Example sentences of "the development [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Post modernism ’ will be extended to ‘ post-modernization ’ as a way of describing the development beyond ‘ modernization ’ , the characteristic objective of state intervention in the localities and region with which this book is concerned from the 1930s to the mid-1970s .
2 Thus , despite the development since the 1970s of a whole plethora of " critical " and " theoretical " approaches to literature , English studies remained ( and remains still ) radically inconceivable without those texts which authorize it as an area of English and literary study .
3 The Group will work on behalf of service and ex-service personnel whose human rights are being abused and will be involved in the development of human rights awareness in armed services training .
4 Perhaps most important is the development of a ‘ Mothers ’ Front ’ to campaign for investigations into the mass ‘ disappearances ’ .
5 Even if historians are specifically interested in form , it is likely to be the history of forms , or the development of styles which will have attracted their attention .
6 Some authorities might argue for a shorter span , giving Baudelaire a title as father of modern art criticism or Wölflinn the key part in the development of art history .
7 Mao added : ‘ To study the development of this old culture , to reject its feudal dross and assimilate its democratic essence , is a necessary condition of our new national culture . ’
8 Terry Friedman 's book contains fourteen chapters , which chart the development of the work and its public reception — a stormy one .
9 The most common sort of mixed exhibition is the exhibiting society , whose history is entwined with the development of art in Europe since the eighteenth century .
10 I have n't yet mentioned the development of the Theatre of the Absurd , which has been a strong force in European drama since Alfred Jarry 's Ubu Roi was first performed in 1896 .
11 Of course , with the development of international monopoly capital and multinational companies , additional sources of power have been brought into play .
12 Within this statement , which is rhetorical for some but deadly serious for others within the GAA , lies precisely the reason why the protestants of the North are so opposed to the development of Gaelic games and seek to oppose their extension if and when they can .
13 In his analysis of the popular culture which appeared among the promoters of the Pro-Life Campaign , set up to achieve a constitutional ban on abortion in the Republic in 1983 , O'Carroll pin-points certain characteristics , which can be abbreviated here : a monolithic and absolute view of the world , with its accompanying intolerance , derived in part from the direct consultation of clerics and politicians on public moral issues and the subsequent failure to develop an ethos of public debate ; a localized belief system , rooted in family and communal authority and issuing in a spirit of absolute conformity ; sexual prudery , a product partly of the inheritance problem ; and the development of acute anxiety when such beliefs — inhering partly as they do in their practice and shaping of society — are threatened .
14 The implementation of liberty can stretch to keeping places of recreation closed on Sundays , upholding the rights of preachers to speak in public places even if it causes an affray , and opposing the development of catholic schools because their teachers do not communicate the Bible without priestly mediation .
15 The principle took on particular importance in the light of the development of totalitarian communism , and the Roman church saw the threat to be endemic in the growth of the modern state apparatus , including its welfare institutions .
16 The growth of the catholic social movements and activity of Roman catholics in trade unions and politics was rooted in this dramatic revival , which gave rise to Catholic Action and the development of catholic social studies groups around the world .
18 This falls in with Gramsci 's understanding of the stages of the development of catholic monopoly .
19 There are two things fatal to the development of any artist , Leiris said , one is success and the other is failure .
20 Consistent with conversationist bodies , however , we are appalled by much of the development of our pub heritage carried out during the 1950s and '60s .
21 Though it might be fanciful to assert that this passage heralds the arrival of Hercule Poirot on the literary scene , it is clear that the Digression prepares the way for the development of the whodunnit form , and particularly of the private detective , ‘ the righteous unraveller ’ , whose task it will be to solve the murder .
22 Parallel to the highly-publicised excesses of punk was an equally important but historically invisible development , the growth of black popular culture , particularly the development of soul music .
23 This historic forum will look at the development of Black-African , Caribbean , Asian — involvement in factual television , particularly in the last ten years , the era of Channel 4 and the specialist BBC Units .
24 Bill was also responsible for winning TWI the BSB ‘ Sports Channel ’ production contract , overseeing the development of the production team and Sports Channel output .
25 The arguments for the development of the media industries of regional cities has always had both economic and cultural aspects .
26 The festival will be screening PARADISE CIRCUS , Heather Powell 's film about the development of Birmingham 's city centre from the viewpoint of the women who live and work in the city .
27 Experts were divided on the cause , with some blaming the hordes of pollen beetles that descended from fields of oil seed rape on to garden crops , other believing the hot , dry weather caused a change in the development of the reproductive system of the plants .
28 The wave of interest in the rediscovery of Celtic music is particularly important , and not merely because of the Celtic-Scottish influence on Leonard 's family ( an aspect that the Montreal Gazette highlighted regarding Lyon Cohen 's Gaelic accent recently ) and American eclecticism — often little more than a slavish following of European forms — which found itself in the development of ‘ pop ’ music , notably of ragtime around 1900 and jazz around 1918 .
29 ( An interesting confluence also took place between the development of classical music , which by now had moved away from tonality by vastly enlarging its range , and the coloured musicians ' microtonality . )
30 Berkeley 's theory gave rise to the development of modern externalist theories of mental content .
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