Example sentences of "the one occasion " in BNC.

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1 Surprisingly , given the folk image of policemen , on the one occasion when the field-worker accompanied some policemen on court duty , the men expressed a preference for ‘ fair ’ judges and actually criticized what they thought was the excessive penalty imposed by a ‘ hard ’ judge for the offence of throwing an empty can ( FN 9/3/87 , p. 10 ) .
2 On the one occasion when they had met in those six weeks , it had been to visit flood victims in Wales , in the town of Carmarthen , which had been hit by the freak October hurricane .
3 He had n't on the one occasion he 'd been there — in fact they 'd treated him rather badly , although he did n't like to admit as much .
4 On the one occasion that week that Gina brought home something , he complained about it .
5 Now I am never ashamed of anything , for I consider shame to be a bourgeois and petty emotion , but this was the one occasion when I felt ashamed of myself , and I have never forgotten how sad it made me to have denied my principles for the sake of friendship and love — or what I imagined to be love .
6 I ca n't confirm that but I do remember the one occasion that he missed his target .
7 However , on the one occasion that I bought fretsaw blades from them for 3d a dozen , a penny cheaper than elsewhere , I found that they were very inferior , breaking almost immediately .
8 The one occasion which was flashing through Yanto 's mind at this moment involved just three of the local water babies .
9 On the one occasion this was said to me , my reply was : ‘ OK , imagine I go out to dinner and do n't get back .
10 Merton 's clothes on this show had by now reached previously unfathomed depths : shrunk , unironed Magic Roundabout T-shirts and lumberjack shirts without washing instructions ( on the one occasion Merton wore a smart suit , he stopped the show mid-way through and exclaimed : ‘ Is n't anyone going to ask me why I 'm looking so smart today ? ’ ) .
11 On the one occasion when they did , in the run-up to the 1935 Election , it was — as we shall see — the peace movement that was agitating for a policy of resistance to aggression , and the Government that was forced by public opinion to suspend its deeply unpopular policy of appeasement — until the Election was safely out of the way .
12 On the one occasion on which I did so ( according to my diary ) the other girls laughed , and the teacher became annoyed , accusing me of being deliberately provocative .
13 Anton repeatedly tries to speak to him but , on the one occasion when the phone gets picked up , Courtney yells ‘ He 's asleep ! ’ and slams it down again .
14 On the one occasion she had broached the subject of his mother , David had looked at her with cold eyes , saying in a hard voice , ‘ My mother was her own worst enemy .
15 On the one occasion when I made a direct appeal to her , in connection with the battle against the closed shop for journalists which I describe later , her response was gratifyingly supportive and it was no fault of hers that she was unable to persuade Lord Hailsham to a course of action that might well have altered journalistic history .
16 But the one occasion when you do n't , the thing you need is the one thing you do n't have ! ’
17 Other people 's lives bored him and he became sharp and irritable on the one occasion Lucien tried to impart some interesting snippet of information Azmaveth had told him .
18 The one occasion on which the Government did not cheat on the payments was earlier this year and we hoped that it had something to do with the Adjournment debate .
19 On the one occasion Southampton did threaten after Leeds scored Kelly made a very timely interception as one of the Southampton forwards beared down on goals .
20 The one occasion when written and broadcast reports of statements made by persons who possess absolute privilege are themselves absolutely privileged is when they concern proceedings in the courts .
21 This was the one occasion when I missed the clearer control which a conductor , rather than a performing director , could have brought .
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