Example sentences of "the 1989 [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The 1989 deficit is estimated at $161.4bn , well above the $136bn target required under the 1987 revision and the $72bn target contained in the original legislation .
2 The exercise shaved off $4bn from the 1990 target , but it raised the 1989 deficit by an equal amount .
3 He warned against running a deficit , and termed the 1989 deficit an " outstanding contradiction " resulting from the June rebellion , the non-implementation of measures to generate income and over-spending on agriculture , education , science and technology , and disaster relief .
4 A total of 3037 of the never smokers at baseline participated in the 1989 survey .
5 The 1989 Survey revealed that many people are aware of other sources of advice and may well pursue them .
6 But Mukhamedov , thank you very much , a few months after another rapturous reception on the 1989 tour , walked into the Royal Ballet and told them he 'd quit the Bolshoi and wanted a job .
7 His reward then was to be summarily dropped from the side , missing the 1989 tour of England : it is doubtful whether the sometime mountaineer will received such shabby treatment this time .
8 From the relative positions of the 1989 fracture and the gravity high ( Figs 1 and 2 ) , it appears that the intrusion is either vertical and about 100m west of the fracture , or inclined downwards west away from the fracture .
9 We propose instead that magma exploited the 1989 fracture system which remained partly void until new magma filled it between June 1990 and June 1991 .
10 The eruptive vent for the 1991–93 activity lies just below the intersection of the 1989 fracture and the cliff wall of the Valle del Bove .
11 A south-southeast-trending gravity high follows the trend of the 1989 fracture system and is displaced 100m west .
12 Declaring that " life in India is not so cheap " , Goswami told a press conference in Delhi that the compensation was " totally inadequate " and that the government would support future review petitions filed against the 1989 settlement .
13 Like the Jan. 21 resolution , this resolution also urged Libyan co-operation with the French inquiry into the 1989 incident over Chad [ see p. 38599 ] .
14 A government-appointed commission of inquiry , headed by a British barrister , Louis Blom-Cooper , submitted a 230-page report to the Antiguan Governor General , Sir Wilfred Jacobs , on Nov. 2 , on the country 's involvement in the 1989 trans-shipment of Israeli arms to Colombian drug barons .
15 Since the 1989 Budget , the above figures have become governed by a ceiling , currently based on £75,000 earnings a year .
16 Members of an established company scheme at the time of the 1989 Budget , who remain in the same scheme — or who change schemes within the same group of associated employers — are not affected by the change .
17 Because they are provided by the employer , the maximum benefit allowed is two-thirds of final salary ; and , as from the 1989 Budget , the same rules apply as for final salary schemes .
18 In the 1989 Budget , the Chancellor brought in a new ceiling limit of £90,000 , based on earnings of £60,000 to be revalued every year in line with price increases .
19 Additionally , for the purposes of tax relief , the £75,000 ceiling on earnings ( £60,000 during 1989/90 ) applies to all new personal pensions taken out since the 1989 Budget .
20 Your lump sum derives from the extra contributions that you and perhaps also your employer have made including ( as from the 1989 Budget ) the value of dependants ' benefits .
21 The greatest amount normally permitted is one-and-a-half times your average final salary up to a ceiling of £1 12,500 ( or higher if your pension plan pre-dates the 1989 Budget ) .
22 The ceiling was first introduced in the 1989 Budget , at the then figure of £60,000 , which as the Chancellor explained would be linked annually to the retail prices index .
23 Existing members of pension schemes set up prior to the 1989 Budget or who joined established schemes before 1 June 1989 may not be affected by the rule and may be entitled to a higher tax-free lump sum .
24 In the 1989 Budget , the right to issue sterling commercial paper was extended to unlisted governments , overseas companies and certain overseas authorities ; also to banks , building societies and insurance companies .
25 The 1990 draft budget tabled in November 1989 had set total expenditure at dollars 3,899 million , compared with dollars 3,500 million in the 1989 budget , an increase of 11.4 per cent .
26 The Finance Minister , Mohamed Berrada , presented the 1989 budget to the Chamber of Representatives on Nov. 5 , 1988 .
27 Presenting the 1989 budget to the National Assembly in January 1989 , the Finance Minister , William Hupper , revealed that the public-sector deficit for 1988 had been equivalent to 27 per cent of gross national product ( GNP ) , and that inflation had risen to 50,000 per cent .
28 The 1989 budget , finally adopted by the CND on Aug. 11 , 1989 , was for a total of RF37,810,000 , including a development budget of RF14,190,000 .
29 The 1990 budget as passed by the Bundestag in December 1989 provided for a 3 per cent increase in expenditure and a federal budget deficit of DM26,900 million ( as compared with DM28,000 million as envisaged for the 1989 budget — see p. 36498 — and one of DM20,000 million actually achieved in 1989 ) .
30 The Budget and Scientific Policy Minister , Hugo Schiltz , announced on Jan. 3 , 1990 , that the 1989 budget deficit had turned out to be BF397,000 million , which was substantially lower than forecast [ see p. 36775 ] .
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