the left were his sisters , May , in Australia , and Alice , gone on the first available post-war ship to America and her man .
2 Under the eight-day ruling the first available date for another replay between Portsmouth and Liverpool was May 4 .
3 He hobbled through the first available door , which was marked Adjutant General , and saw a red-faced major seated behind the desk .
4 The fact that family circumstances gave the school-leaver little option but to take the first available work , and the highest paid , was appreciated by exchange officials .
5 ‘ On the first available flight .
6 The fact that I had not done so put me too high for the first available field , but with insufficient height for the next one .
7 When I yell , take the first available right again , drop me off quick and then keep right on going as fast as you like .
8 ‘ You must make your move at the first available opportunity .
9 Sam , without any hesitation had agreed knowing that to wait for the first available fireman would delay his train 's departure .
10 She 's abroad but is getting the first available flight back .
11 Payment of the disturbance allowance at the Yorkshire Bank is also made in two equal instalments ; one is given on the first available salary pay day after the move to the new house , the other is paid when the bank receives the proceeds of the sale of the employee 's old house .
12 The planned R4400-based system will be one of the first available system implementations of the highest performance line of RISC chips developed by Mips Technologies Inc , Concurrent claims .
13 The planned R4400-based system will be one of the first available system implementations of the highest performance line of RISC chips developed by MIPS Technologies Inc , Concurrent claims .
14 Portland Group claims the compilers will be the first available for the Fujitsu micro-vector processor-Sparc architecture .
15 The procedure will be started at 17.50 on the first available evening after receipt of the form .
16 The procedure will be started at 17.50 on the first available evening following receipt of the form .
17 The procedure will be started at 17.50 on the first available evening after receipt of the form .
18 The procedure will usually be started at 17.50 on the first available evening after receipt of the form .
19 Although urban dwellers troop out to the countryside at the first available opportunity and nature plays a significant part in Japanese sentiment , the cultural and other attractions of the cities have a magnetizing effect in an era which has produced a strong emphasis on material rather than spiritual wealth .
20 All SWIFTAIR items receive priority handling and separate sorting so that they meet the first available flight to the country of destination .
21 Whatever the General may consider best , I will destroy you at the first available opportunity . ’
22 I doubt he gave her a second thought , once he 'd pulled his trousers back on and ushered her into the first available taxi .
23 When the computer is trying to save a new file to a disc , it looks for the first available fragment of space , writes as much of the new file as will fit , then looks for another available fragment of space , writes a bit more , and so on until all the file is written somewhere on the disc .
24 I am not talking here about your work surfaces , or work triangles or the general space/work efficiency of your kitchen , but rather if you could use your kitchen as more of a family room-the sort of room which friends as well as family tend to migrate to at the first available opportunity .
25 On May 15 the Kurdistan Front said that it was not possible at present to issue a list allowing Turkoman inhabitants of the region to elect candidates but that " at the first available opportunity " Turkoman candidates would be elected to the National Assembly .
26 Lambert nursed his coughing , shaking aircraft back to the field and thankfully touched down on the first available yard of turf .
27 What I 'm planning to do is to put them back in the order , colleagues could you settle down please , I 'm planning to put them back on the agenda in the order that they fell off , and er , hopefully , the first opportunity in that connection may be Wednesday afternoon , but I need to have a discussion with colleagues about that , but I 'll certainly let you know at the first available opportunity .
28 Calls will be linked automatically to the first available Samaritan volunteer , whatever part of the country they happen to be in .
29 ‘ I trust you 'll have no objections if I use whatever influence I have with the airlines to get you the first available seat ? ’
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