Example sentences of "the one word " in BNC.

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1 According to such a theory , if we , in English , call both our mother 's brother and our father 's brother by the same term — ‘ uncle ’ — it is because these two relatives are , to us , the same ‘ kind ’ of relative , and that probably the fact that we use the one word causes us to see them in that way .
2 He identified with the Barmen Declaration that : ‘ Jesus Christ is the one Word of God which we are required to hear … we repudiate the false teachings that the Church must recognize other teachings and other personalities alongside this one Word of God . ’
3 The one word which sums up our society is freedom .
4 Mr Cubbage was like a cat on hot bricks , he was most distraught at Coleen 's decision to go to England , and he bombarded her with letters and flowers ; he could not wait for her return and for her to say the one word that would make her his wife .
5 The one word which seems to be uppermost in every discussion , decision or political behind-the-scenes scheming in tennis these days , is MONEY .
6 He was convinced that , in the words of the Barmen Declaration which he with others drafted in May 1934 in opposition to the German Christians , ‘ Jesus Christ as he is attested to us in Holy Scripture is the one Word of God , which we have to hear , and which we have to trust and obey in life and in death . ’
7 ‘ The shout was the one word .
8 The one word shouted was ‘ Colt ’ .
9 He folded the paper and addressed the envelope with the one word COLT .
10 This is especially so as the local plan makes no reference whatever to the proposal to effectively change from a washed-over to an inset status , while the greenbelt local plan refers to that change only by the one word , quote proposed unquote , in parentheses on page twenty five of the deposit copy .
11 From Finn 's painted lips , which were made of fire , came the one word : ‘ Never ! ’
12 There were no hours marked round the dial , and the whole of the right-hand half was blacked out , with the one word Sleep in white upon it .
13 Portuguese uses the one word " chave " to cover all these tools , and in fact uses " chave " for " key " as well .
14 The letter was addressed to Chief Inspector Morse , St Aldate 's Central Police Station , Oxford , and in the top left-hand corner was written the one word : URGENT .
15 Maggie Smith once said about him : ‘ Kenneth taught me how to recognize the one word in a sentence which would turn it from a commonplace statement into something wildly funny . ’
16 There was only the one word , but something in the way he looked made her hesitate .
17 This time it was his turn to give the one word answer .
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