Example sentences of "the one side " in BNC.

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1 It was the failure to incorporate the catholic — nationalist remnant into the consensus of the Northern statelet which resulted in sporadic violence , institutionalized and structural on the one side and insurgent-guerilla on the other .
2 On the one side , they are all brave and honourable ; if the epic has a happy ending they surmount every obstacle ; if there is a tragic end , they succumb in an unequal fight .
3 On the one side is the developer , London & Edinburgh Trust ( LET ) and its architects , Chapman Taylor Partners .
4 The two opposing schools of thought are represented on the one side by Theodore Levitt and on the other by John Quelch and Richard Hoff .
5 The debate on overseas government expenditure in the crucial period leading up to the sterling crisis of 1947 can be characterized , in broad terms , as a battle between Dalton and Attlee on the one side , and Bevin and the service chiefs on the other .
6 On the one side are democrats , economic reformers and secessionists .
7 Two years ago few people thought he could cajole the island 's two separate tribes — sprung from Protestant planters on the one side and Catholic Gaels on the other — into meeting at all .
8 He is speaking really of two different kinds of law — the Common Law on the one side , the rules of Equity on the other — which are equally law .
9 As the quotation shows , the two types of blood were perceived as two sides of the same coin : on the one side positive male blood and on the other negative female blood .
10 On the one side , the callers : individuals who have been deluded into believing that the prime function of a national government is to look after them and who therefore itemise their personal miseries in public ( unemployed , house repossessed , eldest son unable to claim benefit , one leg ) before asking the politician : ‘ What I want to know is , what you going to do for me ? ’ — for all the world as though asking a pretty sharp question .
11 On each side of the double flight of steps on the front elevation of the Villa , a statue was erected ; on the one side Palladio and on the other , Inigo Jones ; they are there lo this day .
12 Not far away , at the top of Richmond Hill in Surrey , with a line view over the Royal Park on the one side and the valley of the River Thames — below Richmond Terrace — on the other side , charity funds provided a Home for permanently handicapped British Service men .
13 Also , in the meantime , a military revolt had taken place in the Spanish army , lead by General Franco , and it soon became clear the division of the contending sides were , on the one side , The Nationalists who were strongly supported by Italy , Germany and Portugal , and on The other side , the government forces , supported by Communist Russia , which led to that side being referred to as ‘ Republicans ’ .
14 In other words , can Beckerman or Simon on the one side , or Eckholm or Lester Brown on the other ( as examples of leading protagonists ) be proved wrong ?
15 This was clearly demonstrated in a special analysis made by OECD ( 1983 , 51 ) of trade between Yugoslavia on the one side and West Germany , Italy , and all OECD countries combined in the years 1978–81 .
16 So more programme analysis and discussion and less argument and assertion , I think , would make the whole thing less fraught on the one side .
17 On the one side of the mind is the entire world we have known since childhood , and on the other , beyond curtains like the stars is eternity .
18 There is much hypocrisy practised against homosexuals and I hope not to contribute to it , but it is not all on the one side .
19 It is important to stress that the differences between , on the one side , the personnel of the brigades , Scouts , and clubs and , on the other , the reformers , should not be exaggerated , if only because many of the latter were also active in one or more of the organizations .
20 On the one side a Conqueror riding down to Hastings : on the other , a Harold .
21 On the one side was the pain and a great big black hole into which he wanted to sink — it was so restful down there — and on the other there were the surgeon , the nurses and his wife Marlene talking to him constantly , trying to get him to react , to fight back .
22 Susy 's affectionate and gentle nature eased it on the one side , James 's common sense and recognition of Susy 's value to his life made it easier on his .
23 On the one side stood Henderson 's commitment to maintaining popular control of economic life .
24 While Hitler and Mussolini , on the one side , and Stalin on the other sent military assistance , Britain and France refused aid to the beleaguered Government in the name of ‘ non-intervention ’ , knowing that this policy favoured the rebels .
25 They were the one side he dare not lose sight of and United are off to Highbury at the weekend only four points adrift .
26 This trenchant delivery needs no elaboration from me ; it captures perfectly the chasm astride which the black kid stands : on the one side , the reasonable , more limited demands of the school which he is capable of fulfilling , and , on the other , the often unrealistic insistences of the family reinforced by discipline .
27 On the one side the appeal was to reason ; on the other , to faith and special divine revelation .
28 Some historians have argued that there was a deep theological divide within Elizabethan and early Stuart England , between so-called Anglicans on the one side and Calvinists or Puritans on the other .
29 By the 1980s the prevailing agenda had shifted yet again as Latin America , Africa and Asia came increasingly to the centre of Catholic concern with liberation theology upon the one side , inculturation upon the other .
30 Thus human beings , animals , plants , and all other genuine units in the world , on whatever scale , struggle each to exist in its own way , this , on the one side , being a matter of a certain physical individual having an inbuilt tendency to operate , so far as is possible , to preserve itself , in its distinctive form , and on the other hand , of the corresponding mind having an inbuilt tendency to preserve its particular form of experience .
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