Example sentences of "the time spent " in BNC.

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1 In How Prints Look , first published in 1943 , he wrote ‘ an elementary introduction to the appearances ( the outward and visible signs ) of prints ’ , and cautioned that : ‘ Most of the time spent over it should be given to looking at its pictures . ’
2 I know several inspectors who have refused a college scholarship , arguing that the time spent away from the force was time spent in structural limbo , and it has become almost a common adage that time away is time lost in ‘ the promotion stakes ’ .
3 There is a version of the roundhouse kick which reduces the time spent turned away from the opponent .
4 The time spent at his summer jobs — perhaps not least that spent in his uncle Lawrence 's brass foundry reinforced this view .
5 Here , unfortunately , no restaurant area is yet available to allow customers to eat what they buy where they buy it , but the time spent waiting for a takeaway sandwich will be an invaluable education in Italian food .
6 It is easy to say that the time spent considering the Matisse is time better spent than that spent considering a Gerasimov , let alone a Bouguereau .
7 Fatigue contributes to the fall-off in performance that occurs as the time spent awake ( or on duty ) increases .
8 The laboratory experiments also exclude the time spent on the actual flight itself .
9 The time spent getting to know other Berlin servicemen away from the more common disciplined environment is good for both sides , and helps to generate a good relationship between the police and the military community .
10 To Charles he was an indispensable source of wisdom and experience and he relished the time spent in his company .
11 If you do not do anything like this , but on the other hand you do walk a fair amount each day ( to the shops , to work , etc. ) record either the distance or the time spent in walking each day .
12 Just over 70% spent a considerable time each week on stock work — most of the time spent checking , feeding and moving stock .
13 A knowledge of how to set up and operate a machine could reduce the likelihood of a breakdown so minimising the time spent on repairs .
14 The activities involved in the referral or investigation ( telephone calls , home visits , office interviews , meetings with other professionals , medical examinations , legal action ) and the time spent on these activities .
15 Thus the time spent on the physical abuse referrals varied from 30 minutes to 20 hours .
16 Work at B.P. went on twenty-four hours a day , in three shifts : 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. , 4 p.m. to midnight , and midnight to 9 a.m. , and added to this was the time spent in travelling to and from our billets some twenty miles away , which usually took just over an hour .
17 They concern fine judgements about the time spent in the non-reproductive phase versus time spent in collaborative reproduction and they also concern subtle choices of companion at all times .
18 Nimue or the Lily Maid would require a model and the Princess can hardly be asked for so much of her time , though I hope she may think the time spent on ‘ Christabel before Sir Leoline ’ was not wholly wasted .
19 For example , the time spent on processing the applications and on selection itself .
20 For example , the time spent in detention for all detainees interviewed has been monitored .
21 The major area of debate concerns the balance between the time spent on learning information skills versus the time spent on learning interviewing skills .
22 The major area of debate concerns the balance between the time spent on learning information skills versus the time spent on learning interviewing skills .
23 In 1929 the work of a cub reporter on a small town daily newspaper occupied his time from early morning until often late at night , seven days a week — in other words whenever something newsworthy was happening it had to be covered , and there were no limits to the time spent or the hours required to adequately cover any given assignment .
24 We need to ask ourselves how LEA advisers should be spending their increased time in schools , bearing in mind that due to the ratio of schools to inspectors , the time spent in any one school will still not be generous .
25 The observer was asked to move through the wood of his choice at a fixed speed , dividing the time spent into units of 10 minutes each and recording for each 10-minute period all the birds seen or heard , normally within a band of 50 yards ( 46 metres ) from the observer .
26 The time spent in acquiring a skill will obviously vary for each student .
27 Sensible planning and co-operation will minimise the time spent away from the ward ; for example , sessions in the school from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. make ward teaching difficult .
28 Although the time spent teaching was said to be similar on most wards , the trained staff on a good ward devoted more time to supervision , practical demonstrations and participation in ward reporting sessions .
29 Even though caring meant postponing many of the plans Mary and Jim had for their retirement , when her father died , Mary expressed satisfaction about the time spent caring for him .
30 Yet even if there is a little textural variety in the CD as a whole , in performances as polished as these you ca n't begrudge the time spent listening to such uniformly lovely music — it just does n't take to end-to-end listening .
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